Uthman, Prophet Muhammads third disciple burns the other books of - TopicsExpress


Uthman, Prophet Muhammads third disciple burns the other books of QURAN? The Noble Quran was revealed in one language and that is Arabic. It has only one original Arabic copy. Arabic 1400 years ago had 7 dialects. There exists today one original copy of the Noble in Saudi Arabia today. A copy of this original copy also exists in Turkey today as well. When the Noble Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, it was revealed in Arabic, and in the Quraishi dialect. The Quraishi dialect is the most proper Arabic dialect that properly uses the Arabic words without altering their sound. The Quraishi dialect was the most popular dialect in the Middle East at that time, and is today the dialect used among Arabs who speak Proper Arabic. The dialect that books teach at schools is also a Quraishi dialect today. Back in the Middle East 1400 years ago, the Quraishi dialect was not the only one used among Arabs. There existed 6 other dialects along with it, but as I said, it was the most popular. It is very important in the Islamic faith that when we recite the Noble Quran, we recite it in the Quraishi dialect or what we call today in the proper Arabic. We cant pronounce for instance th as sa or za. We cant pronounce la as laman. We cant pronounce ja and ga, etc... There are no variances or missing parts in the Noble Quran. These are all false and baseless assumptions by some anti-Islamics. The Arabic dialects had problems with each others, and thats why standardizing the Noble Quran with its original Quraishi dialect was essential to keeping it as a perfect Holy Book: For instance, take the letter j. Did you know that some Arabs dont pronounce the j? They always pronounce it as g or ga. Take the as another example. Some Arabs also dont pronounce the. They pronounce it as za. Another example, and this is an important one in my opinion, is that some Arabs used to have a dialect which originated from Yemen, where they would add an at the end of a noun. Take for instance the popular word of today Taliban, as in the Taliban in Afghanistan. Taliban is the same as the Arabic word Talib which means Student. The Afghans today used the old Arabic dialect from Yemen which dates even older than 1400 years ago when the Noble Quran was revealed. Back then in Yemen, as I said, they used to add the word an for nouns. So if they for instance wanted to refer to a stone sakhr (in Arabic), then they would refer to it as sakhran, even though it would be written in Arabic as sakhr. In Islam, properly reciting the Words of Allah Almighty is the way it must be practiced. Otherwise, it would be considered a sin and disrespect toward Allah Almighty and the individual would be disobeying Allah Almighty and would gain bad deeds that will count against him in the Day of Judgment if he did it intentionally. The preservation of the Noble Quran during Muhammads time: When Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him received the Noble Qurans Revelations in a 10-years span, he had everything documented on paper and saved with his close disciples and immediate family. He also had the entire Noble Quran memorized along with many of his followers. The Noble Quran during the times of our beloved Prophet peace be upon him was carefully preserved and protected from mans corruption. It was documented on paper and it was entirely memorized by many. When Uthman, the third Caliph in Islam, compiled the Noble Quran, he did not determine the numerical order of the Noble Chapters and the Noble Verses. The entire Noble Quran as I said was already documented and memorized. Chapters from the Noble Quran were recited by our Prophet peace be upon him at least 5 times a day during the Muslims five-daily prayers. Also, the Noble Quran was all recited during the month of Ramadan, as it is still done today. There are other daily and weekly religious occasions, festivals and holidays where the Noble Quran back then and still today was recited either partially or wholly. The Muslims who perfected the memorization of the Noble Quran back then continuously refreshed their memories through teaching others: Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam. So, it is beyond the shadow of the doubt that the numbering and the order of the Noble Chapters and Verses was already determined by our Prophet peace be upon him through the inspiration and guidance of Allah Almighty, and not by anyone else. Historically, almost every Muslim scholar had the entire Noble Quran memorized by heart. If you live among Muslims or know well how the Muslims deal with the Noble Quran, then you would know that tampering with the Noble Quran is impossible among the Muslims. If someone recites the Noble Quran to the public (in the Mosque for instance) and makes a mistake, then he would find many who would correct him because they would have the entire Noble Quran memorized by heart. The memorization of the entire Noble Quran is something sacred in Islam. It helped the Noble Quran remain error-free from mans false documentation. Today in the Middle East they have programs and rewards for those who have the entire Noble Quran memorized. I once saw on TV a biography about a 4-years old little boy in Iran who had the entire Noble Quran memorized! He received a big reward and was enlisted in the gifted kids program. We must know that according to Islam Allah Almighty Himself is protecting the Noble Quran until the Day of Judgment from mans corruption: We [Allah] have, without doubt, sent down the Message [The Noble Quran]; and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption). (The Noble Quran, 15:9) Quran Preservation On the subject of preservation of the Quran, you can put up all the books and narrations and traditions that you want, but can you produce (now) two varying versions or copies of the Quran? If you have the money, I suggest that you pay Turkey and Egypt a visit, go to museums and (in Turkey) see the original Quran copy that was collected by the third Caliph Othman ben Affan. Another point that you need to understand about books written by men (muslims and non-muslims), they do not represent laws or canons in Islam. Such sayings or writings represent the opinions of their authors, and in Islams history (till this very day) there were, and still are, many secular muslims (athiests and communists) who try to discredit Islam or any other religion by writing what I call garbage and twisted lies in support of their theories. Another major fact that needs to be taken into account is that since the dawn of Islam, history has recorded many attempts by non-muslims or hypocrites (who pretended to be muslims but where adverse enemies of Islam in reality) who made it their duty to slice Islam into smaller sects and to cast doubts about it. A good example is Abdulla Ben Sabaa. Some muslims writers were also influenced by what is called Israeliyat (traditions and stories of Israelites) and they mixed those traditions with their writings. The issue of the preservation of the Quran or the bible can be checked very simply even now. A book that was preserved would have: 1. One original copy ONLY in the original language dating to the time of the respective prophet or very close to his time. 2. The original manuscripts should not contain any variances or contradictory accounts of the same events. 3. All verses in such manuscripts or books should be accepted by the followers of the respective religion. 4. The book should not contain any errors pertaining to any subject in light of the used language, the traditions of the people of the time or the fulfillment of any prophecies in such books. 5. Most importantly, the book should not produce any doctrines that contradict its own contents. 6. The book should include the message of God only as conveyed by the respective prophets and not doctrines or teachings of humans who are supposed to be followers of the prophets. 7. A divine book revealed by God will glorify and call for the worship of God Almighty in simple and straight forward verses that do not require an IBM super computer to decipher. A divine book would not call for the worship of humans, idols or symbols in any form. 8. A divine book from God cannot represent God [forbid] as a racist or blood thirsty god! Im sure that you agree that Gods love and mercy are for all who worhsip him alone and obey his commands. After the death of our beloved Prophet peace be upon him: When Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him died, Islam was still small geographically. The Muslims mostly existed in the two cities of Mecca and Madina. Comparing those two cities size to the Middle East regions size, they would not even be 0.0001% in comparison. After the death of our beloved Prophet, Islam started to expand in the Middle East region. Not only the People of the entire region didnt have the same dialect, but also they had different languages. The languages that were spoken in the region at that time were Arabic (with its 7 dialects), Persian, Assyrian, Hebrew and some Greek. All of these languages are quite different from each others. You would need a translator to translate almost 100% of the conversation if you were to pick two languages and have two people converse with them, each person with one language. As the Muslims expanded through the entire region, which is thousands of squared miles in area, the Noble Quran was documented at different places with sometimes different languages and Arabic dialects as well. Islam mostly spread throughout the region during the first two Caliphs (our Prophets disciples); may Allah Almighty be pleased with them, Abu-Baker Al-Siddeeq, and Omar bin Al-Khattab. They were mostly concerned with spreading Islam to the people of the entire region and never had the time, nor the rulership (since Islam wasnt quite spread throughout the entire region until toward the end of the second disciples time) to unify the Noble Quran or the teaching of the Noble Quran with one dialect in recitation and spelling. When Uthman bin Aaffan (the third disciple) came, Islam was pretty stable in the region, and he had rulership to implement the Quraishi dialect among all the Arabic speaking people in the entire region, and to teach them the Noble Quran through that dialect only. Important Note: If the Noble Quran is recited in a different dialect than the Quraishi one, and if one tries to write down what he is reciting, he could and would end up with different words in spelling and in some cases in meaning as well than the original copy of the Noble Quran. When Uthman got hold of all of the Qurans that were written in different dialects, and in some cases were altered to sound exactly like the other dialects, he ordered for them to get burnt because they did not use the proper Arabic that was revealed unto our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and in some cases their words were different because of this dialect difference. He then compiled all of the Noble Surahs (Chapters) of the Noble Quran that were already written during the time of Prophet Muhammad in the city of Madina and formed what we call today the one true copy of the Noble Quran. Important Note: As I mentioned above, when Uthman, the third Caliph in Islam, compiled the Noble Quran, he did not determine the numerical order of the Noble Chapters and the Noble Verses. The entire Noble Quran as I said was already documented and memorized. Chapters from the Noble Quran were recited by our Prophet peace be upon him at least 5 times a day during the Muslims five-daily prayers. Also, the Noble Quran was all recited during the month of Ramadan, as it is still done today. There are other daily and weekly religious occasions, festivals and holidays where the Noble Quran back then and still today was recited either partially or wholly. The Muslims who perfected the memorization of the Noble Quran back then continuously refreshed their memories through teaching others: Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam. So, it is beyond the shadow of the doubt that the numbering and the order of the Noble Chapters and Verses was already determined by our Prophet peace be upon him through the inspiration and guidance of Allah Almighty, and not by anyone else. Ever since then and till today, the Arabic Noble Quran is taught with one Arabic dialect, and that is the Quraishi dialect. Also, the proper Arabic language as I mentioned above that is taught in schools and books today is also in the Quraishi dialect. In the Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad) that you presented, notice that our beloved Prophet was present. So this means that he had the opportunity to fix any problem or error with recitation or memorization of the Noble Quran by his followers that wouldve occurred. There are no variances or missing parts in the Noble Quran. These are all false and baseless assumptions from some anti-Islamics. The situation in the Hadiths above was not a corruption as it might appear to you. It is a problem with dialects. For instance, take the letter j. Did you know that some Arabs dont pronounce the j? They always pronounce it as g or ga. Take the as another example. Some Arabs also dont pronounce the. They pronounce it as za. Another example, and this is an important one in my opinion, is that some Arabs used to have a dialect which originated from Yemen, where they would add an at the end of a noun. Take for instance the popular word of today Taliban, as in the Taliban in Afghanistan. Taliban is the same as the Arabic word Talib which means Student. The Afghans today used the old Arabic dialect from Yemen which dates even older than 1400 years ago when the Noble Quran was revealed. Back then in Yemen, as I said, they used to add the word an for nouns. So if they for instance wanted to refer to a stone sakhr (in Arabic), then they would refer to it as sakhran, even though it would be written in Arabic as sakhr. The point is that there were 7 different dialects. The Noble Quran was originally recited with the Quraishi dialect, which is the dialect that our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him spoke. The other dialects were later prohibited by our Prophets disciple Uthman to keep the recitation of the Noble Quran consistent. The words were the SAME. But the pronunciation and the reading of them was different for the reasons I explained above and several others, such as the punctuations in Arabic. When Uthman, the third Caliph in Islam, compiled the Noble Quran, he did not determine the numerical order of the Noble Chapters and the Noble Verses. The entire Noble Quran as I said was already documented and memorized. Chapters from the Noble Quran were recited by our Prophet peace be upon him at least 5 times a day during the Muslims five-daily prayers. Also, the Noble Quran was all recited during the month of Ramadan, as it is still done today. There are other daily and weekly religious occasions, festivals and holidays where the Noble Quran back then and still today was recited either partially or wholly. The Muslims who perfected the memorization of the Noble Quran back then continuously refreshed their memories through teaching others: Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam. So, it is beyond the shadow of the doubt that the numbering and the order of the Noble Chapters and Verses was already determined by our Prophet peace be upon him through the inspiration and guidance of Allah Almighty, and not by anyone else. Conclusion: The Noble Quran today is One True Perfect Divine Holy Book. It survived mans alterations and corruptions. The Noble Quran was all documented on the spot during Prophet Muhammads times. The Noble Qurans numerical ordering of the Noble Verses and Chapters were also determined Prophet Muhammad through the inspirations of Allah Almighty. The Noble Quran was memorized and recited over and over again through the Muslims five-daily prayers, the Holy Month of Ramadan, and other events and occasions where Muslims who perfected the memorization of the Noble Quran continuously refreshed their memories through teaching others. So, it is beyond the shadow of the doubt that the numbering and the order of the Noble Chapters and Verses was already determined by our Prophet peace be upon him through the inspiration and guidance of Allah Almighty, and not by anyone else. Recommendation: Please visit the below site for more information and references. I highly recommend them, because they are rich in contents and they contain references from authentic Islamic resources to all of their claims and points. islamic-awareness.org/Quran/Text/ - Elaborates on the Noble Quran during Uthman, and how the Muslims got rid of the other books. They also respond directly to Answering Islams questions and claims.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 07:00:45 +0000

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