V. 15b-16 A HEAVENLY PROVISION The widow obeyed God and God - TopicsExpress


V. 15b-16 A HEAVENLY PROVISION The widow obeyed God and God honored His promise. • God told Elijah they would be fed and they were. • God was as good as His Word in this situation • He will be as good as His Word in your situation as well. Can you imagine the fear that must have been in her heart as she approached that meal barrel and that little bottle of oil? • Did she wonder as she went for the food in the barrel? • Yet, when she reached into the barrel, there was meal there! • When she tipped that little jug over, more oil poured out. For the next three years, every time she used all the meal and the oil, there was plenty the next time she needed some. • Church, this was a great miracle. • I don’t know how God did it, but He did. • She would take some out, He would put more in. • They never missed a meal. • While others around them starved to death because of the famine, they had food to eat until the rains came. • God took care of them during a hopeless situation. There are a couple of quick thoughts I want to share before we finish today. Serving God from and empty barrel does more to fill my barrel than trying to fill it myself. • In other words, if I will forget about what I think I need and leave my care in the capable hands of God • He will take care of me. • If I spend all my time trying to solve my problems, I will only make my problems worse. • My duty is to faithfully serve Him and rest in the assurance that He will do what is right, all the time! My two sticks, my meal and my oil will accomplish very little, but God can do wonders with what I leave in His care. • Widow planned/use two sticks/cook a final meal/her family. • She was planning to die. • In the end, she used those two sticks to feed God’s prophet. She took those two sticks and placed them in the hand of God and He didn’t just supply one meal, He supplied thousands of meals. Three people eating three meals per day would translate to over 3,200 meals in three years’ time! • What a miracle of multiplication.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 18:53:59 +0000

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