VERY GOOD MORNING MIEI CARI AMICI / AS FACEBOOK, BUON GIORNO DEL SIGNORE SUORE MISSIONARIE DI CRISTO LE RAGAZZE SPECIALI, CASA DI PERSONALE E VOLONTARIATO, Ci prepariamo per una vita questi quattro settimana di Avvento, un modo molto speciale COME QUESTO ANNO DELLA FEDE È STATO UN ANNO DI VOI, UN ANNO COME CONSAGRDA, HA FATTO SENTIRE quanto sia importante ALTRI effettuare transazioni AMORE DE JESUS, e quanto importante è la famiglia cristiana. Uniti nella preghiera ci prepariamo queste quattro settimane al fine di continuare a crescere AVVENTO IN VOI. DVENT - 1 ( A) (Is 2:1-5 ) Come , let us go up to the mountain of the Lord. He may teach us his ways. ( Rom 13:11-14 ) Its time to smarten up . (Mt 24.37-42 ) Stand . Awake . You can come at any moment . At that time Jesus said to his disciples : - What happened in Noahs time , will happen when the Son of Man comes . Before the flood , people were eating and drinking and marrying , until the day that Noah entered the ark , and when least expected , the flood came and took them all away , so will the Son of Man comes . Two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left , two women grinding Taran is : a one will be taken and the other left . Stay awake , for you know what day your Lord cometh . Understand that if the homeowner knew what time of night the thief was coming , he would have watched and would not open a gap at home. So you also must be prepared , for at an hour you do not expect is the Son of Man. ****** What are you waiting for God ? The God of Jesus is unique and is always hidden . False gods are thousands and are constantly making winks. Today , we begin a new liturgical year. The Advent season is characterized by its complicated structure . On the one hand we remember the very long time preceding the advent coming Messiah. This is the reason we find in the OT many beautiful texts on the subject. It was a time of successive expectations because of never ending promises fulfilled. Those expectations were clearly wrong , because they assumed a direct , external and timely intervention of God on behalf of a people. All readings are OT in this regard and can mislead . Moreover, we have the historical appearance of Jesus. Although we know neither the day nor the year of his birth , this is the essential point of departure for understanding our expectations as Christians. Jesus did the Reign of God in him, through his human career . The first and indispensable reference for us , is his earthly life, so the liturgical year begins taking care of his birth. Concern for the historical Jesus that has awakened in our time so hard , is the starting point for all we can say theologically Jesus. Jesus did not only present the Kingdom , but it made a proposal to all people of all nations, all cultures, all religions. This is a final offer of salvation for man . He wanted to indicate to all human beings , the path of true salvation . Celebrate Advent today would be aware of this proposal for salvation and make it happen. The possibility of human fulfillment , it had to be our real concern. Ebeling said the most real of reality is not reality itself , but its possibilities. Jesus , living it up a human life, locked deployed all possibilities in every human being and suggested that same goal for all . There is another aspect of Advent is necessary to be clear . Finding, century after century in the history of Israel, that expectations were not met , it was delaying the time of execution , until it reached a place in the end times . Thus arose eschatology , a literary genre that tells us very little today. It is surprising that even the coming of Jesus was considered definitive for Christians. It is the best proof that the salvation he proposed unconvincing . So Christians felt the need to invent a second coming would bring salvation yes we all expect . Harmonize these perspectives is very difficult for us today. The time before Jesus , the earthly life of Jesus , our own historical reality and hypothetical eschatological future can lead us to a dispersion becomes a hodgepodge Advent stopping you focus well its conclusion. I think the most urgent for us today , we focus on making our message of Jesus and live that possibility correctly he lived and proposed . From his life, we try to make sense of our own. Isaiahs vision is far from reality . It is the utopia that can stand firm in a reality that is still bleeding . Reality must not eliminate hope for a more humane world. We must hold to the utopia that another world is possible. The hope is based on God can not leave us or withdraw the offer of that fullness we crave. That hope , to which we invite the readings, is not future but present . Perceive as the future , because we have not done our all the possibilities available to us . Paul keeps telling us that it is high time to smarten up , but we portándonos like real fools . We walked in a mistaken direction ¬ each . Warnings that makes Paul to the Romans, are the same we should do today: nothing and drinking binges , unbridled lust and ¬ , fights and brawls . Excessive care of our body , promote evil desires. The hedonism seeks immediate pleasure , will eventually destroy our true self. The Gospel invites us to be vigilant . Being awake is the minimum condition for developing our humanity. I think were wide awake to all earthly and material. This preoccupation with the material, which is the written called being asleep . Today we begin the Advent preparation for Christmas , but the department stores, and all the media nearly a month ago have begun their preparation . Less than 15% of our society few minutes every Sunday hear the announcement that Jesus is born , compared to many hours that will support the consumerist propaganda. Will it be enough to counteract its devastating effect ? Growing up in the truly human part of our being , requires effort and improvement . Alagar instinctive part is much easier than spur spirit. The Roman emperors offered bread and circuses for the masses not to demand more. Today s deal is soccer and tranquilizer TV. Our religion , forgetting the gospel , has also fallen into the trap of a wealthy salvation to the desires of the majority, giving the man the elimination of pain , sin death. As it is impossible here and now, because they are inherent in our nature , is designed for salvation beyond. God wants wholeness for all, here and now, while we are still human . Advent is not only preparation for worthily celebrating an event that occurred more than twenty centuries ago. Advent should be a time of deep reflection , to take me to see more clearly the meaning that I give my whole existence . There are no more favorable than other times to address a specific topic. I who have to limit the time I spend on the issues that interest me . And what I was most interested in , as we warned the liturgy , is my true self , not my false self . God is coming at all times, but only he who is truly awake will notice that presence. If I do not find that presence, my life may pass without hearing about the greatest wealth that is within my reach . God does not have to come at any time or anywhere, because it is the basis and foundation of my being and when separated from me a moment , I would be nothing. What we call God is in me as the foundation although I did discover his presence. But as a human being , my highest possibility of fulfillment is precisely to discover and consciously live that reality. God is in everything , but only man can be aware of that presence. Do I have to wait for better times to perform my human project. If I have to wait for God to change something or change others to find my salvation, I have discovered who I am and what God is . The salvation that Jesus proposed , is not conditioned by external circumstances. Even in the most adverse situations, it is always within reach. Any time that I can make my own salvation. In any moment of my life I can find fulfillment. If I am not able to find my salvation in this situation I am today , not ever be able to discover it. The error that hosts us , that salvation is expected to come out in the near future , God has no future and is always coming and from within. Here may be the key to changing our mentality. But we prefer to keep thinking about the almighty God who acts on a whim and without. That way there is no way to make ours the Kingdom of God is already within us. Today s Gospel warns us if the meeting does not occur is because we are still asleep. Meditation - contemplation Realize the moment in which you live . It is awakening, to become aware of the possibilities. I am a human being , not simple biology. My goal , my fulfillment is beyond materiality. ............... They ate, they drank, they married ... What s wrong with them? The only bad thing is to put the aim of your life in rioting and drunkenness . You do not even need to hurt others to prevent correctly. The fault is in live entangled in the things of this world. .................. Let us walk in the light of the Lord! Even from the darkness , we can see the light . Death is the night while headed toward which I live. On the contrary, since the night we headed down to the day. ................. Hermanas Misioneras de Cristo
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 06:18:16 +0000

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