VERY SPECIAL: AN ENCOURAGING LETTER: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! What makes Our Father God Lord Jesus Christ truly SHINE!! From all the Gods thats out there..What truly attracts us to Him and Why do you believe in Him..One is the suffering and the tragic that he faced, the Murder of Jesus Christ and the second I look at is the Cross, the resurrenction of Life and death which from where we were headed to die, We are given a chance to live for him and to live in Heaven with out Precious Savior..There is so much War against the Christian that you can see in this world..Either you are living For Christ or you are against his will..I dont know which side you are on but For me, I know where my heart is going and who I belong too..When I think about Jesus Christ, our Messiah, What I see in him is that he is the Leader, our Sheperd but the greatest Teacher who ever lived walking on this earth like 2000 years ago..but Even now through his good book, I know that we can learn so much from his teachings to be the BEST servents he can create,How many of you guys wants to be a (SAEM Yoo) No one wants to raise your hand and will say I wants to be a (Saem Yoo) Those type of people are known as losers, not wanting and I call that Fake people who are wearing masks hiding cuz they dont want to show you the real and true side of him or her..The best advice I can tell you is for anyone of the believers to be the BEST learners and later on to Teach others..You MUST look into Gods words more often..You have to be in soaked with his words and put it in your hearts and show it through your actions meaning to Live and Walk with Jesus Christ..When you look at Jesus Disciples in the begining of the time..They were known as nobody, (SAEM YOOS) you see that all of his disciples walked with Jesus till the end, From the Life and till the death took its place..After the resurrection you see that Jesus stayed with his Disciples for 40days and his disciples saw Jesus lifted up to the heaven..Witnessing and learning through a great teacher..From a (Saem Yoo) lifestlye, they all had the fired and the passion for Jesus Christ and took off with poweful fuel to reach out and to teach those who did not know him..AS I begin to study more, my eyes begins to open up a little more and my heart has this blazing fire inside of me because I see the truth by reading the True Scriptures..I cant make not make anyoone read and Why do you think that I take up all my time to share with you the books I am learning from my earthly teacher..Because I want to share with all my fams. that not only for myself to grow in Christ but if you give me a chance to share, and you have a little time to read what I share..I am Glorifying Jesus Christ who has died for my sins and even for your sins..I am doing this so that you see my heart as the writer for Jesus Christ..Everything that Jesus Christ teaches..have you notice that it is not the big things he is showing but it is the smallest thing that seems easy to do but so hard to do in the end..That is where the power of his love of us comes from is the teachings as well..He is not giving you a 1million dollars to follow him, but he is reaching into your soul that needs to be fed, that the living water needs to go through your veins to keep you alive inside of feeling empty..You can live your life walking like a zombie..They are walking but they are not alive..That is how I look at the worldly people in this world, they are truly missing the salvation that is given free but we cannot do anything unless you know Gods words by heart, not memorizing the versus but it needs to reach deep into your heart, it needs to soak in your minds and just bust out when the time is rite..Look at how our Heavenly Father God Lord Jesus Christ walked with confidence, he was Faithful to Father God in Heaven, And when you Glorify Him, your instruments that he gives you will be so powerful when your heart and soul is connected with the Heavenly Father God..Jesus was the biggest celebratity, he attracted many different kinds of people all over the place..He even had many haters who wanted to kill him and ruin his reputation..He taught and healed many souls, but in the End, Jesus WOn the battle Victoriesly cuz he overcame Sins..You know his passions and it is to love his people so he did everything he could so that we may believe in his name..Father God Lord Jesus Christ is the Greatest teacher that if we walk with Christ..You can also be in healthy realitonships, You will attract many people and will SHNE being the Light of the WOrld..I am now going to write this letter to our dear Lord Heavenly Father Lord Jesus Christ..Father God, You also know my heart, you know my passions is to share my FAITH in You..I have writtten so many things out to reach as my hearts I can through what you gave me..This is the only useful tool that I can use at this point but it is not the tools but it is my Heart you can see me..I look at the Cross and I do thank you for reminding me what you have done in my life but also I writing on the behalf of my lovely Family of Body of Christ..AS the time keeps on turning on me, AS the time wont stop and how you are revealing me so much through the truth in the good book, I am also thankful for the freedom that I get living in this united states of america..Most times we attend to forget and take things for granted and we are never grateful cuz of being too spoil by you Father God..When I think about you and the Cross, sometimes I wonder why did you die for me..I dont why you had to set me free when I am always going against you..Like I had a Master who is the Devil, I was a slave to him and I was working for him..You came to him and worked out a deal, I was a ransom which you told the devil that you would buy me out of the slavery and the my chains came off, I saw you walking the other way and told me to go but my heart was so touched that I followed you..This is how it feels for me because I was a slave to all of my sins and I was the one to take up the cross and had to die for my own sins..When I understood this, and saw your heart and your love for me..I just wanted to change my life from a cateripillar, to a caccon, into a butterfly so that I can fly freely to you..What you have done in my life, in me and through me is so hard to explain..Many people knows that I did not come from the church but was in the streets living like an Orphan..Most nights you here people running and gunshots..this is where I came from but Now I am here Father God Lord Jesus Christ, and I am sharing my Faith that I have in You..This is something that I never thought that I would see in my life but you have touched me to always write and this is the only way I can pay my debts of making you smile..It is the little things that caught my attention about what you were doing in my life..You also gave me a special teacher who i study with and it may not be anything to you Father God but to me, it is a life changing experiencing on me..and Trying to encourage many of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that you gave me the heart to GO On without stopping on you..I love you for Never giving up on me..And I love you For always reminding me that the Cross is there still standing in front of my eyes always thinking about what you have done in all of our lives..In the Name of Jesus Christ I write and Share...thankx for listening DJ..> VERY SPECIAL: AN ENCOURAGING LETTER: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! When I look at the people who has the heart of a Servent, those who are seving others and even reaching by encouraging others people like me..How do you think that our Father Lord God Jesus Christ feels for those who are also teaching his children through the Faith and their walk.. I see something very special and precious in these two peoples lives who are encouraging me and making an affect or impact in the community, If I can share a story of a couple, Aquila and his wife Priscilla were like a missionary who were also close to Apostle Paul, It does not say too much of the couple but there is a part that a man named Apollos came to Ephesus, A great preacher and a speaker for God, a Servent of God most High and was proclaiming in a church, The couple, Aquila and Priscilla was there listeing what this man had to say but only he knew about the Repentence part, Only what John the Baptist was preaching, The couple came to this man named Apollos after he was finished and they begin to teach this man the whole truth about our Lord Jesus Christ..After the Repentence, there is a turning point which now you must walk..To Walk By Faith..Each time I look at the couple who are serving in the Cornerstone Ministry for the Homeless, I am always touched and something in my heart imprints a mark that I wants to encourage the couple who are serving so diligently..Lina and Mike, I truly wants to write you a letter so that you may be encouraged by a brother like myself..I hope that this can truly make you smile..Every Second saturday on each month, When you look at the five days of work and you have a lack of sleep, you truly wants to sleep on Saturday a little more longer but the time in the kitchen starts at 8.00am and it ends at 9.30 to 9.45pm. After helping out in the kitchen I gots to hit to the next ministry which is the Prison that I go too..The thing that always catches my heart is the couple who are non-stop working, Mike is like a Bull, Very strong and I see sweats rolling down on his face, Like a Bull pulling on a house, When I open up my eyes in the morning, I just hate getting up and I would look at the time on the watch..I am running Late and get dressed and drive..I am tired cuz of lack of sleep durning the week days of working too much, But I think about Mike, The Bull who is strong, He is older than me and even has a family, this brother works cuz he has a job making money..I am a person who is not married, single life and has a lot of time to give..Each time I walk in the door, I look at the couple and ever since like few months till now, I have seen the faces of the couple still working for Lord God diligintly, Lina too I see that she sweats but I see that she is on fire for Lord God and kepts on telling us what this is for and that for..She is like a leader for the Cornerstone homeless feeding..I see many people comes and many people goes, I see some people comes and some other days they do not come, even for myself I come most of the time but missed twice ever since the commitment that I made to Lord our God..I do not wish to quits cuz I know I am a Servent of Most High God..Now, this is my dedication to Lina and Mike who gave me the Inspirition to Write..All I want to tell you is that I do thank You for being a Great leader and a Romodel to Me..When I even look at your daughter, I see that even herself is serving with you on the sideline, I see what a great family Lord God is raising up in our Church today..For Lina, AS a mother of your child and also I know that you work, House church that you even are being involved in as well..A woman of God who never quits or gives up, so commitmented to the Work that Lord God has given you, I am very impressed and I am inspired of the Heart you have for the Father..Also, I am so grateful and thankful to work with you as a servent also..I know that there are times when people needs to be encouraged, Even tho this is not being based on your performation but for the Love of Lord God, People truly needs the words to bring out the fire inside your heart and Soul so that you wont stop but keep on going further..The thing that gets to my heart about you is that, Everytime I come to the kitchen time in the morning, I know that there is going to be a couple there who never leaves out, when we look at the attendance, you are always there to be count on, That I can Trust you being real for what you believe is what I truly mean..Like how you can see me writing all the time and you can see the heart of the Brother, We have something that is common and it is the Love for Christ and we never Back down is what I am so encouraged by you.. I have never seen you skipped out, I have seen the serious side when it is time to work for him and also i do see you smile that everything is All Right in your life..Lord God is rasing up a strong Soldier I believe and he will use you in a mighty ways, Lina, I know that it is probably your idea to bring out your daughter and it also trains her, and teaches her, the Heart of the Mother for Christ, Maybe you are not going to see it right now, but when you think about the future that your daughter will see, She will see something special in You..FOr Brother Bull Mike, I do see that you do all things in the kitchen and also I know that you go out to the feeding place where there is homeless people there and you serve from your heart..I even know that your wife Lina also go with you too and it is amazing how a family goes together and grow spiritually together as you all witness to the truth of the unpleasant things that you see..but also you see how Lord God is blessing you through this ministry cuz your faith is involved, Your heart is being involved and your love for Christ is known to otehrs when you are faithfully serving In and Out..Mike, As a younger brother in Christ, I would like to tahnk you for being the Man that you are, Also leading your family like how Christ leads his church,(the Bride) If more people get plugged in, there will be a Good news that they see just by being a witness to all these things, I am a witness to a Couple, A man and a Woman who serves from the Heart, Mike as the leader for his family is the Head of his church, his Home that he brings them out to these things, I am inspired cuz I do not see too many that goes out and delivers the messages but I see in the kitchen of our oww CHruch, We do have people with fires who wants to be leaders, and servents for our Father Lord God and How they always show up, If It is so hard for me to get up on saturday mornings, It is not just me that feels this way, It is not only me who wants to just stay home and chill but many of us are in the same boat but we know that if there is a duty of Calling to do in the fathers name, We will pursue Gods own heart through the actions that is involve in our lives..I believe that Many goes out to the HOmeless feeding ministry, but also I believe, in this church Home, Lord God called me to do Prison ministry on my part..Lina, and Mike, You that Lord God loves you, I know that you are very strong people, who has Heart, Passion, and even commtiment to the Lord Gods word, ALso, I hope that you guys are strong Spiritually as Well, cuz that is the fundation where every thing starts, When the soil is not firm, the ground, when you building up a house, when the ground is weak, Your Spritiual level of Faith in Christ, You will eventual fall..You know me as a brother who is sharing through the Holy Bible, So I am always focused in the Lord when I type..That is how important it is to be closer to Lord God first cuz he is our Father..I hope that this message can truly encourage you and make you smile..In the name of our Lord God Jesus Christ I share and write..Thanks for listening Dj,,> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! When you read in the Holy Scripture and you see that our Father Lord God uses his people, his children who comes to him by humbling themselves to our Lord, and being obedient through their faithfulness to their Calls that Lord God Jesus Christ gives them, some of us when we look at the characters that Lord God uses, we can relate with that person that also, you wants to follow and that he teaches you how to walk with Lord our God, We all have favorite characters in the Holy Bible that is like our romodels to us and the one that gets to my heart is the person whose name is Simon Peter.. When I look at Simon Peter, he had his false and he made alot of mistakes cuz also he is a sinner who truly needed a Savior which only Jesus Christ can fullfill that Promise to save us, The Salvation is Free but it cost to be his dicisple of taking up the Cross and following him.. When you look AT THE story of this mans life, He was not a very smart person, He did not go through years of great training progams in school, just an ordinary man who was doing this thang in his life, When you look at the life of fishermen, Do you need four years of training in university to have this kind of occupation, Do you truly needs to have masters or Ph.Ds to work as a fishermen, That is why this mans life truly gets to my life..People even with great learning in school which Lord God Jesus Christ blessed them with gifts of brains, I see some that are called Lazy Christians in them cuz they do not take up their Crosses, Who needs to suffer for Christ but they just live that comfortable life as being called Christians, I am not picking on anyone but if I see it, Then those who truly are knows who they are and only Lord God can judge them, Not I..So thats what is so encouraging to me that you do not have to be higly skilled, trained and educated to follow our Lord God, It is those who are truly devoured, dedicated and committed with obedience Lord God that gets the shot and the chances that Lord God gives when you listen to his words..Now, Peter had a crew member, which are his boys, they all related and had similar back grounds of being fishermen..I believe that Peter, he was his own boss running this fishing business, so he was also known as a leader of the group, One thing I love about Peter is that he was not a lazy boss cuz also he went out with his boys to catch fish, Some bosses today just do not want to work but golf or just sit around do nothing and only give checks to the workers when they come in to receive their paychecks..You see that Simon Peter was diligent, he had heart and took on the role of leading others cuz of being a good friend and also a good boss, He knew the pains and struggles cuz Peter was with them, working his heart off..So they all understood each other knowing that making money does cost alot of their time and energy..The tears they had to feel of struggling when there was no bite all night long, The patience of waiting for a bite so that they can sell those fish to little to big markets so that they can be paid..Even facing all different kinds of storms or changing weather, Raining moments, In the season of Fall, when you can feel that the wweater is cooling off, knowing that around the corner is the winter time where you cant fish no more for few months, In the season of winter when it is very cold and snowy, altogether they worked, In the season of Spring, when the time that the fish will gather and time to truly catch the numbers of fish, and In the season of Summer, when it is truly hot but there is still time to catch more fish to put money in your pockets, to put food on the table and to pay them bills..When I look at the story of this mans life, His life is just like any of us, I am pretty shure that he struggles alot, He fell many times and even broke our Father Lord Gods heart..Before Apostle Peter had to be taken to the Cross and be crucified on the Cross dying for his sins but glorifing Lord God Jesus Christ, Before Apostle Peter had the power to heal people through the power of the Holy Spirit, Even the touch of his shadows will heal people, Before Apostle Peter had a strong ministeries with his brothers came abouts..Before Apostle Peter saved about 3000 souls when the Holy Spirit came down on the penetacost, Before our Lord God telling him that when he goes up to heaven, three times he asks, Do you Love Me, and tells Peter to feed his lamb, Tend my Sheep and feed my Sheep, Before Apostle Peter rejects our Lord God Jesus CHrist three times by denenying his name three times, Before even walking with our Lord God and following his foot steps, Before Simon Peter ever meets the Lord, He was an ordinary person just like you and I.. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that you see a mans heart change and walk with the Lord..I believe that before the great calling came to Peter, he was just living his life and just doing his thing, going wherever he wanted to go, doing whatever he wanted to do and just looking at his life, You first needs to prepare yourself before Lord God comes into your life and wants to work with you..Most of us, do Not wants to prepare cuz first of all, They do not know what they truly wants to Do, People who are always changing their Jobs, Changing their majors around, They do not first gots the heart or the mind..I bet you when you just study this story, Peter was a man who knew only about the life as a fisherman, He just did not become a boss out of the Blue but had to commit his life daily to oneday, his goal was to run the fishing business, He knew about this fishing job In and Out, He can even close his eyes tell us everything about the Life of being a fishermen, also he can tell you the hOtspots where the fish lay its eggs and where it chills to catch them, the baits you gots to use to lurk the kinds of fish they wants to catch..What does this story teach you, The experiences that you have in your workingfield and how much you know about it is what this life of Peter is teaching me that you gots to work long enough to understand it by the heart and you will have knowledge and wisdom cuz of knowing it well..And what this also teaches me is that Lord God Jesus Christ does not come to his people when they are not ready to learn and has a lack of experience, some people wonder and ask, why is this not my calling, Why does not Lord God uses me in this, and if I can ask you, If Lord God comes to you today and he gives you the work, Are you going to commit yourselves to do the work by planting Seeds, or you listening to his words and obeying him..Lord God knows if you are or if you are NOT and that is why Lord God has his own timing which some people will never receive if they are never prepared..Before he comes to Peter, He is in distances watching over you, He sees if you are hOnest and right with him, The way you are with the people around you, Are you a true Hard worker or are you Very Lazy person, Lord God does not use Lazy People cuz he knows that once they will start, it is exciting at the moment when you start but can you truly goes long ways for him and show us the dedication that you can do it in his name..You see, Many people do not wants to teach this to others like how I am sharing, if a person can not teach or encourage others the way I am sharing, How can a person reach someone who is unknown truly..That is why the calling of the writer cames abut cuz try to write for 8 years long without stopping..Now, Before Jesus walks up to Peter, Peter was busy fishing and he did not catch anything, the whole night turned to his head down..Jesus Christ was teaching some people and told Peter when he saw them.. Throw your net on the right side of the boat, Do you see any kinds of complain coming out of their mouths, Did they ask Why, Did Peter say that who is this that is telling us what to do, I am the Captain of this boat and this person is a preacher, Why should I listen to this man..NO!! They all looked at the nets and did exactly what was told by our Lord Jesus Christ and caught somuch that they needed another boat to help them outs..Before our Lord God comes to any of his people, He does not come to everyone but to those who will listen to his words, He Picks and Chooses his Men, His people and those who will Do by following his Command, Some people think that Lord God chooses everyone, then I believe that everyone will be doing something that truly shows that Lord God is using them but many cases, You gots to be real with the people, Only some people will hang on cuz Lord God gives to then something cuz of the Heart of Obedience towards Him..When you look at the Holy Scriptures, During in Peters times, there were many people living it up then too, People were packed but why Peter was choose by Lord God, How about all those people, I am pretty shure there were people who went to church as we did.. why isnt their names all written abouts, When Lord God calls your name and he is using you as an Instrument, it becomes greater to those who are least in his sight..I hope that this message ca encourage you and makes you smile..In the name of our Lord God I write and share..thanks for listening DJ..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! When you see the Life of Peter, as a fisherman with his friends and can be his employers fishing and he sees the Lord God Jesus Christ walking into his life..Did he come when everything was doing so well in his life, Did Peter caught any fish with his friends..At that point, I believe that there was a great struggle and he was feeling something in his heart cuz of no fish had taken a bite all night long..When we can relate with our own lives today, It is so hard to call upon the Lord;s name when you are on the higher side of your life, Making good money, Having a nice car and a great house..Just living it large for your ownselves.. In the midst of all this, Our Lord God Jesus is there and he has everything in his hands, your whole plans and your purpose but he does not just give it to you but when you begin to call upon his name..I believe, That Lord Jesus Christ had to make bring something abouts, in the situations and the circumstances to get the attentions of his believers and his followers..When Lord God Jesus Christ came, Peter was down, he was struggling cuz anything that has money involved of what you are doing, it will cause you pressure and stress, comes the frustrations and even pains trying to meet the ends meet..When Peter and his friends came back for Shore and saw Jesus Christ preaching to the people..Jesus Christ knew their hearts, they were all down feeling like There is no bite, how am I suppose to eat and When Lord God Jesus Christ saw the sorrows and they were troubled, That is when he told Peter and his friends, throw the net on the right side of the boat, They just Obeyed without any kinds of questions and you see how our Lord God Jesus Christ is when you obey him..Even through the struggles and there are times when we do not wants to be bothered but you still obey him by going to him, What you do not see is the Blessings that you received, Peter had to tell the other people on another boat to help him and suddenly, your eyes and even your hearts just opened of what just happened..Now, Lord Jesus Christ showed him something that no other person can do, Jesus had the signs and wonders, worked miracles to get their attentions..From feeling down and Low, it brought Peter back into the right mind of going on the rigt track..Jesus told Peter, To drop and put everything down and Follow Me!! Many of us were in this shoe, Just working all the time and just lived a life without the Lord God..Just did whatever we wanted to do..go whereever we desired to go..Just meeting people here and there always hanging out.. and just living for another day without a True calling or a Purpose..Now, there are people in this stage of Life and only you know where you truly stand..This point in Peters life is to be trained before he enters into his ministries as an Apostle..For the three years long, when Jesus was 30years of age is the time he started to go out and began to make an impact by changing the world..Peter only was a witness and followed him, When you look at Peter, he was not the one who was teaching people, He was not healing souls..He did not work any kinds of miracles or wonders but He was only listening to what Lord God Jesus had to say, and what he had to teach him..Peter was a student to our Lord God Jesus and between a teacher and a student..They had that tight close bond towards one another..When you begin to look at Peters life, he was pretty different from the rest of his brothers, He was more of the courageous, Bolder type that when Jesus was there with him, He will be strengthen just by the presence of the Lord..When you look at when Jesus was walking on the water, Peter wanted to walk on the water to come to our Lord God Jesus, becuz of the lack of faith that he was in and still growing closer to Lord Jesus, He would at least step up his faith by walking..The night of Jesuss Arrest..Peter was next to Christ and with a sword, Peter swung before the eyes of the Lord and Someones servent he cut off his ear. Even when Martha saw the Jesuss body was gone and she told Peter and John..Even tho John outran over Peter, John stood outside of the cave and just peeked but Peter, he ran inside the cave looking for Lord Jesus and could not find him..After the first appearance from the Lord Jesus, Do you remember when Peter tells him boys, Lets all go back to our own lives as the fishermen going back where they came from and how they feel that this is where I belong cuz this Christian life is just too hard to live on and when they had no fish to bite all night long..A voice tells his to throw the net on he right side of the boat..Reminding the disciples that this is what Jesus had done to get their attention in the first place..Peter, he steps up and dives into the water to swim towards Christ..After Peter rejects name three times beside the fireplace, even he meets the Lord God Jesus by the fireplace to eat breakfast and to have fellowship..Tells him, that now is your time to be ready to give up your life for me..The thing that I love about Peters life is that he struggled trying to live that Christian life, Just like how we struggle trying to live it up for our Lord God and it takes time and Patience to truly grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ but some of us do not want that to happen cuz they think it is not worth their time cuz it feels too long trying to wait for the Lord God Jesus to show us or to tell us something..When you look at the Life of Apostle Peter, He was following by walking with Him and was listening as a student trying to learn his ways, trying to be like our Lord God Jesus..There is an important part that we all are missing from time to time, The fellowship with Him, The relationship between a Father to Son or Father to Daughter, Or even from a Greater Teacher to a Good student..As you see that Lord God Jesus is the one who first pursued after his students..After seeing their hearts of obedience to Him and once you are called to be his students, Now, you are able to experience his Power and his Love, when you experience his power and Love, It is mighty and powerful.. it is something that you did not expect cuz when you least expect it, that is when he truly reveals his Power through his teachings and his True Works, Just amazing how our Lord God Jesus Christ Works in our lives..Once the relationship comes between you and Him, Then you are able to experience his Love and then, you are able to Trust in the Lord God, The trust that becomes One with you and the Father Lord God Jesus, There is something that you begin to feel cuz He remains in You and You are in Him..The more you begin to walk with Him, The more you are likely to be like him, Feeling and seeing his presence..When there is Trust in Him and Lord Jesus Christ Trust You, You will be more Confidence and your faith in Him strengthens daily, That is when you see our Brother Peter, Everytime he was with our Lord Jesus Christ, Peter was not ashamed, Peter was not afraid, Peter knew that Lord God Jesus would protects him and keeps on guiding him to the Truth as long as he kepted on walking with the Lord and NEver Called the Quits..One that that I learned from this mighty story is this, Even tho we all messes up and we run, We hide from him cuz feeling Naked and Shame..When he picks and chooses his Children, His students to teach..(JUNG Mal, Jo Tae Roh, Mot Boh Neh..) That means, He will Never let anyone go out of his sight because he loves Us, You guys all so Much..That is why, there are times when we want a break from the world, From the CHurch life and just want to do nothing and even some of us leave church for a while becuz of tired of dealing with Struggles and conflicts but also, There is something in our hearts that truly tingles of feeling guilty of running and hiding from the world and that should remind us that Lord God is still faithful to each of Us, And always he Brings us back..When Peter went back to his old life as a fisherman, he took some boys with him saying I am tired of all this..But Jesus still waited for him on the other side and reminded him, To Feed My Lambs, To Tend My Sheep, To Feed My Sheep cuz I am always with you..FOr you all, You guys has a special Calling, Just dont give up searching for the Truth..Aite..I hope that this message can truly encourage you..In the name of our Lord God Jesus Christ I write and share..Thanks for listening Dj..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! From the three parts I wrote about the Life of an Apostle Peter, the third series I usually make it the final from the series that I wrote abouts and you all should always remember that I share so that someone can be encouraged, That is the main purpose why I share these things to you all..Some people just do not understand what i am trying to do but Truly and realli, I am not trying to take anyones leadership away or the Spotlight, I am only Following my Lord and Savior Jesus by writing this to make someone truly smile..If I could take you back to the story, Our Lord God Jesus, after the resurrection, he sticked around with his disciples for 40 more days, Our Lord Jesus did not appeared to everyone but those who were very close to him as a friend, As a brother and can be call as a Father as well..Before Lord Jesus left the earth, Before even his crucified on the Cross..He told his disciples some very important factor, When a sect, or the unbelieving Jews, Pharisees, teachers of the Laws, elders, Those who never believed that Jesus was the Christ, They are going to be ones who will hate the believers and followers of Jesus Christ, What even our Lord Jesus tells them that it is not the disciples fault but because they hated Jesus First and that they persecuted him.. that is the reason why there is conflicts between Righteousness and Unrightesouness people..So for any of my brothers and sisters, if ou ever feel discouraged by the people that you meet, and they are unright, They are putting you through many things that you should not dealt with, Know that when you take up your cross everyday and die for him, Also, Lord Jesus knows exactly how you feel, Now, do you see that Lord Jesus leaves his dicisples but Never he leaves them as Orphans and sends us a Helper, a Counselor who will guide you and show you the way by reminding you the Truth..Reminding you the Teaching of our Lord Jesus..Some of us are preparing to take a bigger step in our Faith..Now, When Jesus leaves, the disciples are ready to impact the world by changing lives for the people to come to Christ, They have been given something, they are well equipped and trained, gots the tools now to reach further and has a special weapon, the Spirit of Truth living inside of them to keep them alive with Fire for Lord Jesus.. When I look at some of the brothers and sisters in Christ, They are being trained, Some are actually, leading the family in the group and teaching us, Bringing something to the table so the souls are being fed Spiritually, And what I see in them is that they came out of the comfort Zone and they are bringing the Words of God alive in our lives..I know that there are two types of a people..Some are for the Church, But not everyone are suppose to be in the church tho, Some are suppose to go out into the world and reach to the unknowns but it seems like some are not ready yet, So I believe that Lord God will bring them out oneday until they feel like they are ready, What they needs to know is this, Where are you truly going as a Christian, Where do you stand in the life as calling yourselves as Christians, A person can act but if they are not willing to do anything, What is the point of living in a Lie..When you look at Apostle Peter, After the Holy Spirit came down on the pentecost, It is not Peter who saved 3000 souls that day, It was the Spirit of Truth telling Peter what to Say to bring people to Jesus..That is how much Lord God loves us That even after Jesus spent his time on the earth with his disciples for 3 years, He did not leave them naked but covered them with righteousness by the Blood on the Cross and to save humanity to have the eternal destination of going home back to the Creator, our home, Jesus gives us all the Holy Spirit which the man cannot do anything without him, You can not save people, You alone can not plant any kind of seed unless you are knowing the Truth but when the Spirit of Truth lives in You, Anything is possble with Lord God..Now, Apostle Peter, he gots his brothers with him and they begin to walk by Faith, They did walk with Jesus before but when Lord Jesus left the earth, You can not walk by Faith, Just knowng that his presence is still there with his people..Apostle Peter use to be on the sideline watching Our Lord work his thang, Healings of the Soul through the power of his words, Healing phyiscally, Demons would be cast out, All the people who were wounded, broken hearted, Homeless people, just people with the Lowly lifestyle came to him and Jesus became their Savior and a Friend..Apostle Peter saw the heart of his Teacher He saw everything that Jesus ever done on the face of the earth, To follow, To Trust, To humble, To Obey, To walk, To Sing and Worship, To pray, To Love and have compassion for others..To even Love your Eneimes as well which it is so hard to do..When you begin to see all these things and you were taught by the Creator, the Holy King, The one with Eternal Wisdom and knowledge, Just walking with him and listening, You can learn so much from a great teacher..Now, I believe that Lord Jesus left the disciples because he Trusted them that they will prevail, that they are ready to do the Work of his Will, They will fall but will get right back up, They will not give up cuz the fundation is very strong in the Lord, Because Lord God knew, they were ready to take in this world every hits, Stripes, accusations, and even hatred but that they will always walk and Follow Him..There is nothing in this world that is going to be easy, Everything is hard no matter how and where you live your life, Even in Apostle Peter times, There was no automobiles, They had sandals to walk their feet all day long..It was pretty hard back then, maybe even harder cuz they did not have the media like the way we have it here..I believe the difference in those days and nowadays is that people were very close to each other, They felt each others pains and even tho they were not Bloods, They were close to as being like the Bloods and you see, Nowadays, People keep things to themselves, they will not open up to people even at the church, Most people just cans trust one another or feel uncomfortable but When you see Lord Jesus teaching Peter, was he close minded, Was he quiet about many things, What was the good news about that he taught Peter, Jesus did not stay quiet, He pointed out the evil men and good men, Jesus taught everything to the people about the kingdom of God and how it is a good news for us all to enter, Even Apsotle Peter followed the footsteps of His Lord, and Savior Jesus, He was not quiet but determined to share his faith in Christ..Apostle Peter had many people hating on Him but also many came to Christ cuz of is because he Trusted in the Lord that he will be all right when he followed Christ.. When I look at this overall picture that I broke it down..I want my brothers and sisters to know this one thing, When you truly believe that there is a True God, and his name is Jesus Christ, Some of us keeps things too much to ourselves and quiet, Our lives are suppose to make a huge impact to those lives around you or else how can you call yourselves a true beliver of Christ..What is the point of reading the Holy Scriptures if you Never Apply it in your life..It is not working or doing anything to you to bring people to Christ..That is why I bring out the truth to show the body of Christ these things so that you can move somewhere and walk By Faith..If many people are not giving and only wants to receive in this world, There is no difference between a non-believer and that person if they do not do anything to make our Lord God smile and to be pleasing to him in his eyes..When you look at this brother Peter, It teaches me that a teacher was there and a student who wanted to learn and walk with him to the ends..Even walking with the Lord Jesus, it was not easy cuz many threats laid beside them too..People wanted to kill our Lord Jesus until the time came for him to die for us and was truly hated him by his own people Jews, Peter saw everything when he was following Jesus, But still, In the end, he also had tofight for his life on behalf of our Lord Jesus..When you lose your life here on the earth, Your life will not be forgotten and be praised in heaven, Lord God will bless you with a Greater Name which we all beleivers know who Peter is, the living Sacrifices Peter made should also teach us to have that kind of mind-set and heart to live for Jesus Christ..Even when I am writing all these things to someone who can be enocuraged, The reason why I am still here writing cuz of the Last Words from the Lord, Remain and Keep on Sharing, I am not afraid of what people gots to say or else I would of never wrote again..That is why I know that first of all, Lord God protects Me, He is the one that is adding every person into my life to share, When I send it out, he is the one who is making it the hits into peoples heart, I am only obeying his words and if people are hating on me for writing so much, it is becuz I am smaller than they are but Lord God uses the weak to make them strong, He shames the Wise people when they think they are better then me.. they are also hating My Lord God as well when they have the wrong kind of a heart towards a brother..That is how I know that Jesus Christ always gots my back becuz I am still able to share and he gave this thang to me to grow in Spirit and truth..I hope that this can truly encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ..Thanks for listening Dj.> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! Every Human Soul has a Need that we all wants to be met, and It does not matter if it is a non-believer or a believer cuz We all had a Soul that goes either Missing or feels empty in times, And I know that Only God can meet the needs of every Heart, Just that people get greedy in times that it all becomes that is a selfish way of saying the desires of fullfilling our pleasures but I know that we all Gots Needs in our lives. When a need does not get met, we do began to complain and sometimes when we are frustrated and Angry, we attend to point fingers and even Blame our God Almighty, Every Struggles that comes into our lives is because I believe that our Needs are not being met, and you begin to wonder, Then you begin to fight against His Will, Even Myself I am begining to face the struggles alone in my life, WOndering Why cant the Lord Answer me some of the Needs that I need, But When you think about how the Lord God is Patient and How wants to provide all of us with His Best, Somethings I see does take a longer time then I expected, When the storms of struggles enter in, As a believer and a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ, In the midst of our struggles, and it gets very hard, That is when I noticed that you begin to Wrestle with God, He is telling us to wait and be patient and sometimes I know it is hard to wait so we begin to walk away from Him, Do you know the reason why we all wrestle with our God in the times of our Trials and hardship, The reason why God is wrestling with us and Why we are fighting with him is because we want the Best from Him, We all Want his Blessings and that is why we have this tug O war in our SOuls, and When I can take you back to th Story of Jacob, The fear came to Jacob as he was returning home with his family that Now Jacob must face his nightmare, He has choosen to run away from his brother Esau but the old memory has returned back to him, When Jacob found out that his brother Esau was coming to him but he was not coming alone, he had about 400 Men walking with his brother Esau, That is when Jacob trembled In fears, thinking that Esau has huge number of people behind him ready to attack His people, So Jacob does surrender to our Lord God and gives him a Prayer, But it was more of the uplifting prayer telling our God, how he has blessed him and so many great ways but also reminding our God the Promises he made to him, When he made his voice known to God, Jacob was scared, fearing of what outcome will happen, Thinking he may not live and was struggling in his heart, When the family left and Jacob was all alone, In the struggle he was having cuz of the fear of His brother ESau, Jacob sees a Man and begings to wrestle with him, Jacob would not let the man go and fought with him, Even when the man touched the hip socket and his socket was put out of his joint, When Jacob had to go even lower and hitting the hardest Point in his life as he was struggling, and He was going through some hard and tough times, Jacob still wrestled with the Man, and Jacob knew that this man was not an ordinary person cuz they wrestled all night long until the early morning till the sun came up, Just did not give in the difficulties and struggles he dealt with and on top of that, he was wrestling with the Man, and guess what Jacob told the man, He tells the man, GIve me My Blessings, Give me my Blessings and the man kept on telling me, Let me go cuz the sun came up, and FInally, when the wrestling was over in the midst of the struggle, That was Messanger of God or it could of been God himself that Jacob was wrestling with and guess what, The man asked His name, changed his name to Israel and Blessed Him, Do you know what the blessing was, When His brother Esau came to him with four hundred men behind him, Jacob thought he was going to die, but in the eyes of his brother Esau, he saw the Face of God, They both embraced and wepted together, KNowing that Jacob did wrong but his brother forgave him. You see that Jacobs need get met Cuz now there is peace between the two instead of killing each other and Lord God Almighty has met JaCobs need cuz of Protection. I know that we all struggle many times just living day to day and there are so many needs that our God sees that he needs to meet them, Most of us thinks that all the wants are our Needs but when you look closely into your own life, he has already provided all the things that we need to live and to survive. And I felt the storms of my life coming in like a hurricane hitting my heart, I felt like it is time for me to struggle once more and How can I handle it this time, When something happens to you and you had to take the hits, you begin to wonder why Do i have to struggle, If I am doing what is right, If I think that I am trying to make our Lord God Smile, If I am giving all my best there is, Why do I still gots to struggle, and when you look at your life, and you begin to feel something coming in your way and You see it coming that there is something wrong with you, then the Need that is a want is not there, that is when I begin to struggle, Cuz I am missing something in my life to be Joyful and Happy to Have. You begin to feel unsatisfy with Life cuz you think that is the one that can only make you smile, and there becomes a point when it gets harder and tougher, your knees will feel weaker that it does bring you down to the floor in humility to our God, ASking Him, telling Him my pains and Why do I gots to suffer for all these things and one of the Greatest feeling in the life is this, That even Our Lord Jesus Christ knows how you feel in the struggles cuz he came to the Earth dealing with all sorts of Pains and rejections that He listens to you, and When the times get even more harder on you, He will wrestle with you cuz He wants to test your Faith to see how long, and How much can you handle the pain that you are suffering, But, when you just dont give Up and keep on clinging onto him and asking Him, That Need I Need I want as Your Blessing, I am wrestling wit you Cuz I want you to Bless the missing Need that You can bring in my way, And After awhile, We all do have a Good news, Cuz when our Lord God Jesus Blesses that Need you Truly need, It will come to you, Onething that I am still learning is this but it is so hard of waiting and being Patient with our Lord Jesus, What Jesus Christ Our Lord gives and blesses us with, Do you know that he wants to give All the needs to us the Best ever!! That is why it takes us so long to have for our Need, Some needs may come quicker but there are some of the things that we truly need, It takes FOrever to come to us and thats why we wrestle with Him so that he can bless us. Just like when you look at the story of Jacob and Our Lord God Jacob had to go way Down Under before the Need was Met, His need was to have Peace with his brother Esau but in the midst of the Struggle, Lord Jesus was watching Jacob closely, Jacob was to the point that he probably wanted to Die, he fell to the Bottom Pits and even lowered Himself in the struggle, even when Jacob wrestled with God Almighty, Even being so broken into pieces cuz of the struggle he was dealing with, God was testing to see how much suffering can you truly handle what I placed In your Life, Jacob Never Gave up but Told God face to face, Give Me My Blessing, That means to Please meet My Need, Then God, KNowing that Jacob knew who He was, Not an ordinary Person, Blessed Him and revealed the Blessing cuz of the peace of the brothers, I know that we all deal with struggles from time to time and maybe some of you guys are taking harder Hits at this poin and I was too feeling Very Low and depressed but when Lord God grabbed my Attention to turn My eyes To him and seek after his Words, This is what he showed me to reveal others who are in the struggles that God gots your Back, that He is testing your Faith to see if you will not Give Up on Him, And when we dont give up and keep on pressing on by asking For His Blessings, He will give it to you when it is Time cuz You see the tears of Joy and forgiveness, You see that Jacobs Needs is met cuz of the Blessings that God gives him so for all those who are struggling right not, Maybe the Storms of Life has entered Into your Life right now, But Cling On to Lord God Almighty cuz it is His Test to see you through the trials that you may be facing, That when you lean onto Him, and keep on asking for the Blessings that you need from Him that is missing, After you wrestle with God, You will see the sunshine on the other side cuz your Need, That is your Blessing coming from God he will give after the Rain has pass by in your life. I was struggling and Hurting in alots of pain for awhile, Just the life I see looks all grey sometimes and Lord God has reminded me of the story of Jacob that when you are facing Storms and you begin to wrestle with Him, COme to this Loveletter Story that he is teaching us, There is a Good news after the rain has pass through, Just gots to trust in His Promises that he has made for all of us to know and to feel..I hop that this story can truly encourage the body of Christ, I do thank you all for giving me this privilage to share my faith with you all..IN the name of our Lord Jesus I write and share..Thanks for listening Dj... VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! If you are called yourselves a Christian, who do you represent living for, Is it for yourself who gets your own glory, is it for your own satisfactions and your own pleasures coming with your own desires that you live or do you represent our Lord God Jesus Christ who takes your place to live for him, If you are representing our Lord God, Are you truly going around and sharing the good news to others that walks in your path, If you can share with others, even your own brothers and sisters in Christ, that is a way to start your new years, if you cannot even edify or encourage the people you know around you, How can you ever share to others who does not know you..Then, what church do you represent if you are part of the Body of Christ, We all has a pride in our hearts but there is two kinds of pride, the one that makes you feel big and mighty- means you want it for your own selves and there is another one that you can Boast in our Lord God Jesus Christ, That it is Him that makes me feel so strong when I am very weak and when you tell Lord God that many times, He will Pick you up and bring the Lights into your life..So, I represent my Church (GHC) cuz grew up here and there is other people who I added in the mailing list who does not go to this church and that is why I am sharing this out to the Body of Christ..When I look at this church, I see a bright future ahead of us, I see many hearts turning and changing going on the direction that the Lord God Jesus Christ wants to take us and You should also put it in your hearts to thank the leaders who wants to bring forth about the way they wants to impact lives..If you truly look at every Soul, Every Soul that has Christ in the Center and has the Spirit of Truth living inside of them as a believer and a Child of God, There is something inside of you that has the Hearts for Mission, I am not talking about people who just talks all the time, but even steps up with their level of Faith by walking with our Lord God Jesus Christ, if a person is tired of me sharing about our Lord God, I am sorry that I am always writing about him, He is the Source of my Life which brough me through to share all kinds of things that I write..One thing that was on my mind for the longest was this, Why did the Biggest Ship (Titanic) Sunk in the ocean, Is it because of the people who were on the wheel stirring it, Is it because they did not pay any close attention to what is ahead of them..If the Map, the direction was given to the Captain of the ship and he was suppose to take him and the passagengers to the location there were suppose to go, It is part of the drivers fault but even the Captian gets the blame when he does not do his part rite and falls, killing many passengers away..Just like the Great Sheperd in a Church, who teaches the word of God, who Preaches and leads the sheep, If the Sheperd is strong, then th Flock will be strong walking with him..I look up to my Senior Pastor of Global Harvest Church Pastor Jon Choi for teaching, Planting, watering and even walking to make this church strong, I look up to Pastor Jae, the musical talented with the powerful vocal voice to sing our praises and worship to the Father Lord God by moving our hearts though a song, I look up to Pastor Robert, how he has his own special skills and talents to reach the up coming future generations- the youth, I look up to Pastor Steve who is reaching the College and Singles, teaching with his creativity, I look up to Pastor Jenny for reaching the kids and the childrens which it can be so hard to handle sometimes, and Pastor Yujin for teaching some classes on nights to those who needs to grow spiritually..These are the leaders of the Global Harvest Church but also pastors..I do thank you for being the Servent of the God Most High and doing and giving your best daily for this church to grow..This is my special prayer for the Global Harvest Church..Holy Father, I come to you today with my humble spirit to let you know how much I thank you for this growth in this church..I remember when I was young, the church was not in the Carrollton are but it was first planted in Dallas, calle the First baptist Church I believe, I never knew any of these strong leaders cuz I was so young and weak, I could not call myself a Christian cuz I did not believe in You Lord, After few years goes by the church started to have this growth, more people was coming to seek after you and that is when I noticed that you were in the presences that the parklot was filled with many cars..When your come to bless a church, you begin to bring people in cuz their souls are missing and filled with darkiness in their lives so who can they turn too, it is you, But since you cannot be seen physically, you have instruments that you use and it is Gods people, your children who strive hard and pursue after your own Heart, when you send the helper, Holy Spirit unto us, there are things that noone can imagine to do and you see things happening that even a mans own eyes cannot see, The power of the Holy Spirit who touches and penetrates every souls with the Sword, Word of God brings people to come after your words, people begin to talk about someone who is teaching, encouraging, reaching out and santifying the Heart of the person and they cannot get enough of your own words..From the Dallas Church, we had to find another area to be planted and it was in the Carrollton Area, Now, we planted the church there, but it is not the building that makes the church, it is the same heart and mind, unity as One Body of believers that makes a church with the heart of Mission being focused.. Holy Father, Few years goes by and now I am seeing more things happening in this church, Friday nights Odc for college and singles so that we can come as One in brothers and sisters in Christ, We have the teachers who are leading on sundays to reach out to the younger generations to plant those seeds deep and rooted with your powerful words..Even several ministries has opened up because your Last Words say So and teaming up with Cornerstone to reach more deep into the streets to the non-believers, It is the same teachers, the same leaders, Same focus and the same Hearts who wanted to strive for the Kingdom of Gods own Glory..Now, From the Carrollton, we have planted a New church in Frisco and now, our pastors and the leaders wants to reach whoever wants to come into the Kindom of Family of God, It is so amazing how you can use people to do such a mighty work when the Hearts come together..As one we all follow you Lord God, Help this new location as you have planted a seed here, Make your workers much more gifted, much more stronger, The pastors are doing double work and I believe they get tired from time to time so they need your guidance and even strengthen to Go on..Even tho I am not much of a help to any of these stronger men with ytheir faith in You, I am just sharing and showing my love as a Brother in CHrist to the leaders and the pastors who are going through so much in their lives..Holy Father, I know that the Holy Spirit whisptered something deep into Pastor Jons heart, As he wants to follow you by faith and want to walk it out, I give him many hugs for him uplifting me cuz The titanic would not of sink if the Captian was looking far enough and saw what was coming, and the ship could of been saved, So for Pastor Jon CHoi, Holy Father, Take good care of him, let him rest on you and I know that you are the one that is using Him to do such great works for the ministeries to keep on going..For all the Pastors who has the heart to fight for You, Put your hands on them and let them keep on marching with their heads lifted up high as the mighty servents to reach the people in Frisco area for you Lord, I do my part as a servent for the Carrollton so we all needs to finish Strong in the Lord God..Thanks you Lord God for your Grace upon us, and for you reaching into our hearts and to move forward for you..In the name of our Lord God Jesus I pray Amen! For the rest of the believers, who all is used by Lord God for his works, Every teachers who has a student in their classroom, I would like to give thanks to the Father Lord God, Every Coaches in the ODC, who is coming diligently, leading the bible study classes and usng your gifts to teach others, I do thank you for your services, The ones who are with the kids and children, nursey, planting the seeds into the younger generations heart for CHrist, One day they will know your heart cuz Lord God will reveal everything out to them, Every Bibly study leading teachers, The students are always counting on you cuz the words are from the Lord God using you in a mighty ways, we need you and we Thanks you..The ones with the ministeries, Cornerstone feeding Homeless, and Carepack family thang, The welcomer Commitee,,Thank you for all your services cuz I know in heaven, the Angels are playing louder music than when Lord Jesus walks in the door, he sees his angels dancing and giving praise through singing songs with the music, Jesus will ask why are you so Happy angels..They will say, Look at your children there and point at the churches, Look at the hearts of your People, They are doing all this all for you to give you the Glory!! Jesus with tears will say, it is worth all that time on the earth, facing many people of mine hating on me for nothing because of my true love for them, I had to hit the Cross so that I may die by removing the sins, The dirtiness and uncleaniness of mans heart and I was raise but, I see why I had to do that for them and it is because my hildren loves me dearly that they are my living Sacrifices..Amen!! I hope that you guys can be smiling at this prayer and my writng of mine for you..Always to Encourage the Body of Christ By glorifying the Holy Father in Heaven..In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I write and share thanks for listening DJ
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 05:45:57 +0000

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