VIA OWS Week WWIII upon us! The Zionist occupation regime of - TopicsExpress


VIA OWS Week WWIII upon us! The Zionist occupation regime of Israel has closed all access to the Al Aqsa mosque for the first time in four decades. The rather predictable violent backlash has arrived within hours of the move. A Rabbi has been shot dead in Jerusalem and a Palestinian suspected of carrying out the shooting lies dead after Israeli security pumped him full of holes. The Al Aqsa mosque is Islams third holiest site and following the publication of Zionist plans to raise it to the ground to make way for a Jewish third temple, a massive Arab/Israeli war would be a forgone conclusion. But wars in the Holy Lands have always contained a global facet and should Israel attempt to proceed the march to a world war will take no more than a few steps. While Israel has been on the face of it opposed to the ISIS terrorist group, Tel Aviv has failed to explain away its logistic assistance and presence of its military instructors at ISIS camps in Turkey throughout the traumatic creation of the extremist Sunni Muslim gang. One would have thought that ISIS would perhaps pose the most immediate existential threat to Israel. However, the so-called revolutions in Libya and Syria in 2011, were carried out by elements of what was to become ISIS in due course and rumors of Israeli involvement in those armed takeovers have persisted among the intelligence communities. The US-led toppling of Saddam Hussein in 2003 also removed another major threat to Israeli ambitions in the ME region. Over in eastern Europe, the Ukrainian government has moved hundreds of tanks, APCs, artillery and infantry units to the Lugansk region of Eastern Ukraine in a clear sign of an imminent offensive. While this particular action has gone largely unreported in the Western corporate media, the increased probing/reconnaissance flights by the Russian Air Force has received top billing. Britain even pulled a nice little interception stunt over a Latvian propeller cargo aircraft in its airspace yesterday that was billed as Russian-made Latvian aircraft forced down....Russian-made??? What has the make of the aircraft got to do with it? The Kiev regime is clearly hellbent on an open military confrontation with Russia and given the miserable performance by its military throughout the summer war with its breakaway eastern regions, NATO will simply have to become involved under the pretext of Russian interference. Perhaps -some might argue- if Kiev stops killing thousands of its own civilians of Russian descent via cluster bomb and heavy missile bombardments that have persisted since the ceasefire, Russian interference would not be taking place at all. In any case the two parallel cases of Zionist antagonism against Occupied Palestine and anti-Russian folly as displayed by NATO/Kiev large-scale deployments of military might in Eastern Europe are beginning to resemble one of the much feared scenarios that could lead to another ruinous world war.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:15:24 +0000

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