VIOLET FLAME Sacred fire of transmutation from the Heart of - TopicsExpress


VIOLET FLAME Sacred fire of transmutation from the Heart of Saint Germain Meditation and movements within our innermost being provides the experience hat God lives within us as energy, a light, a consciousness that can be contacted and appropriated. Energy as God is our greatest concern as we analyze our point in time ad space. We are in a moment of the greatest revolution ever known. It doesn’t take a great perception to read the hand-writing upon the wall of events in this and every nation. We read out newspapers. We look here. We look there. And there are days we would rather not look. There is a very deep fear–a-fear of something that the soul knows at subconscious levels but is not able to face in the conscious mind. It is a fear of coming events. We fear to bring forth from dimness of an ancient memory the soul awareness of a shocking past-and an even more shocking future. And because we don’t allow it to surface, we have a nation of insomnia, emotional and mental disorders, heart failure, and terminal disease. We all sense an impelling something. People are in the state of panic at subconscious levels. And that panic out-pictures in vast “stare wars” and wars across the face of the earth as the valve of the pressure cooker of the subconscious is opened just a little bit. Out of it comes-like Pandora’s box. The failure to resolve the inner components of being. In harmony within results in outer chaos. And yet we say, “What can I do? There’s no point looking beyond my personal interest because I can’t do anything anyway?” When think of the time before lighting was harnessed into electricity or before Einstein split the atom and gave us the formula E=mc2. We say those were the dark ages. But today we know no more about the imprisoned lightning of God within us than was known centuries ago. About the most basic physical forces. It is so neat and so close. Yet we are on the brink of self-destruction because we have allowed ourselves so to say that God is past or future or in here or over there-but never close enough to be that practicable application for the healing of our souls. There are spiritual forces within us-within every single atom and cell, within the fire of our heart. If we would discover what these forces are, we would know how the fervent, white=hot heat of meditative love can burst that atom of Self and release the energy that has framed the worlds, that has created and uncreated the Void. It can begin a revolution of light. And it can make the imminent Aquarian Age truly an era of peace and enlightenment. The cycles of God Self-awareness move in two-thousand-year periods. In each two-thousand year cycle, there’s a dawning of a great light. In the age of Aries, the Judaic tradition taught us to understand God the Father, the personal God individualized in what Moses experience in the I AM THAT I AM. The next two thousand year period, marked by the coming of the avatar Jesus Christ, was the Piscean disposition intended to give us the understanding of God as Son. And sa through reincarnation, lifetime after lifetime we were intended to put on the consciousness of God the Father and God the Son. Now as we feel the winds of the Aquarian age, we find the energy of the Holy Spirit upon us in many ways. New sounds, new rhythms, new science, new technology-and above all, a new freedom. The Aquarian age is the moment of understanding energy and its conquest in time and space through the perfect polarity of the masculine and feminine principles of the universe-Spirit (‘heaven’)/Matter (‘earth’). “The cloven tongues” of fire that sat upon each of the disciples on the day of Pentecost are these twin flames of the Father/Mother God which give us the impact, the energy, the control of creative flow. This descent of the Holy Spirit is a tremendous force. It is intensive love. And this love-action is the transmutative-that is, when this energy flowed through us it is able to recreate us after the mage of the Real Self. Just as Jesus stood as the open door to attainment of the Christ consciousness in the two-thousand year Piscean cycle, so the Aquarian master Saint Germain comes today to initiate us on the path of soul liberation through the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit which call the violet flame. The violet flame is the energy of freedom. People who are free have the violet light vibrating in their auras-unmistakably. The violet flame is also an energy of mercy and forgiveness. And transmutation. Transmutation means to change-to alter in form, appearance, or nature. The term was used by medieval alchemists who attempted to transmute base metal into gold, separating the ‘subtle’ by means of heat. That is precisely what the energy of the Holy Spirit does. It is a tangible emanation of spiritual fire that actually “melts” the “elements” of our subconscious “with fervent heat”-as the Bible says. This is the way to undo psychological problems, emotional hang-ups, record of the past. We don’t have to go back through hypnosid or regression. Send the love-fire of the Holy Spirit through-and it all begins to change by the alchemy of the violet transmuting flame. The scientific use of violet flame in this age has been made possible by Saint Germain, who offered the violet flame generated within his own heart (over many thousands of years) as a momentum of light energy so that we would experiment with the alchemy of self-transformation through the sacred fire. The violet flame has always been used in the inner retreats of the Brotherhood. Up until now, it has been reserved for the privileged few-those initiates who were found worthy-members of ‘secret societies’, or communicants of the flame in the ‘mystery school’. Early alchemists pored over minutely ciphered texts in search of the mystic-magical philosopher’s stone. For them it was worth a lifetime to decode the mystery of this “stone’ which symbolized “the transmutation of the lower animal nature into the highest and divine.” Theosophical alchemists gloried in the vision of a “secret flame.” The covered philosopher’s stone, “the Stone which is no stone,” was not physical but spiritual and created out f fire! According to Neoplatonist predecessors of medieval alchemy, it was a sacrificial, self-transforming fire that would lead the soul upward-and, in the process, transmute the “hard and refractory materials” in the human body to materials more luminous and rarefied. In this sacred experiment, the alchemist would become “like the gods,” pursuing what one seventeenth-century text called “the gold of the wise and not the vulgar metal.” Sacrificial fire, the texts explain, leads up to the “fire of the gods” by drawing upward to the Spirit all qualities that drag downward and oppose the celestial essences. Transmutation, then, was a spiritual process which exalted the soul into a state of unity with the Divine. Now (thanks to Saint Germain!) you can begin to experience the action of this sacrificial fire-the violet fire-passing over the pages of the subconscious record of your incarnation on earth. The violet fire is sacred “secret” fire. It penetrates the most secret little places of our mind and memory. It comes in, sweeps through-and with a roaring crackle, sweeps out the dust of centuries. Line by line, letter by letter, the flame-intelligent, luminous, directed by the mind of God-sets free the energies, electron, of our past misuse of the sacred fire, thereby restoring the natural resources of the inner light. Isaac Newton observed that a ray of sunlight, when passed through a prism, will separate into the seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. This visible light is only a tiny portion of an electromagnetic spectrum of varying frequencies or wavelengths which include radio waves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays. Today scientists know of 60 to 70 octaves of light. Violet, with the shortest wavelength, has the highest frequency in the visible spectrum and is at the point of transition to the next octave of light. To the scientists, this transitional, transcendental color was a spiritual rather than a physical phenomenon. Egypt cherished the deep violet amethyst as a soothing, a healing stone, even as divine protection from evil. The Greek historian Lucian describes a fabled city of gems whose altars are enormous blocks of amethyst. Homer’s Odyssey was sung by bands ceremoniously wrapped in precious purples. Agamemnon’s wife rolled out a purple-crimson carper to greet him home from Troy-“tinted splendors,” noted the king, reserved only for the gods. Caesar also craved the costly color as the mantle of the supreme god, Jupiter. When Pilate’s soldier’s platted the crown of thorns for Jesus “King of the Jews,’ they also put on him a purple robe. Thus purple became symbolic of mystic ‘suffering’, sacrifice, and liturgical vestments-Advent and Lent. Behind the senses of visible color and light, mystics of all ages, East and West, have glimpsed a “spiritual spectrum.” Radiant colors, purer and more rare than those of earth emanate from a brilliant white “inner” light that is divine in nature. Scholars are beginning to see ancient “sun worshippers” as devotees of this transphysical spiritual light-divine sun that illumines the inner world,’the Sun behind the sun’. The Zohar, an important work of the Jewish Kabbalah, affirms that “there exists assort of fire which is stronger than other fire…Above the white light and encompassing it is yet another light, this one symbolizing the supreme essence.” Zarathustra witnessed the creation of all things from a single fire. Mithraic prayers adore the Lord of Light as the “Fire-hearted One…whose Body is of Fire.” “In a flame of fire” the angel of the Lord appeared unto Moses. And out of that flaming flame was the contact of a soul with his own higher consciousness. Based n that experience, Moses told the children of Israel: “The Lord thy God is a consuming fire.” And Jesus Christ summed up his mission in the nine words: “I am come to send fire on the earth.” While in a state of ecstasy in dialogue with God the Father, Saint Cathrine of Siena dictated these words: I, Fire, Acceptor of sacrifices, ravishing away from them their darkness, give the lights: not a natural light, but a supernatural..” Esoteric researcher H.P. Blavatsky describes the divine light in terms of seven color, or ‘ray’-each of which has specific attributes or qualities. The violet flame comes forth from that aspect of the white light which called the seventh ray’. ▲
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 10:01:36 +0000

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