VITAL SIGNS 2 : SIGNS & WONDERS - FOUR BLOOD MOONS On April 15th - TopicsExpress


VITAL SIGNS 2 : SIGNS & WONDERS - FOUR BLOOD MOONS On April 15th 2014 we will see the first of four blood moons in a series that will last up until September 28 , 2015.. In order to understand the relation and of these events we are going to take a look at some scriptures . Let us also be reminded that while we notice these signs in the heavens that we are not to worship them or get distracted from what is important which is staying focused on Christ, but to allow this sign to serve as a reminder of how our God is in control and that prophecy continues to unfold.. .. . ARE THERE MOONS USED AS SIGNS IN SCRIPTURE??..THE ANSWER IS ...(YES). Its found in the following: (GENESIS 1:14 & LUKE 21:25).. ARE THERE BLOOD MOONS IN SCRIPTURE...? (YES)-found in (JOEL 2:10, ACTS 2:20, REVELATION 6:12) In the Old Testament, the prophet Joel states, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.” (Joel 2:31) Is this to say these are the moons referenced here?. .No, because no one knows the day or hour of his return. (Mark 13:32) *HAVE BLOOD MOONS HAPPENED BEFORE ? THE ANSWER IS YES! Although it is rare and is explained by science , what is even more rare is the fact of it happening four times in a row. Which is known as a TETRAD. If that was not enough of a rarity, what makes it even more astounding is that these same dates that NASA has predicted through new technology is that they fall on important biblical dates : The Jewish Passovers on April 15, 2014, and April 4, 2015, and the Feasts of Tabernacles on Oct. 8, 2014, and Sept. 28, 2015. * A time when a blood moon had occurred followed a dramatic event in history which happened in 1967 and 1968 where Jerusalem faced a 6 day war in Israel before becoming a unified city under Jewish rule. *Another time this event had occurred was the dates of 1492 -1493 , do you know what event that is? First guess is probably Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue, and that was my first guess when I came to this study.. Which is sort of correct, but to go into further detail . . This is the time when Jews were expelled from Spain and new land was sought out. This is something that is often left out in detail of the teaching of Christopher Columbus sailing the ocean blue to then find the land of America which WAS the protection of the Christians and Jews and an ally of Israel, *We all know that History repeats itself and if we look back at the details above, and I encourage all of you reading to also dig into some past events in related to this as I could not fit all the information here in a single post, you will find that these dates not only match up to historical dramatic world changing events. But the matter that they line up with biblical events should speak volumes. The following is from Pastor John Hagees sermon on Blood moons : “The eclipse of the sun signals danger to the nations and of the moon danger to Israel, this is then followed by the total lunar eclipse/blood moon on the Feast of Tabernacles. Not only that, according to NASA, this total blood moon on 9/28/15 will be at perigee meaning it will be a super moon and seen in Jerusalem during the feast of sukkot while the Jewish people will be dwelling outside in their sukkahs looking up toward the heavens.” SO ARE THE FEAST IMPORTANT TO THE TIMELINE AND IN RELATION TO MOONS, THE ANSWER IS YES (LEVITICUS 23). *** Many times we have heard over and over that we are in the end but the end never comes. This is something that was thought in Pauls time during his ministry but he told them the end was not yet. Jesus can return at anytime. And we should be ready and prepared at any moment. .. DOES THIS MEAN THAT JESUS IS RETURNING RIGHT NOW OR WHEN THESE MOONS OCCUR? NO . Because if we turn to (Matthew 24:36) we know that no one knows the day nor the hour of his return, and we shouldnt be guessing on when HE will return. What we do know, and what we are told to know is when time is getting close, we should know when HE is just at the door. Over and over we see scripture telling us to preach the Gospel, and to repent for the Kingdom is at hand (Matthew 3:2) And friends these are the days when HIS return could be just moments away. In the past God has shown signs in HIS universe just before dramatic events had occurred. Rather there is another event about to unfold with History repeating itself, what we should ask ourselves is that if JESUS was to return in this moment, as well HE could before your finished reading,.. WOULD YOU BE READY? Now is the time to repent and turn to Christ. Whatever you are facing in your life , whatever anger or un forgiveness you are holding onto let it go and give it to God. God is getting ready to shake the heavens, but when the heavens shake and events unfold, will your faith be shaken, or will you stand on firm ground? Whether you believe we live in end times or not, prophecy is continuing to unfold before us. With events occurring at a rapid pace over in the middle east, and the wars and rumors of wars occurring with talks in Russia, and Ukraine and in many other places we should see that the words in the bible are coming to life, and times will only continue to increase in troubled times.. Turn to Christ , Re commit to him. If your already a child of God, then examine yourselves and ask the Holy spirit to convict you if you have been living a righteous life and giving your full devotion to Christ. Turn to him while you still have breath and still have time, because when we take our last breath here on earth we will take our last breath into eternity. Whether this is another sign of God of things to come or not, we do not know that and thats not the purpose of this post to state that it is FACT that something is about to occur, but more of a way to remind us of past events and to remind us to always be prepared that Christ can return at anytime. Even if there is no event to follow this as it has in the past, we can look up and see with our eyes of Gods glory and creation.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 05:18:51 +0000

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