VODUN AND ANCESTRAL MEMORY It came across my facebook news feed - TopicsExpress


VODUN AND ANCESTRAL MEMORY It came across my facebook news feed a few days ago... a quote so beautiful and profound that I have included it on my list of favorite quotes. A young man wrote, ...Im African not because I was born in Africa, but, because Africa was born in me... The quote was not only beautiful, in its simplicity, but 100% correct in its assessment. Science has now proven what the spirits have made clear, to me, since the onset of my spiritual journey back to the faith of our African forefathers...that as children of the African slave we are indelibly linked to them, and the continent of Africa, in every way. It debunks the notion, perpetuated by the bought in folk in diaspora African-based spiritual systems, and those, of either race, that are ill informed as to our connection to our African ancestry and insist that these systems are somehow, new lineages, and while based on African systems, are something unique and different. They are not! While local traditions may have been added, it is the slave experience that interrupted these systems, for the African diasporan, and caused much knowledge to be, either, lost or abandoned. This notion of a separation between traditional African vodun, from the motherland, and that in the diaspora serves as a convenience to bought in folk in order to deny Africas influence or authority over them, support their illegitimate claims to the priesthood and justify their unwillingness to be ruled by the tenants of traditional African vodun. And what is even more appalling is the persons, born to these traditions, who continue to initiate, these people, without the benefit of authentic African divination for the sake of the mighty dollar. At some point there will be a reckoning and a public denouncement of their actions. As the African slave was brought to these shores, bound in chains against their will, they brought, with them, an ancient way of life and ancient spiritual systems that were given to them, directly, from the divine ones themselves. Campaigns were often lodged, against their own native spiritual systems, and they were forced to serve a system that was not their own. And, many continue to serve that system today. However, in secret, many continued to serve and call upon their ancestors. But, the slave experience caused much to be ignored or forgotten, of these systems, out of the sheer necessity for our people to survive. As a result much must be re-instated to these systems...authentic African divination being the primary thing. Now slavery, in its overt stage, at least, is finally over. The African ancestors are awakening many of their children. Their invisible hands are opening and beckoning to us within the blood. And, they are putting into place those who will point the way, spiritually, to return home and are forming bridges for those destined to cross. It is time my brothers and sisters. It is time. Lets go home...for I have been there and would be delighted to show you the way. And just a note...while I am not sure how perfect the science is on all of this...I am absolutely sure of what the spirits say about it! Africa and we (those descendants of the African slave) are one! sciencegymnasium/2014/01/scientists-have-found-that-memories-may.html https://youtube/watch?v=tbPwzII_g6o
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 19:33:31 +0000

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