Veera 15th September 2014 Written Episode The Episode starts - TopicsExpress


Veera 15th September 2014 Written Episode The Episode starts with Baldev rushing to Veera and asking her to open her eyes. Veera is much injured and he says nothing will happen to her. He lifts her. Isha asks everyone to enjoy and lets click pics for memory. Ranvi thinks why is he worried, like something very bad is going to happen. Baldev brings Veera to the hospital. Ratan and Chaiji come there. Veera asks them not to tell Ranvi, promise me, his performance should not be affected. Veera is taken in operation theatre. Rishabh sees Ranvi surrounded by his fans and is angry as Raanvi is gaining sympathy by his innocence, but enough now, he won’t let him do this. Rishabh comes and makes his drink fall on Ranvi. He says sorry, and taunts Ranvi. Dev looks on. Anmol says Rishabh won’t change. Dev asks Rishabh not to make things personal. Rishabh says you know me, winning is everything for me, this is definitely big war and everything is fair in love and war. Dev says everything has limit, I want you to apologize to Ranvi. Rishabh says chill, enjoy the party. Veera is being treated. Ranvi gets Rishabh’s message calling him on terrace. Vishnu says maybe he wants to apologize, go. Ranvi says my phone is off, can I charge it. Vishnu says give me, I will keep it on charging. Ranvi says Gunjan will come in some time. Vishnu says don’t worry, I will attend her. Ranvi comes on the terrace and calls out Rishabh. Ranvi says why did he call me here, maybe he joked. Gunjan comes in the party dressed in beautiful black gown and looking gorgeous. Vishnu compliments her. She asks about Ranvi. He says Ranvi is lucky to have a wife like her, give some tips to Isha too to always be with me. Gunjan says do and tell your heart out, else you will lose her. Vishnu says Rishabh called Ranvi on terrace. She worries. He says chill, maybe he called him for a new start. Ranvi stands near the end and someone pushes him. Ranvi calls out Rishabh and asks him to save him. Anmol removes the mask and his face is shown. Anmol shows hatred on his face. Ratan asks the doctor how is Veera. The doctor says her wound is deep, we have to keep her on observation, she has to get conscious in 24 hours, else its risk. Baldev scolds the doctor. I will fire the hospital if anything happens to Veera. Nihaal apologizes to doctor and asks Baldev to calm down. Everyone cry. The surgeon comes. Anmol laughs. Ranvi hangs at the end. Anmol says two strong competitors are gone in one stroke. He says he has kicked Ranvi from 10th floor, only Anmol will be number one. He says Rishabh did much crime and have to leave a proof against him. He leaves Rishabh’s watch there. Baldev blames himself for Veera’s state and says she told me she is not feeling good and I insisted her. He prays to Lord for Veera’s safety. Anmol says he has killed Ranvi being Rishabh, Ranvi would have died by now and Rishabh will go behind bars soon. Vishnu asks Gunjan will she have anything. Gunjan says I m worried for Ranvi. Vishnu says he gave his phone to me, to charge it. Anmol comes and asks Gunjan why is she upset. Vishnu says Rishabh called Ranvi and she is worried. Gunjan says she will go and check. Anmol says yes, we should go and see. They come to the terrace and Gunjan calls out Ranvi loudly. Ranvi is still hanging and hears Gunjan. Anmol says we should go in party and check. Gunjan says lets see that side too. They start leaving. Ranvi shouts Gunjan and she stops. Anmol is tensed. Gunjan says its Ranvi’s voice. Ranvi says save me Gunjan. They see him. Vishnu says somebody help us. Gunjan and Vishnu pull Ranvi up. Anmol gets worried. Baldev sits by Veera’s side and cries. He holds her hand and says I know you are doing this to scare and punish me. He says forgive me this time please. Dev comes and asks what happened. Ranvi says Rishabh has pushed me. Anmol says what are you saying. Gunjan says I will kill him. Ranvi says no, you stay with me. Dev is shocked and says Rishabh can’t do this. He can’t fall so low, I m sure there is some misunderstanding. He asks Ranvi is he sure. Ranvi says yes. Anmol thinks to do something and shows Rishabh’s watch there. Dev is shocked. Dev says but he can’t do this. Precap: Gunjan comes to know about Veera’s accident and hides it from Ranvi. He says he is feeling tensed, please make me talk to Veera.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 18:24:44 +0000

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