Verse of the Day Can anyone hide in secret places so that I - TopicsExpress


Verse of the Day Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see them? declares the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord. —Jeremiah 23:24 Thoughts on Todays Verse... • For mankind to think they can hide from God is very much like an ostrich that sticks his head in the sand thinking that he is hidden since he cannot see anything, while the rest of his huge feathery body and long legs are there for all to see! Oh the foolishness of human nature to think that they could ever hide from the all-seeing and all-knowing Creator of the universe. When people conduct their sinful ways in the darkness of back alleys and dimly lit places, they are confident that God has no idea what they are up to. But as our verse today clearly points out….of course He does, for who can ever hide from God? Our Lord God fills heaven and earth, He knows our thoughts, and He knows our future. He knows the good, bad, and indifferent in us…yet He still loves us! He knew all this before He sacrificed His one and only Son Jesus... Christ to die for us so that we could live forever with Him. In view of this, is it too much to ask us to live for Him? No, it most certainly is NOT! No being will ever love us as God does, His love is unconditional, He formed us from the dust with His holy hands, and breathed the breath of life into our lungs. In Him alone we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). It is a privilege to purpose in our hearts to live for Him, not a drudgery, not something we are forced to do, but we do this out of our love for Him who loves us so very much! So the next time we are tempted to sin and we think that God will not know or see it, be assured He will see it and He will know it. After all His Holy Spirit is indwelling every child of God, we have a part of the God-Head in us, so let us be very careful where we take ourselves, what we let our eyes see, and our ears hear, for God is there too! Thank You Father God for Your omnipresence, help me Lord to never do those things that are in disobedience to You, my desire is to bring a smile to Your face Father, and to be a faithful servant to You all the days of my life. I love you so and I give You praise on this day.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 04:52:48 +0000

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