Very few times in life have I ever been in a total loss for words - TopicsExpress


Very few times in life have I ever been in a total loss for words but last night was one of them. THANK YOU to everyone that came out to celebrate Abigail and donate towards her wish. We started the night with $1200 raised and closed the evening beating our goal of $5000 (we raised $5200- and I hear we may have had a few more donations too!!!) Thank you- Crystle , Laura , Marisa , Sam , Patricia , Rebecca - for being amazing last night!! You guys were the force behind the success and I cant thank you enough. To my parents Regina and Robert - I am the luckiest girl in the whole wide world. Your support is endless and your love is huge. Thank you for everything - especially for dancing the night away with me! And the lululemon other store has custom built signs...we are so lucky!!! For my second parents - Irene and Dave, thank you for supporting my crazy vision and putting last touches on it (including pushing us to our fundraising goal!). To my lululemon team- I am so lucky to have been blessed with a job that feels nothing like a job. You guys make my world so bright each and every day! I love you all. To the Make-A-Wish NM team- you guys are doing some amazing things! And finally to Abigail- thank you for being so strong and inspiring more people than you know. You are one amazing little girl and I am so blessed to have you in my life!! Thank you to everyone for everything! All of the donors, attendees and friends that supported this event! I love you all! My heart is full with love, gratitude and pure happiness. Thank you. ❤️
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 15:49:40 +0000

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