Very insightful... Why are we all feeling the squeeze - TopicsExpress


Very insightful... Why are we all feeling the squeeze financially?? Between hyper inflation because Governments and central reserve banks (privately owned corporations) are printing money like there is no tomorrow to keep the economy afloat, and ever rising taxes and revenue raising... When the Governments become too big and powerful, who pays for that?? When does it stop rapidly rising and where does it go from here?? (ie. 5, 10, 15 years time) Approximately and 30 years ago you could buy a good home for $30-40 thousand, what is the average price of homes now?? (rental prices also) {Well over 10 times increased, but rapidly accelerated increase now also} Approximately 15 years ago fuel was 50 odd cents per litre, what is the average price now?? (When fuel goes up, everything has to go up, because everything is reliant on transport, especially with no farming land left in or near built up areas. Also what happens with food then in the event of a crisis? ie. supermarket shelf stocks etc...) {Roughly 3 times increased, but rapidly accelerated increase now also} Going shopping with my parents as a child/teenager say over 15 years ago, we always got an overflowing trolley full of groceries for the weeks shopping, and it would always come up to a total of approximately $100-$110, now, how much on average do you get for $100-$110, maybe a quarter of a trolley?? {Roughly 4 times increase, bus rapidly accelerated increase now also} Not to mention Electricity, water/rates etc. along with everything else and all the extras now with the insatiable appetite society has for technology and new bills associated with having technology and study/education etc... And the throw away society, with designed and planned obseletion by the corporate world forcing people to continually buy new things and new parts for things etc. (ie. How long did cars used to last? TVs, VCRs, other general household appliances, tools, utensils, infrastructure etc. How long do things generally last now?? The official unemployment rate is up (Where it used to {by memory} generally hover around 4% or so, now is over 6% with a much higher population as time goes on, so percentage wise, thats a lot of people, and Australia came out of the 2008 GFC much better than probably 95% of the worlds countries) advertised jobs are down with companies downsizing all over the place and big companies and corporations regularly downsizing thousands at a time, and moving off shore... The homeless statistics are growing rapidly... With most people living in a vicious cycle of debt, constantly juggling debt (increased stress, depression and anxiety etc. have become like an epidemic), and the statistics showing that countless amounts of people are losing their homes, businesses and jobs, and defaulting on their loan, mortgage and credit card repayments etc. And not able to take time off work when falling ill or family members fall ill and require help, and/or family members pass away and not being able to take time off to travel and see them before they pass away and/or go to funerals etc... Insatiable appetites of covetousness, a lot due to the heavy bombarding influence of consumerism, advertising and marketing, which causes people to get in to, live and be in a vicious cycle of debt and often with the banks breathing down their neck... The borrower is slave to the lender, Be in debt to no man... Anyone ever feel like a slave?? A wage/tax/debt slave maybe?? Presented with all of these facts alone, does anyone ask where all of this is going and what happens when things really hit their peak and get to breaking point for the majority of the people where many people just cant afford to spend any more money to keep the economy afloat or keep up at this pace which the economy is built up around and reliant on now, or afford to get in to more debt, if they can anyway after defaulting a few times?? Once again, presented with all of these facts alone, is anyone starting to feel like we are on a sinking ship?? Anyone starting to think that maybe we have become too dependent and reliant on the system/a system that theoretically and practically is inevitable to fail/collapse, especially because you just cant fix anything that big and complex especially when the worlds Governments largely dont and wont work together but are just concerned with their own Governments interests, when they are in heaps of International debt as well, which most of them can never come out of now?? Anyone starting to think that most of us are not self sufficient enough or prepared for anything, especially that a lot of countries and their people have experienced sine the 2008 GFC (AKA the reality of crisis)?? With this current rate of the rise of the cost of living, how exactly are most people going to be able to afford to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads within 5 - 10 years time?? Remembering that 1 income (usually the husband as the bread winner) used to be able to support an entire family and household, and generally speaking many families were much bigger in times gone past, now most families have to have at least 2 income earners with at least 1 full time to support smaller families... More people reliant on Centrelink/The Government = More taxes and revenue required... Burying heads in the sand and going along to get along does not change the kind of future that might be in store for many people and their families... I have brought nothing outrageous in the way of claims here that are difficult to believe or to see that is happening, but statistics and facts (AKA What is ACTUALLY happening, as opposed to Government and media portrayals)... When the Governments work to encourage people to keep spending and/or politicians say it, it is a good warning sign that things arent as great as what is being portrayed, as they need to increase consumer confidence, to keep the people spending in order to keep the economy ticking over or to stoke its fire so to speak. Its like getting the billows out to fire up or reignite or keep alight a fire in a fire place... Heres the kicker! How do you deal with a situation where the world is living in a vicious cycle of debt (countries/Governments and people) which is spiraling out of control where the statistics and facts show that countless amounts of people are losing their homes, businesses and jobs, unemployment rates and homeless statistics are rising rapidly and Governments are in Trillions of dollars worth of debt which they can never ACTUALLY get out of because they are lent to with interest and have levels of credit rating that determine the amount of interest aswell, and there really is only so much they can squeeze their people with taxes and revenue?? (AKA the global economy will inevitable implode) BINGO!! You go to war! You create a huge war that makes it so that all bets (debts) are off the table, because the economy and import/export trade, manufacturing, transport and infrastructure gets ruined anyway, so you have to do away with the old economy anyway and implement a new one and start again... An even better version of the question and answer, How does a big modern powerful western world wealthy country with a highly complex society and system that heavily influences the world is in over $17 Trillion of debt and rapidly rising, whos Government seems to refuse to stop spending so much money and/or slow it down, the ACTUAL unemployment rate is approximately 37%, with roughly 40-50 Million people (approximately 1 in 6 or 7), has once thriving cities left dilapidated (ie. Detroit) and in ruins to be overrun by drug addicts and homeless where homes are sold for as little as $1 in order to make the exchange/sale official, where the countrys economy is set to become a 2nd world and possibly a 3rd world country in the direction that its going economically, deal with a situation like that for all of these problems to be solved (eventually)?? They conduct false flag terrorist attacks on their own people on such a large scale that it gets the whole worlds attention, use propoganda to instill fear in to the world and to justify and gain support for launching in to a huge ongoing perpetual false War On Terror and invade many countries and continue to do so, leaving no peace and stability in these regions whatsoever but rather destabilize the regions even further, one by one go through all of the other major powers in the world and threaten and dictate to them, while having U.N. sanctions placed on them which cripples their economy, stirring tensions between all of these countries (and all of the countries that are involveds allies) while playing world dictator to the point where Nuclear threats and military displays of power are now a regular occurrence/trend and finally coming to a stand off with Russia and dictating to them, while using propoganda and misinformation to influence much of people of the worlds opinions toward all of these countries further justifying the dictatorial and wreckless regimes actions and you take the world down a path of WW3... ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!! The U.S. Government have invaded approximately 69 countries since WW2, How many have Russia invaded?? Iran?? North Korea?? China?? Iraq?? Afghanistan??.............. Although a lot of these countries Governments are not good and dont have a real good track record since WW2 in a number of ways, statistically, the U.S. Government have been far worse with deceptive propoganda and U.S. influenced heavily controlled mainstream media... How many innocent men, women and children need to be killed and cases of ongoing practices of torture with Government documents and military personnel confirming need to be exposed during this War On Terror thats invading countries and drone bombing like theres no tomorrow before the people or anyone says HEY, US GOVERNMENT, YOU HAVE TO BACK THIS HORSE UP A BIT!! IT IS NOT THE POLITICIANS AND HIGH PROFILE PEOPLE THAT SUFFER AND DIE DUE TO WAR, ITS THE NORMAL EVERYDAY PEOPLE AND THEIR FAMILIES THAT SUFFER AND DIE DUE TO WAR, THEY HAVE DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES (DUMBS) THAT THEY GO TO, BUT ITS THE PEOPLE WHO SUFFER. aND IF WE THINK WE ARE IMMUNE HERE IN AUSTRALIA, MAYBE WE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN HEED TO CHINAS WARNING/DISPLAY OF MILITARY POWER WHICH WAS LARGELY DEFIED/IGNORED JUST ABOVE AUSTRALIA STOPPING JUST SHORT OF AUSTRALIAN WATERS A FEW WEEKS AGO, AND WITH TODAYS TECHNOLOGY AND WITH WARSHIPS AND SUBMARINES (SOME NUCLEAR), MISSILES CAN BE LAUNCHED LONG RANGE NOW AND GUIDED VIA SATELLITE... WHAT DO WE THINK HAPPENS WHEN THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ARE BEING LED BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, THE U.S. SAYS JUMP AND AUSTRALIA AND THE U.K. SAY HOW HIGH AND HOW MANY BACK FLIPS WOULD YOU LIKE US TO DO WITH THAT... Australia (The generations alive now) doesnt really know the realities of war or what its like to have soldiers and tanks etc. patrolling streets etc. like other countries do, maybe we should actually take a look at the realities of war rather than treat this like just another headline or debate on TV, and also think that a big war now between the major powers of the world (Which 4 of them are allies to each other) with technology and capability where its at now, will be very different to any war that the world has ever seen and much more devestating... - U.S.s debt clock in real time - UKs Debt clock in real time - Australias debt clock in real time - World debt clock in real time WITH THESE KIND OF FIGURES AND STATISTICS, WHAT HAPPENS WHEN COUNTRIES GOVERNMENTS HAVE MORE BENEFITS OF GOING TO WAR THAN NOT AND LITTLE TO NO INCENTIVE TO AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS (especially when countries economies are being crippled by the U.N. {Whos headquarters is in the U.S. and is largely funded by the U.S. Government and The Rockefellers and Rothschilds who benefit/profit from war) WITH SANCTIONS THAT DOUBLE AS AN ACT OF WAR IN EFFECT IN THEMSELVES???
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 07:28:58 +0000

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