Very positive report about Cannabis on CP24.. Any issues with - TopicsExpress


Very positive report about Cannabis on CP24.. Any issues with the legality of this issue... one simple solution - FREE IT OVERNIGHT already. I have very much issue with Sunnybrook or the entire Health Network that cesspool of despair offers in regards to ANYTHING Cannabis, as the general public at large has been held-out to dry on this issue for many decades.. the FACT that Cannabis was deliberately REMOVED from our gardens in the 1st place was their first mistake - and our loss. Trying to play like some informed & concerned HEALTH organization today is embarrassingly irresponsible, and after reviewing (ie) a report about Cannabis by their head psycho psychologist Dr. A. Feinstein, the key tool who rode my buddy Spike for a ride for a month under his illicit care during the month of July, 2012 before throwing him out on the street because he had to go on vacation, I find everything and anything these two-faced thespians do henceforth is complete & utter protectionism of their own sad history and the guarantee of their maintaining both control as well as desperately ensuring THEIR profit again - from the very plant that they are STILL in the process of denying its superior medical properties, but more-so, keeping it out of the hands of the common people. Greedy, self-centered & wholly unethical pricks, quite frankly. Not EVERY medical practitioner by any stretch of the imagination, and I will be the 1st to point out that there ARE certainly the odd Doctor who has a backbone & willing to actually HELP a patient vs. worry about their pension or getting black-listed for even blinking at the Cannabis option. It was, after all, the insistence of Spike himself to seek a Cannabis-ONLY resolve last July at North York General Hospital, that triggered an abrupt end to his life within 2 days of such request, after he was injected with an obviously fatal dose of Gleevic - a drug that had actually saved his life years prior. I guess the threat of such a specific request of anything Cannabis-related was enough to finally shut him down. So, kudos for the CP-24 report, however, EVERY CANADIAN (and American) HAS TO KNOW that as of the writing of the Charter (Constitution in the States), EVERY CANADIAN CITIZEN has the unabashed & unhindered rights & freedoms to grow their own food as well medicine already today, and this is ACTIVELY being yanked from our fingertips as we speak! So, endorsing this new band wagon called Commercial Growers WITHOUT explaining that EVERY CITIZEN has the RIGHT to grow ones OWN PLANTS for FREE is - yes - treasonous, irresponsible, negligent & should be mandated that the Canadian Charter section 7 is UPHELD PARAMOUNT to ANY solicitation of Cannabis BY LAW, and EVERY Canadian is guaranteed this option prior to everything that falls afterward, including the option to purchase from a commercial grower if desired. Doctors have been under siege and coerced to NEVER even respond to a Cannabis request, but again, I can only associate such excuse to the Nazi soldiers who would simply justify their involvement as a forced endeavor. Lives are & have been at the balance of this sorted BS. Sorry, but the plant is free & must be rendered as such over night. Its that simple. Go do all the research possible - but in the meantime, LET IT GO and let us people cure ourselves while you scratch your heads as to why everyone is suddenly getting all HEALTHY AGAIN on our OWN! Thank you very much & thanks for coming out. Enough illicit dependencies on pharma poison, toxic patents & lies as big as the sky - release the plant and level the playing field, you greedy pricks! As for the Colleges of fishicians & sturgeons across Canada, UP YOURS! You cant keep lying like champs forever, and your façade of prohibition has finally come to an end. Let the sticky candy (Cannabis) go and go wash your hands now. Theyre filthy dirty with the lives youve ruined & destroyed in Cannabis absence.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 23:16:15 +0000

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