Via Erika Peterson.....I have some doubts about the quality of the - TopicsExpress


Via Erika Peterson.....I have some doubts about the quality of the claim....correlation isnt causation. ...but the claimant doesnt sell detoxing kits and does present caveats and the overall cause/effect chain makes sense to this layman. ....can we get a fully funded longitudinal study here? Urine testing has also shown that Americans have 10 times the glyphosate accumulation in their urine than Europeans, and children with autism have many biomarkers indicating excessive glyphosate in their systems including key mineral deficiencies, seizures and mitochondrial (the cell’s power center) disorders. SENEFF RESPONDS TO MONSANTO’S KEY ARGUMENT While Monsanto claims that Roundup is harmless because humans don’t have a shikimate pathway, which it inhibits, Seneff notes that our gut bacteria do have this pathway, and that’s crucial because these bacteria supply our body with crucial amino acids. She also says that most studies are too short to show Roundup’s oft-studied effects as a cumulative toxin, one that builds up both in the environment and in our bodies over time. According to Seneff, Roundup has the following side effects: it kills beneficial gut bacteria, allowing pathogens to grow; interferes with the synthesis of amino acids and methionine which leads to shortages in critical neurotransmitters and folate; chelates (removes) important minerals like iron, cobalt and manganese, and much more.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:50:06 +0000

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