Via Mule Martin · What Kenya needs is to undergo a - TopicsExpress


Via Mule Martin · What Kenya needs is to undergo a complete overhaul of political paradigm, completely change from the current paradigm of thinking our fates are interwoven and intertwined and cannot be extricated from those of tribal political demigods. Its time to embrace a new approach outside of the current political conmen, sired and nurtured just before independence. Independence got us to the so called CANAAN, why do we want to re-CANAAN. The current tribal chiefs, demigods are all ineffective paralyzed and impotent thinkers, contributing to our mental bondage. All they do is preach that we are victims and they are leading us to salvation and prosperity. They are leading you and me to their prosperity, not ours. They will not tell you that the FREEDOM War and Battle has been won! That you and me are free to compete in KENYA and WIN. So to keep us in mental bondage is their blank cheque to invite political cronies, political correct and tribal opiated sycophants into our national cake and create a gravy train to reward their blind support. The freedom fight was about giving us the right to compete. We are shy of taking the advantage of that right! and instead we feel comfortable behind some enslaving demigods? We have allowed the victories of the FREEDOM fighters be stolen by smiling faces, promising of freebies and government programmes. Every problem in our communities has become a problem only the tribal chiefs can fix. We are not under British colonialism, but we are allowing ourselves be under tribal and political elites bondage. We are dependent on them for jobs, education, medical benefits or is it hospital bills handouts? and we are also dependent on the tribal chiefs demigods for even permission to like ourselves. Today in Kenya, because of this type of mentality we are preying on each other out of frustration and despair. Our plight is worse than the original, except we are so blinded to see it. I call these political elites conmen because that is what they are, they are experts at coining tribal concepts, rhetorical empty slogans, hypocritical anti-capitalism concepts so as to dupe us as they march with us. meet with us and pretend to understand us, but as we all know they do not want what we want. We want FREEDOM, they want to become our new masters. And because our communities are easily led by their tribal emotions, rational thought is always SHUT out of any national debate. I find it hard that we seek to be restricted under these tired impotent tribal demigods..are we listening to Raila and Kalonzo already positioning themsleves to sell us their tired impotent ideas? I cannot believe what I am hearing from Raila, Kalonzo and their court jesters! Why should we be wishing to go back to restrictions and bondage and our forefathers fought against slavery. We seem to have missed our freedom fighters vision. They did not have a vision of a tribeless society but a victimless society. They wanted equal rights not special tribal or elites rights, but our media appointed tribal demigods need victims to lead and unmotivated masses in order to gain power. So I repeat,the principles of our freedom fighters have been stolen by renegade tribal demigods social pimps who only create violence for their benefit. Remember, when a nation has true power on the family level, it is truly a free and powerful nation.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 19:58:59 +0000

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