Via Nazli Hassan Shahine There is a concept called civil - TopicsExpress


Via Nazli Hassan Shahine There is a concept called civil disobedience. When one thinks a law is not just or discriminatory, one might choose to defy the law to express refusal. One is usually punished by the authorities but you draw attention to the law itself and how bad it is. This is what happened with the new protest law. People who defied the law are facing legal consequences (and by the way the police broke the same law when they were dispersing but of course in this country who cares!). What theyre doing is highlighting whats wrong with the law and expressing their opinion about it. I am fully against this law. If some people are for this law (with or without reading it in some cases) which allows the police to fire rubber and non-rubber (khartoush) on UNARMED protesters, then Im sure those activists are not looking for your specific sympathy. You can go on ignoring it until maybe one day youre caught into it, then just maybe youll understand why some bother to object. One more thing, how do people here think women got the right to vote in Egypt? You think its by sitting politely at home waiting for the nice government to do so? A group of women headed by Dorreya Shafik stormed the parliament building (yes against the law) and organized sit-ins (yes against the law) to fight for their case. Dorreya herself was put under house arrest for the rest of her life. Now thats sacrifice for a cause and thats bravery and thats taking on the burden for something you believe in and having vision. And thats what calls for RESPECT! Salma Nagy
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 09:40:08 +0000

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