Vicenza (Italy) 06/03/2014 document submitted 06/02/2014 letter - TopicsExpress


Vicenza (Italy) 06/03/2014 document submitted 06/02/2014 letter to His Holiness Francis 00120 Vatican City 09.02.2014 11.49 hours on the web to all regional commands of CARABINIERI and the regional offices RAI TV To avoid the scandal, the panic and the collapse of the political and religious system the heads of the Church and of the institutions maintain the more absolute silence (State & Church secrets) on death of John Paul I and John Paul II (have been killed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Francis Pope pretends nothing) and the secret activity of the intelligent service U.S (satanism) for the human mind control: block of the memory, increase in aggression, alteration of the capacity of judgment until the dementia. The cells of the mind do not generate insights, thoughts and reasoning but they receive them from the soul under the influence of the spirit. The Satanists know it and invoke the devil to drag people and groups of people to think, believe, wish and to do what is most convenient at their interests and dominate the economic, political, scientific and military word. Three names: CIA, George Bush, Silvio Berlusconi. As taught St. Padre Pio only the daily recitation of the Rosary protects from the influence of the devil and permit to conquer and preserve the domain of the faculties. Is from the collapse of the Twin Towers that I report these things to heads of the Church and of the institutions and they pretend not to understand. In these 12 years have received signal, several times, all dioceses of the Italian Church, parliamentary of the chamber and of the Senate, university teachers and researchers, attorney of the republic, prefectures, regional commands of the carabineer, and many national and international media. Are almost 1.000.000 of people! I have not heard anybody. From where come my knowledge has a long history that involving the American and Eastern countries Secret Service. We say that after a series of unexplained events I did some research and I have uncovered some important things on the human faculties, the occultism and the Passion of Christ. I lived alone and no one was aware of my studies. At the end I have realized a prayer and I started to pray against the Satanists around the world. One evening before the collapse of the Twin Towers I was approached by a unknown. He was a foreigner and spoke very bad the Italian language. He recounted me that he had killed a man (throwing it into a cliff) and in his clothing he had find some documents that concern me. I did not understand what he wanted from me. Then he took off his watch, turned him over and showing the imagine impressed to the center of the lid (CIA) exclaimed three times: do you understand? A warning. Mine researches had gave annoyance and the U.S service secrets and they had decided to kill me. The man came to warn me was a agent of the East services secrets. I suspected something in the military environment. I did not think a involvement of the CIA in the occult sciences. Has been unleashed the Hell. In complete solitude and incomprehension a force has begun to act violently on my faculties to stop the researches and prayers and on those of the people they entered in contact with me to isolate and impoverish me. I have signaling all to heads of the Church, the institutions and the media. Silence. After a few years the 04/04/2011 I have deposited a complaint on these things and on death of John Paul II to the prosecutors office of Brescia. I have not heard nobody. To make you understand the gravity of the situation I give you an example. On 20/11/2010 I sent this web message to: 6200 Carbineer barracks and offices, 154 courts, 244 prosecutors, 113 prefectures, 1.060 stations and offices of the Financial Police and all harbors master. On 15/12/2010 all head offices of the State Police. Silence. In these years I have distributed flyers in Vicenza, Verona, Padua, Venice, Brescia, Bassano del Grappa, S. Severo, S. Giovanni Rotondo, Peschiera del Garda and written, multiple times, to the Presidents of the Italian Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and Giorgio Napolitano. I sent reporting to all Members of the chamber and the Senate, diocese and Churchs institutions, monasteries, convents, university professors and researchers, national and foreign media and international offices of police, U.S. State Department, White House, FBI and Interpol. The only response I received is arrived from a Carbineer office on 28/11/2010: You have discovered the hot water. Is clear that in this situation I can do nothing and risk of passing for crazy. The truth themselves demonstrates. But if the devil drag all people who come into contact with my reports to the incredulity until the dementia to stop and prevent me from proving the truth what should I do to wake them up before its too late? As the world follows the science and ignores the devil the criminals invoke him to do what they want. The peoples of antiquity offered human sacrifices dominate their subjects, to obtain victory over their enemies, power riches and glory. Today are military, intelligence services, masons, industrial, mobsters and corrupt politicians to do the same thing. The strength of the boxer do not comes from his muscles but from his sins. The power of Nazism came from Satanism. Racial laws and death camps were the fuel. More sins, lies and death holocausts offering to the demon more dominated the minds and became powerful. No army in the world could stop them because their power was coming from Satan (in war does not remain alive the strongest, the fastest or the most cunning but one that has more sins. Is the Lord that leaves in life the sinners to give the time to repent and to be saved from the eternal damnation before its too late). They are was the incessant prayers and sufferings of St. Father Pio to force the evil to abandon them and bring down the Nazis. Satanists today are more insidious because act secretly on the faculties of entire categories of people to ignite the minds and instigate wars at home than others. The collapse of the Twin Towers is one of them. An action willed by the CIA to unchain a war to be offered as a sacrifice of death to the devil in exchange for an economic recovery. The things are turned out differently because someone has discover that the blood of the live Passion of Jesus Christ has the power to destroy the deformations of the spiritual substance of the demons and has realized a prayer (the sword of St. George: an invocation to repeat on the beads of the Rosary) that takes power away to Satanists. Thats why they wanted to kill me. While the East service secrets were trying to understand who I was and what I was doing. Not only. How did the U.S. intelligence service to know who I was and what I was doing in the silence of my room? Begin you to understand? Other that secret agents, bugging, satellite technologies and UFOs. Devil is the more powerful weapon of the world. Who invokes him knows everything about everybody and can acts simultaneously on all their faculties. Only those who avoids the sin and recite with regularly the rosary are protected and not subject the narcotic action of those who invoke him. The collapse of the world economy, as anticipated from March 2008 to the national and international media and institutions, has an origin very precise and will be irreversible. When the real economy will to the collapse (will arrive disasters, calamities, famine) the U.S. secrets service invoke the devil (as with Viet-Nam … Iraq ) to enkindle the minds and unleash wars at home the other until to involve China (III World War). Then they will use the military bases to defend the European people but only to attract a deluge of fire. So we will burn in death holocaust to Satan and their will return to dominate the world. It is necessary that the American people and the whole world know the truth before it is too late.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 10:10:23 +0000

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