Victims have a right to have there say............... If the - TopicsExpress


Victims have a right to have there say............... If the hospital staff in Crete and my family did not work as hard as we did on getting robert better. Then the 4 thugs that did this to him would have been facing murder charges instead of GBH. The way the human rights act has been set up in most cases its in favor of the criminals . I am afraid to say that the guilty 4 are still be walking around as if nothing had happend because the justice system has very little in it for human rights for the victims. Every time I see the picture of my son on that life support machine it makes my blood boil with anger and rage.But with me I believe its better putting all that energy into something more positive trying to get better rights for many other victims familys effected by crime abroad. The human being on the life support machine in that picture is my son so where are his rights in all of this..Before this attack he was fit ,strong and had a great future in front of him. He was a footballer and he was in the prosess of setting up a soccer training school for youngsters .However a group of cowards left him on the Malia street in a pool of blood fighting for his life and at that point his life and my familys lives were changed for ever. However the twist in the story is that Robert has been left disabled for life and the four able body thugs who did this are still living there lives as normal without even serving one day of punishment behind prison bars in a greek prison. These thugs who did this to Robert are all on facebook along with there friends .They have also managed to get on to some of my familys facebook pages by all sorts of means . I am sorry to say as a victims mum I do find it shocking that the very service and system that victims have to turn to in the aftermath of crime when trying to get justice has a dark side. In another newspaper article relating to this story I read a comment by a spoke person who said- (This crime happened over six years ago ? ) Yes thats right in fact it was on the 17th of june 2008 in Malia Crete. The suspects at that time all denied the attack on my son when questioned in the greek police station. But they were allowed to came home back to the UK pending investigation. Then just over a year later they were then summons back to Greece to give there side of the story . But they all refused with lawyers in the UK courts saying the suspect in this case would not get fair treatment over there and would be thrown into a dirty run down greek jail for at least eighteen months before going to trial. Sorry is my reply as the guilty 4 did not worry about any of this when they were still sunning there backsides on them Greek beaches the days after nearly killing my son.Nor when they came home back to the UK knowing my son was still left over in Greece fighting for his life in hospital. So the Greek authorities had no choice but to exercise there right to send out a European Arrest warrent to get them back to where this crime was committed. However one of the defendants in this case had to be temporarily released from this warrent as he had been accused of another crime of ABH in the UK which I read in a news paper he was found guilty of after coming home from Malia in 2008.This meant that my sons case in Greece had to be held up for another two more years. Since 2012 when 4 out of the six defendents were found guilty in the greek court. My family have had to wait yet again due to the remaining guilty four throwing in a appeal. So far we have been back twice to the same court room in Greece and not once have the defendants been there in person. However the victim ,the witnesses,my family, my lawyer, the prosecutor ect have all been there waiting for this case to get started and the next time its booked in is the 30th of September 2015.Which is seven and a half years after the attack. So my answer to that (spoke person) in that other news paper article is -Get your facts straight first about time scales and whos to blame for them. And take a look at my son in the picture and then ask yourself a question: If this would have been your ,brother, uncle, nephew, dad, cousin or even you own son would you not fight for justice even if it took the rest of your life ?
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 10:43:12 +0000

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