Video Gives Astronaut’s-Eye View Inside NASA’s Orion - TopicsExpress


Video Gives Astronaut’s-Eye View Inside NASA’s Orion Spacecraft New video recorded during the return of NASA’s Orion through Earth’s atmosphere this month provides a taste of the intense conditions the spacecraft and the astronauts it carries will endure when they return from deep space destinations on the journey to Mars. Among the first data to be removed from Orion following its uncrewed Dec. 5 flight test was video recorded through windows in Orion’s crew module. Although much of the video was transmitted down to Earth and shown in real time on NASA Television, it was not available in its entirety. Also, the blackout caused by the superheated plasma surrounding the vehicle as it endured the peak temperatures of its descent prevented downlink of any information at that key point. However, the cameras were able to record the view and now the public can have an up-close look at the extreme environment a spacecraft experiences as it travels back through Earths environment from beyond low-Earth orbit. The video begins 10 minutes before Orions 11:29 a.m. EST splashdown in the Pacific Ocean, just as the spacecraft was beginning to experience Earths atmosphere. Peak heating from the friction caused by the atmosphere rubbing against Orions heat shield comes less than two minutes later, and the footage shows the plasma created by the interaction change from white to yellow to lavender to magenta as the temperature increases. As Orion emerges safely on the other side of its trial by fire, the camera continues to record the deployment of the series of parachutes that slowed it to a safe 20 mph for landing and the final splash as Orion touched down on Earth. Image Credit: NASA
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:15:41 +0000

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