Vine Dwellers (John 15:5)-Highlights from Prayer Call Senior - TopicsExpress


Vine Dwellers (John 15:5)-Highlights from Prayer Call Senior Pastor Daryl Arnold OBC Luke 5:1-11 God is going over and beyond your skill set. You will find yourself on jobs and owning businesses that you did not train for. Why did God use Peter? Peter was in the right place to be used by God. Those who surrender their lives to God this year are the people that God will use this year. Whatever you do, don’t omit the Word of God out of your life. Chase the Word on this year. This is the year you lay down next to the Word of God. For those who are getting into the Word this year, those are the people that God is going to do something bigger in their lives this year. GETTING IN THE WORD BUILDS YOUR FAITH Peter was fishing next to Jesus as Jesus was preaching the Word of God. Peter heard the Word and His faith was increasing. When Jesus asked him to let down his net, he responded “according to your Word, I will let down my net.” Nothing can happen in this earthly realm without faith. Don’t miss a church service/prayer meeting/prayer call this year. Those who build up their Word capacity this year, God will do something great in them. God wants you get to the place where all of your power and your gifts will become insignificant and you lean on and look to the power and ability of God. Like a person that is drowning, you have been fighting to pay your bills/keep your marriage together/get your child to act right. God says if you would just stop fighting and lift your hands while you’re drowning, that’s when God will jump in and save you. God wants to do something in your life bigger than your gifts/momentum you can create. So big that only He will get the glory out of your life. When Peter obeyed Jesus, he caught so many fish that his nets were not able to hold the abundance and increase. When it happens, testify that it was not my strength/strategy/gifts but the Lord on my side. Peter’s catch was so great that he had to ask his partners to help haul the fish in. This will be the year that God will so bless you that everyone connected to you will be blessed by the overflow from your blessing. After Jesus gave them everything they asked for, he asked them to follow Him, and they left it all and followed Jesus. Just like Abraham, after God gave him the promised son Isaac and asked him to give him back. The question is will you worship the creator more than the creation, the blesser more than the blessing. Challenge: in your hour of frustration when you are tired and feel like all your efforts and seeds sown are not producing the harvest you expect, be like Peter and say, Lord I toiled all night long but nevertheless at thy word I will do what you ask.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 19:33:33 +0000

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