Violence against black people and refuge in history * Robert F - TopicsExpress


Violence against black people and refuge in history * Robert F Williams is a little known civil rights activist who was at odds with the civil rights movement. In the current global and American dispensation where the state is violent to its citizen he makes a lot of sense. Passivity is not the answer it is thus that the founding fathers of America wrote into the Constitution the right to bear arms. In these times people need to be armed; governments are the new enemies of the people. Globally the rise of the police and military state translates into deaths of any dissenting citizen and as a direct consequence the death of the Republic and democracy. Today we see the negro suckered into perpetually looking at the past when he and she is being killed, brutalized and dehumanized by the state. The irony is; instead of confronting the monster he and she takes refuge in history or the politics of identity. History may tell you where you come from but it doesnt solve your current problem. Right now the world and especially the black people in America are being raped and brutalised but instead of standing up in a revolutionary fashion, run to libraries and hide behind history. This is a cop out and a form of evasion of the real issue; white supremacy through the glittering-ly deceptive door of Capitalism. To add insult to injury black people are fighting each other to join and have equality in the US army yet it is the same army that is creating an empire and a part of creating that empire is carving up and looting Africa. In all that identity clamouring, and we built egypt rhetoric, all that has happened is the slave has learnt to enslave himself and thus leaves the slavemaster to a life of leisure as he the slave whips beats and chains himself whilst the slavemaster laughs all the way to the bank. Although i realise the importance of history i dont see its relevance in a world that is violently oppressing you; its like a woman being robbed and raped and along comes this wannabe liberal historian and says its ok. remember your people built the pyramids how in heavens name does is that woman freed or justice done; through history? - i dont think so! Right now the challenge is empire and its violent quest for power; that is the real challenge history can come later its time for revolution moreover rather than just be a student of history one should be a player and writer of it. raimd.wordpress/2007/05/17/let-it-burn-interview-with-robert-f-williams/
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:23:47 +0000

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