Virginia Wisdom went to the symposium on the proposed TPP/fast - TopicsExpress


Virginia Wisdom went to the symposium on the proposed TPP/fast track last night. I think we all know it will create a tribunal of lobbyists representing 600 multinational corporations who demand we IMMEDIATELY bring ALL our federal, state, and local laws into compliance with THEIR rules and regs. The lobbyists dont say what their rules and regs are (top secret), but if we fail to comply immediately, they can condemn us in their tribunal. Phase I of the TPP allows them to seize assets and impose fines of unlimited billions. Phase II, however, allows them to impose criminal penalties. First they can destitute us, and then they can execute us. BTW, Candidate Obama campaigned on a promise to END fast track, for whatever thats worth. Our politicians are doing this to us, of course, because of all the money the lobbyists are passing around D.C. The only thing that stops an ocean of money is an ocean of people. I would hope that all patriots who love America will come to her rescue now, in her hour of need. We need an ocean of calls to congress. You can go to StopFastTrack.Com, key in your phone number and zip code, and your congressman will call you back almost immediately. Please tell them we want no to Fast Track and no to the TPP.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 03:13:25 +0000

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