Visionary John Agyekum Kufuor in his wisdom saw the need for the - TopicsExpress


Visionary John Agyekum Kufuor in his wisdom saw the need for the country to wean itself from servitude from the IMF/World Bank as a result of their harsh conditionalities they impose on countries under their tutelage, a move which was hailed by many since many years of being remote-controlled by these two siblings had failed to yield the expected results. President turned director cum instructor, John Dramani Mahama, having zigzagged his way to the presidency through unorthodox means, promised to work harder to get Ghana to the Canaan his predecessor, hypocritically pius John Mills, had desired to send us. The decision to rekindle our love affair with the IMF has been on his mind for months, and one wonders why this decision at this material moment. Sight must not be lost of the fact that Mahamas insatiable and wanton greed to be president is largely responsible for this mess which has coersed him to shamelessly retrace the steps we swore never to walk again. Mahama engaged in an expenditure very unprecedented in our political history just because of his over-ambition to lead the nation Ghana. When Kwabena Dufuor was sidelined for his deputy, Seth Terkper, many were under the mistaken perception that he could reverse things, with the help of presidential advisor on economic affairs, Dr.Nii-Moi Thompson, the repository of all knowledge in economics and finance when JAK was president. Fiifi Kwertey, another loud mouth, also claimed to be a wizard on economic matters, so the NDC was going to liberate Ghanaians from years of untold hardships. When Mahama saw that Terkper was not delivering, he went in for the messiah in economics, the person with the magical wand to normalize everything, Mona Quartey, an American imported into the country, who was made to switch her nationality in order to be qualified to hold such an enviable office. It has turned out that Mona Quartey is more confused than Terkper and Dr.Nii-Moi Thompson combined. She is the most indecisive appointee of JM. Now, let us examine what this new turn of events portends for Ghana. It is true a modicum of sanity will prevail in how government spends recklessly, but the implication will be too dire for the ordinary Ghanaian to cope with. The IMF will ask us to pay electricity, water and fuel fully, without governments subsidies. They will ask government to stall wages and salaries, if not reduce them. They will ask government to offload some of its workforce in the public sector, thereby increasing unemployment. They will ask government to raise taxes in order to reap in more cash for its activities. The million dollar question is, can Ghanaians withstand these killer policies of the IMF? Your guess is as good as mine. Bottom line, the Mahama/Lordina administration has vividly shown Ghanaians made the biggest mistake of their lives by endorsing such an incompetent party. Mahama has told the whole world he doesnt deserve to lead Ghana because he has virtually relinquished his responsibilities, decisions, etc, etc to the IMF. The IMF is in charge of Ghana, not Mahama. Wherever injustice Atuguba is, he has regretted imposing Mahama on us as president! God is watching all of us with keen interest!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 05:15:08 +0000

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