"Visual Impurity" Sometimes people come Into your life and - TopicsExpress


"Visual Impurity" Sometimes people come Into your life and you Know right away that they Were meant to be there They serve some sort of Purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become You never know who these people May be; you roommate, your Neighbor, professor, long Lost friend, lover or even A complete stranger who, When you lock eyes with them, You know that very moment That they will affect you In some profound way And sometimes things Happen to you and at the time They seem horrible, Painful and unfair, but In reflection, you realize That without overcoming Those obstacles you would Never have realized your Potential, strength, will Power of heart Everything happens for a reason Nothing happens by chance or by Means of good or bad luck Whether it be illness, injury, love, or Lost moments True greatness and sheer stupidity All occur to test the Limits of the soul Without these small tests, if they Be events, illnesses Or relationships, life would Be like a smooth paved, straight, Flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable, but dull And utterly pointless The people you meet who Affect your life and successes And downfalls you experience They are the ones who create Who you are Even the bad experience can be Learned from….Those lessons Are the hardest, and the most important Ones….If someone hurts you, Betrays you, or breaks your Heart….Forgive them, for they have Helped you learn about trust… If someone loves you, love them Back unconditionally, not only Because they love you, but because They are teaching you to love And opening your heart and eyes To things you would have never Seen or felt without them…. Sometimes we create the pain Between those we care about We deny the fact we are at fault And blame them for our lies And deceit…..Who are we really Fooling in the end? No one, Because we know deep down Our truths….So turn the page, Admit your rights and wrongs And bring the truth to the Forefront…Because in the end We are to blame for the Environments, happiness, Hurts, that we suffer through
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 23:48:21 +0000

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