WAF Philippines FIRMLY OBSERVES THE OFFICIAL SCAPULAR INVESTITURE PROCEDURE: The World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF) of the Philippines always complies with the following PROCEDURE FOR BLESSING & INVESTITURE OF THE BROWN SCAPULAR: Priest - Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy. Respondent - And grant us Thy salvation. P - Lord, hear my prayer. R - And let my cry come unto Thee. P - The Lord be with you. R - And with your Spirit. P - Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, sanctify + by Thy power these scapulars, which for love of Thee and for love of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Thy servants will wear devoutly, so that through the intercession of the same Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and protected against the evil spirit, they persevere until death in Thy grace. Thou who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. THE PRIEST SPRINKLES WITH HOLY WATER THE SCAPULAR AND THE PERSON(S) BEING ENROLLED. HE THEN INVESTS HIM (THEM), SAYING: P - Receive this blessed scapular and beseech the Blessed Virgin that through Her merits, you may wear it without stain. May it defend you against all adversity and accompany you to eternal life. Amen. AFTER INVESTITURE THE PRIEST CONTINUES WITH THE PRAYERS: P - I, by the power vested in me, admit you to participate in all the spiritual benefits obtained through the mercy of Jesus Christ by the Religious Order of Mount Carmel. In the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Ghost. + Amen. May God Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and earth, bless + you, He who has deigned to join you to the Confraternity of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel; we beseech Her to crush the head of the ancient serpent so that you may enter into possession of your eternal heritage through Christ our Lord. R - Amen. THE PRIEST THEN SPRINKLES AGAIN WITH HOLY WATER THE PERSON(S) ENROLLED. ___________________________________________________ From: CATECHESIS ON THE BROWN SCAPULAR "The following catechesis was prepared in 2000 under the direction of the North American prior provincials of the Carmelite Order and the Order of Discalced Carmelites as the Carmelite Family prepared to celebrate the 750 anniversary of the Brown Scapular. The draft was prepared by Father Sam Anthony Morello, OCD and Father Patrick McMahon, O.Carm. and was then submitted to the Archdiocesan authorities in Washington DC for the imprimatur of the then archbishop, Cardinal James Hickey. After several minor modifications the imprimatur was granted. The following is the revised and approved text. It was published as part of The Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Catechesis and Ritual." "WHO MAY INVEST PEOPLE WITH THE BROWN SCAPULAR OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL? "According to the Rite for the Blessing and Enrollment in the Scapular of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, approved by the Holy See in 1996, any priest or deacon has the faculties for blessing the scapular. A person given authority to act in the name of the order may receive people into the confraternity of the scapular. The official ritual provided by the Holy See makes no provision for someone other than a priest or deacon to bless the scapular." ___________________________________________________ IF this SCAPULAR ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE is not followed, we simply say JOIN ONE which the WAF OFFICIALLY ADOPTS. By the way, the WAF is the official Fatima apostolate in the world. It is a Public International Association of the Faithful with Pontifical Right: laici.va/content/laici/en/sezioni/associazioni/repertorio/world-apostolate-of-fatima.html For more info re the Scapular, please go to any of the following: sistersofcarmel/brown-scapular-information.php freebrownscapular/brown_scapular_enrollment.html freebrownscapular/brown_scapular_faqs.html
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:23:08 +0000

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