WAITING FOR ASCENSION, MAITRAYA channeled by Jahn J - TopicsExpress


WAITING FOR ASCENSION, MAITRAYA channeled by Jahn J Kassl translated by Franz STATE OF AFFAIRS & WAY TO ENLIGHTENMENT Beloved Ones, I am MAITRAYA Eternal immutable cosmic Christ Consciousness. What has been manifested on Earth by JESUS, the living CHRIST, is being manifested by me in cosmic dimensions. SANANDA and I are one, what distinguishes us are assignments that the Creator entrusted in us and whereby we are known in many worlds. In love and with the glaring Light of the Creator I am among you. I am with you, in these days, which uncover new fields of grace for you and enrich your consciousness with new light frequencies, which bring insights and illumination, because you are now ready for it. What was yesterday is entirely unimportant, what will be tomorrow, has no significance. The moment, the instant, this instant as we gather in the cosmic light of love, in order to lift ourselves, is the only one that has consistency and value. It is always our task, our competency. Nobody in All-that-Is is authorized to initiate or elevate a oneself conscious and God devoted Being, unless: this procedure is based on a direct assignment from God. It thereby happens, that you elevate yourself and you are elevated, because you are carried by God and be lifted up by the great angels of light and this happens in these days. What did not happen, what still waits for fulfillment, what is now of importance , as a new year again comes to an end on this timeline? What has happened, what not, what is to be expected and what not? Beloved gods, Who stand on the same level with us ascended Masters, even though you still deny this and even though your life is not completely oriented toward it and you do not conduct it, as would be appropriate for your status. Lethargic forces still mix in, you marvel here and there about the course of the visible world, which you should have understood by now; you still lack knowledge about cosmic events, and that is the reason for your insecurity regarding the planetary ascension. A wonderful autumn has been announced to you! And you think there was none. A great error, because this error lets you diminish your trust and lets you stagger, and opens the door wide for doubt. Yet in fact, everything has been fulfilled and even more, what has been announced to you has been exceeded – exceeded by a lot. Now I invite you to stretch your consciousness far beyond the human limitations and see what is: 1.) The change is stable in all its individual areas, anchored and aligned. 2.) All preparations are finished and all events, that have not manifested on this timeline, are “Ante Portas”. 3.) Delays are part of these processes, because the cosmic light floods all levels, and always waits for the reaction from each world, in order to proceed with this work. Thereby I ask Jahn to describe his dream: Dream: I received a message and I published it. Thereby I see that this energy – a white ray of light – manifests over the head of each human Being and then moves on. There is a counter in my vicinity, which counts each human that has been touched by the light. This happens very quickly. I want to stop observing as it reached 2 million, because it gets boring and I want to do other things. Whereby I am being told that this is not possible, since I have to wait until all 7 billion human Beings have been touched by this ray of light, and until the reactions of humans come back to me, because after that a new provision will be enacted and the ascension modalities will be adjusted accordingly. (End of dream) Expressed in simple terms it means that the work of the light warriors and the great Masters, who live as humans among humans, is enormously multi-faceted. In this case it means, that due to each flooding of light caused by an increase in vibration from the central sun, all human Beings are being touched, no matter how many soul fragments they have in this dimension. Even those who are closed off to the light at least are in the situation to reject the light. Each new flooding of the divine light creates new reactions and brings changes in behavior and also brings new decisions of human Beings with it. Meaning, energy, which flows in one direction returns again to the point of origin, whereby from there new determinations are carried out. One needs to wait for this return in energy because due to the freshly gained insights new light qualities can be introduced and still more, because the new light qualities build on the gained insights of human Beings. Meaning, for a light warrior of this time it is extremely taxing to follow this cycle of energy. Special honors are due those human Beings who guide these energies through their energy system, in order to support the transformation process. To understand this point is very important, so that you may understand how things develop and happen, and that the miracles, which have been announced to you, will happen, even though they aren’t immediately visible for your eyes. The miracles, which were announced to you for the visible level, are based on the fact, that they must first be realized in the subtle realms. This happens through all subtle levels before it can arrive in your world, on the surface of the earth. This can lead to great time differences in the perception of individual human Beings and therefore expectations and the wait for the ascension becomes a true nerve racket. How do we escape from this? Whereby you step out of time by interlocking with the all-knowing cosmic consciousness. How? By listening in the silence and not let yourself be taken in by the hustle and bustle of this world. A human Being who does not succeed in silencing himself in the activity of this world, needs to attain this condition in meditation. If the connection to the Divine is constant, there is no need for meditation, but if the connection is broken quite often, the quiet contemplation is the key in order to attain this and further knowledge. A necessary status check for all doubters. Where do you stand? What did you already manifest and integrate? Where do still need to look? The ascension is in ongoing at full speed and is fully – expressed in human terms of speech and norm – an outstanding SUCCESS! The wonderful autumn is gone and a likewise fulfilled and magical winter has begun. It is valid to become pervious to these facts. Meaning, to also direct your perception toward the events behind and not only in front of the veil. This is the command of these days. Because the one who constantly searches for space ships in the sky, misses the moment, when the subtle realms want to expand in your heart and want to land there. The year 2013 of this linear time-space-axis comes to an end, and it happened, what had to happen and more happened than what was announced to you. The truth is, and this is the essential point to understand with all ascension processes of this time: That the separation of the worlds and the creation of new worlds due to the undeviating fields of God’s grace will bring optimum results for all Beings on all levels of this time-space-continuum. And this is also in consideration of the fact that the important decisions from human Beings and God have already been made. In the carefulness of the Creator each life is being cared for, and before you are removed from this world of the dark princes, or before the dark princes have been removed from this world, depending on where your new home may be, the extent of this whole process of Creation will be revealed to you, the light warriors of the first and last hours. The great Masters of this time in these days receive a great view into the magic of Creation. And solely based on this fact, you will succeed to remain clear, wise, patient and careful to the end. Knowing how the spiritual energy of ascension operates creates deep and unshakeable trust in this process, the extent of which cannot be compared to anything and will not be surpassed by anything. You, who have come to this world with great assignments, you, who have descended and now are looking forward to your ascension: Continue to be ready and continue to prepare human Beings for the DAY X! You are already ascended, but the final step, when you lose your physicality, is still ahead. And about that, the enlightenment of your Being, I will talk about on the day of our appointment in the Light. You are loved, infinitely, MAITRAYA I am the cosmic Christ I am the Life on all levels of Creation The light world publishing and the author do not lead any correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages published on this website. I Expect you in the Light - MAITRAYA: lichtweltverlag.blogspot.co.at/2014/01/i-expect-you-in-light-maitraya.html
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 10:53:15 +0000

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