WANT THE REAL FACTS ABOUT THE HOLY LAND ? READ THESE AND SIGN UP TO GET THE NEWS THAT MATTERS IN ISRAEL.Adar Bet 18, 5774 / Thursday, Mar. 20 14 subscribe to this Daily Israel Report - israelnationalnews/Subscribe Headlines 1.Learn Toughness from Putin, Terror Victim Urges Netanyahu 2.PA Praises Arch-Terrorist - Allah Give Us Martyrdom 3.In Talks with Obama, Abbas Demanded Release of Top Murderers 4.Opinion: A Lawsuit with Chutzpah 5.Prison Commander Fired For Mistakenly Freeing Terrorist 6.EU Pressuring Israel to Release Long-Term Terrorist Prisoners 7.IDF Chief of Staff Calls to Retake Gaza, Take on Iran 8.Muslim Rioters Attack MK Feiglin on Temple Mount 1. Learn Toughness from Putin, Terror Victim Urges Netanyahu by Hezki Ezra, Ari Yashar Dr. Alan Bauer, an American citizen living in Israel and a terror victim, joined Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danons protest on Wednesday against the looming release of the final batch of terrorist prisoners to the Palestinian Authority (PA), as part of a four-part gesture to the PA imposed on Israel by the US. Bauer, a Harvard-educated biologist, was seriously wounded in Jerusalem along with his then-seven-year-old son Jonathan in 2002, in an Arab suicide bombing attack. Three terrorists from our attack were freed in the Shalit deal. Every time they talk about releasing terrorists the attack comes back to us; its with us all the time, revealed Bauer to Arutz Sheva. Well keep fighting for justice. The attack hasnt disappeared, it isnt five minutes or a year, its a whole lifetime. [youtube:129480] Bauer remarked, For the past 12 years since the attack Ive worked with my wife Revital to prevent the release of terrorists. Our requests used to be directed at the American government, because of our American citizenship; today, we came to support MK Danon, who was always against these releases. The doctor notes that before the 2011 release of captured IDF soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for over a thousand terrorists, Israel released 18 terrorists who wounded or killed American citizens, despite the demands by the American government not to free them. Theres no doubt that the prime minister is under pressure, but the problem is that Israel didnt set a limit, remarked Bauer. Which terrorists to free, with blood on their hands or without - they let Hamas decide. Theyll go right back to murdering Revital, Bauers wife, argued the upcoming release of terrorists is ridiculous given that the terrorists dont even express regret for their actions. The terrorists say theyll go back to murdering and arent sorry, and they tell everyone that they intend to return to terror, charged Ravital. Indeed, in the past, many released terrorists have quickly returned to their former activities; just this Monday one terrorist released in the Shalit deal was caught with a knife planning a stabbing attack. Referring to the threats of sanctions against Russia for its recent moves to annex Crimea from Ukraine, Revital noted Russian President Vladimir Putin is also under pressure, and he still does whats good for Russia. In the same way, she hinted Israel should stand up to US pressure on the issue of terrorist releases. Post Comment 2. PA Praises Arch-Terrorist - Allah Give Us Martyrdom by Ari Yashar The Palestinian Authority (PA) and Fatah, the faction of PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, didnt let the peace talks with Israel deter their annual praising of the most lethal terror attack on Israel. Both groups reveled in the March 11 anniversary of arch-terrorist Dalal Mughrabis horrific massacre. In 1978, Mughrabi led a group of terrorists from Lebanon to Israel, where they hijacked a bus and killed 37 Israeli civilians, among them 12 children. Abbass advisor on NGOs, Sultan Abu Al-Einen, saw fit to say at an event broadcast on official PA TV this Monday that Mughrabi would not agree to anything other than to establish her state between Yafo (near Tel Aviv) and Lebanon in her special way. Al-Einen added they [Israelis] are deluding themselves if they think the negotiations are our only choice. Let the young people hear me: Allah, honor us with Martyrdom. Allah, give us the honor of being part of the procession of Martyrs. Palestinian Media Watch translated the remarks. [youtube:129477] The remarks bring to mind the statements of a senior PA official and confidante of Abbas last Wednesday on PA TV, who called Israelis an advanced instrument of evil, claiming Allah will gather them so that we can kill them. Al-Einen was by no means the only one to get in on the action praising Mughrabi. Fatah Spokesman Ahmad Assaf spoke at a separate event, and was quoted last Wednesday in the official PA daily calling Mughrabi an extraordinary example of struggle, whose headline is bravery, heroism, sacrifice and courage, and who inspired her generation and the next generations. The PA paper reported on Monday that at the event Fatah promised to the masses of our heroic people that it would remain loyal to the promise of the Martyr Dalal and her companions, and to all the Martyrs, until freedom, independence and return. In yet another event lionizing the arch-terrorist, Deputy Governor of the Jenin District Abdallah Barakat mentioned the Martyr Dalal Mughrabi, who taught the world about dedication and love of the homeland. Social media was not ignored as an outlet of terror celebrations. Last Tuesday, Fatah wrote on its official Facebook page the waves of the sea raged and disgorged eleven stars. Dalal and her friends had decided to return to their homeland as heroes. The page further romanticized the mass murderer by saying she planned to make Zionism tremble; she [Dalal] destroyed two large buses and killed more than 100; and the flag of Palestine waved in the skies of the occupied land. The attacks took place between Tel Aviv and Haifa. Post Comment 3. In Talks with Obama, Abbas Demanded Release of Top Murderers by AFP and Arutz Sheva Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas demanded in talks with US President Barack Obama that Israel free the most senior Palestinian Arab prisoners, including Marwan Barghouti, a PA official said Thursday. Earlier this month, Abbas said Palestinians will not agree to extend peace talks with Israel beyond their April 29 deadline without Israel releasing more prisoners beyond the fourth and final tranche planned for later this month. During his meeting with Obama in Washington on Monday, President Abbas demanded the release of more prisoners and Palestinian leaders in Israeli jails, like Saadat and Barghouti and Shubaki, manager of the Palestinian prisoner club Abdulal al-Anani told the official Voice of Palestine radio. He was referring to Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) leader Ahmad Saadat, former PLO finance official Fuad Shubaki and Marwan Barghouti, one of the main architects of the 2000 terror war often referred to as the Second Intifada or the Oslo War. Saadat planned the assassination of Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze’evi in 2001. He was sentenced in 2008 to 30 years in prison. Barghouti, a senior member of Abbas’s Fatah party, is serving five life sentences for planning numerous terror attacks against Israelis. From his jail cell, he has threatened Israel with a third intifada. Also on Thursday, an EU parliamentary delegation urged Israel to release long-term Palestinian prisoners, saying it was crucial to move a fragile Middle East peace process forward. Post Comment 4. Opinion: A Lawsuit with Chutzpah by Uzi Baruch 1. Like the rising sun in the morning, the wagtail that heralds the fall season in Israel, and allergies in the spring, every year or two we face a lawsuit by a disgruntled employee in the Netanyahus residence. The pattern is fixed, the complaints repeat themselves, and only the lawyers change occasionally. I do not know Sarah Netanyahu, and it is quite possible that she is not a particularly easy person to get along with, but Israeli media has made her such an easy target for attacks, that former employees cant withstand the temptation. 2. This time the lawsuit is being brought by Menahem Naftali, who used to be a guard at the Prime Ministers Residence and was later hired to work as household manager there. But it is not clear what Mr. Naftali wants. On the one hand, he complains of suffering abusive behavior by Mrs. Netanyahu, and on the other, the lawsuit was filed after the employers refused to yield to his request for a promotion. Who wants tenure in a place where he suffers abuse? One cant shake the impression that inserting Sarah Netanyahu into the lawsuit was meant to guarantee it press coverage. After all, no one would be interested in a lawsuit over matters of tenure and extra hours – matters which actually constitute the main portion of Naftalis lawsuit. By mentioning Sarah Netanyahu, the desired media exposure was achieved. 3. As for the actual claims, it should be said that a househlod manager who buys milk in a plastic bag instead of a carton is not doing his job properly. Sarah Netanyahu is absolutely right in saying that this would not have happened in the White House or the Élysée Palace. Israelis are experts at doing everything “more or less” like they were asked to, and it appears that Mr. Naftali, at least as far as his own testimony in the lawsuit shows, is no different. While it is true that I would not have woken up someone at 3 a.m. over that, I understand why it is annoying and why it would lead to a very unpleasant reprimand. This is not a regular household helper – a household manager in the Prime Ministers Residence has to be top-notch. 4. The alleged anti-Sephardic prejudice that was also worked into the lawsuit is starting to grate on the nerves. Usually, when people talk about the Moroccan community and the amount of food that its members like to eat, the connotation is a positive one. Even if it is said in criticism, it is probable that there was no malice here. However, any reference to ones ethnic background is politically incorrect and could give the complainant some extra points in public opinion and in the court. 5. No one knows if the rumor that has been spreading, according to which Naftali carried out recordings in the prime ministers house, is true or not. I would like to believe that it is an utter falsehood. But if it is true, Naftali should be thrown into jail. Its as simple as that. Secretly recording in the prime ministers residence is unacceptable, in any situation. If the prime minister cant feel free even when he is at home, we will get prime ministers who are unable to discharge their duties. Post Comment 5. Prison Commander Fired For Mistakenly Freeing Terrorist by Nir Har-Zahav, Ari Yashar A prison commander has been dismissed after a terrorist arrested in Judea and Samaria by Israeli security forces was released by mistake. The terrorist was arrested several months ago for throwing rocks at Israeli cars, and transferred to Ofer Prison, located north of Jerusalem. At the prison, he was mistakenly put with a group of detainees that were supposed to be released several hours later. As a result, the terrorist boarded a prison vehicle and left the facility just hours after his arrest. Prison Services Commissioner Lt. Gen. Aharon Franco dismissed the commander of Ofer Prison following an investigation of the incident. It was decided to transfer the commander from his post in charge of Ofer Prison to command the Holot detention center. The Holot facility is located in the south and holds hundreds of illegal infiltrators, who are allowed to leave during the day until lockdown at night-time. Due to the release of an inmate by accident from the Ofer Prison, an organizational investigative committee was established, stated the prison services. The Prison Services Commissioner adopted the recommendations of the committee, and a series of those holding positions were administratively judged, among them the prison commander. The statement concluded it was decided that the prison commander would be transferred from his position and appointed as commander of the Holot center. Post Comment 6. EU Pressuring Israel to Release Long-Term Terrorist Prisoners by Ari Soffer and AFP An EU parliamentary delegation on Thursday urged Israel to release long-term Arab terrorists, saying it was crucial to move a fragile Middle East peace process forward. We believe that the release of prisoners... is central to the peace process, said Emer Costello, who headed the EU delegation on a three-day fact-finding mission on Palestinian Arab prisoners held in Israeli jails. I think there is an acceptance on both sides, even with the members of the Knesset that we met, (of the) importance of the prisoner issue, Costello said. The visit of four EU MPs came as Israel was mulling whether or not to release a final batch of jailed terrorists, most of whom have blood on their hands, under its commitments to US-brokered peace talks. Israel agreed to release a total of 104 prisoners as a goodwill gesture to convince the Palestinian Authority (PA) to come back to the table as talks were kick-started by US Secretary of State John Kerry in July. It has freed 78 so far, but Israeli ministers have implicitly warned that should the PA not agree to extend talks beyond their April 29 deadline and instead pursue unilateral moves in violation of previous agreements, they will not release the remaining terrorists as scheduled on March 29. Even left-wing Justice Minister and chief Israeli negotiator Tzipi Livni said that the PA would need to prove its commitment to talks to secure the final batch. Israelis are extremely skeptical about the PAs seriousness about finding a real solution to the conflict. Several senior PA sources have openly said their only motivation in the talks was to release the 104 prisoners, not to reach an agreement with Israel. In order to advance serious negotiations, we will all need to take decisions and prove we are determined to reach an agreement and real peace. That burden of proof is also on the Palestinians shoulders, Livni was quoted on her Facebook page as saying yesterday. But the EU sees things differently. We would certainly hope that those prisoner releases would continue and would take place. It is important as well that there are people in custody who are actually pre-Oslo, Costello said, referring to the failed 1993 Oslo peace accords. From the EU parliaments perspective... we (have) expressed major concern about the fact that there are currently 11 members of the PLC (PA parliament) being held in custody... We would be seeking their release, she added. Costello said Israel had barred the delegation from visiting the prisons, confining the trip to meetings with Israeli MPs and local rights groups. Israel holds more than 5,000 Palestinian Arabs in its prisons, most of them for terrorist offenses. The release of 78 long-term Palestinian Arab prisoners since July has been welcomed by PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and by the PA public, especially jubilant families of the inmates, who saw their internment as political. But it has angered bereaved Israeli families, whose relatives were murdered at the hands of many of those released. Abbas told US President Barack Obama on Monday that releasing the terrorists would be a good step to demonstrate Israels seriousness about the peace process. Peace talks relaunched last July have made next to no progress, marred by bitter disputes over core issues, and Washington is fighting an uphill battle to get agreement on a framework proposal that would extend the process to the years end. Post Comment 7. IDF Chief of Staff Calls to Retake Gaza, Take on Iran by Ido Ben-Porat and Tova Dvorin IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz was unusually candid on Wednesday, declaring during a presentation to a high school in Gan Yavne that the IDF is fighting Israels enemies on all fronts. The Israeli Navy will be wherever we want them to be, Gantz noted in the speech, which was quoted by Channel 10. I have not even mentioned the dozens of classified activities the IDF carries out [to defend Israel], some of which happened over the last week and are happening as we speak. Gantz also discussed possible plans for the future of the IDF, and made clear that an armed conflict with Iran is not an impossibility. We can talk about shorter and longer ranges Gantz said, like Iran [. . .] which is not out of the IDFs range. The Chief of Staffs admission as such surfaces on the same day that one report claimed the IDF is actively preparing for a conflict with Iran in 2014. The students asked the Chief of Staff whether it is possible to stop the rocket fire at Gan Yavne and other southern communities, following the barrage of rockets which hit Israel in the last week. Gantz responded, If we want to make sure that nothing will come from there, we need to retake Gaza [...] its a problem we deal with every week. The decision to sleep on it is a strategic move, he added. Gantzs comments echo the sentiments of Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, who reiterated last week that Israel must retake Gaza to prevent more rocket fire from the Hamas-controlled territory. Following an attack like this - a barrage of more than 50 rockets - there is no alternative to a full reoccupation of the entire Gaza Strip, he said. Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz agreed. “Sooner or later we will have to take control of Gaza, in order to get rid of the Hamas regime,” Steinitz said. “We do not need to reoccupy it permanently, but we do need to remove from Gaza the option of firing rockets on us. If and when the moment comes when we must retake Gaza – and that moment is coming soon – the operation will have to be a very quick one,” said Steinitz. An operation like this is likely to be distasteful to Israelis, but there really is no choice, said Steinitz. “This really should have been done in 2012, in Operation Pillar of Defense, when they fired rockets at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The IDF entered Gaza and managed to halt the firing of rockets for a time, but I was of the opinion that we should have continued.” Israel withdrew from Gaza in the 2005 Disengagement Plan, which saw the withdrawal of all IDF positions and the destruction of all Jewish communities in the territory, along with the forced expulsion of the roughly 9,000 Jews living there. At the time, right-wing leaders had warned the withdrawal would worsen, rather than improve Israels security situation, and that troops would simply have to return to curb rocket-fire against nearby Israeli communities - a stance largely vindicated by the subsequent spike in rocket attacks following the seizure of the territory by Hamas, which prompted two separate counterterrorism operations. Post Comment 8. Muslim Rioters Attack MK Feiglin on Temple Mount by David Lev Two Arab rioters were arrested Thursday for attempting to attack MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud Beteinu) as he visited the Temple Mount. Hundreds of rioters threw stones at Feiglin and several individuals who accompanied him. Feiglin was forced to leave the site, and police took steps to break up the riot. As a result of the riot, the Temple Mount was closed Thursday morning to Jews and to tourists. Feiglin has been a strong advocate of Jews asserting their rights to pray on the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism. Last month, Feiglin initiated a Knesset debate on freedom of religion and Israeli sovereignty on the Temple Mount. Although Jews are technically allowed to visit the Temple Mount, the decision on whether or not they will be admitted is generally in the hands of the Waqf, the Muslim religious trust that controls access to the site. Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount is illegal. During the Knesset debate, Feiglin attacked the discriminatory management of the holy site, which is under the de facto rule of the Waqf. Jews are often forbidden from entering and arrested for having religious or national symbols. Behind the back of the people we have given up on any Israeli sovereignty on the Mount,” remarked Feiglin. “Any terror organization can wave its flag there -- the flag of Israel? Dont mention it even. And a verse of Psalms is pretext for an arrest. The police even recommend taking the kippah off your head.” After being forced to leave the site Thursday, Feiglin said that “the incidents today show more than ever that the Temple Mount is such a powderkeg specifically because it is clear to the Palestinians that violence pays off. Israeli weakness encourages this violence.” Police, Feiglin said, did an admirable job of protecting the Jews and tourists caught up in the riot and putting down the riot. “But cutting our visit short and clearing the Mount of Jews on the one hand while allowing the rioters to remain on the other left the victory in the hands of those who initiated the violence, and will only encourage more violence.” On Sunday, Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) was also forced to leave the Temple Mount after rioters threw stones at him. Then, too, police cleared the Mount of non-Muslims. “A reality in which rioters determine the days agenda on the Temple Mount, and prevent Jewish visitors from ascending [to the Mount], is unacceptable, Ariel stated after the visit. I went up to the Mount this morning, I intend to keep on doing so in the future, and I demand that security forces help keep Jewish sovereignty intact and allow any Jew to ascend to the Mount freely. The Temple Mount is Judaisms most sacred spot. Israeli police, in an attempt to appease the Muslim Waqf which was left in charge of the Temple Mount compound after the 1967 Six Day War, ban Jews from praying or performing any other form of worship. Police sometimes close the Mount to Jews altogether in response to Muslim riots - for days or weeks at a time - despite evidence that such violence is usually planned in advance for the specific purpose of forcing Jews out.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 21:42:41 +0000

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