WANTED - ONE PERSON WHO IS DETERMINED TO GET LEAN AND TONED! One of the four people I had booked in for this week has had to reschedule, so I wanted to open it up again. I have either Monday 1830 or Tues 1830 free. PM me. ------- Wanna know how to get a six pack in just 12 weeks?... and then triple your business in the next 10 weeks? Well I want to help. You see its what I have achieved over the last 5 months or so. Ive been looking back at what changed in my own head which lead me to drop 10% body fat in just 16 week, taking me from pretty average to pretty bloody ripped and a decent six pack. Plus how my body transformation has had a life changing effect on my business. A new found belief, focus and purpose has given me the confidence to do shit I would never have been able to do before, and Ive since tripled my Coaching business in just 10 weeks. One of my values which allowed me to find such focus and discipline during my transformation was the want to be the best, most influential Coach I could be, so I can continue to help more people achieve shit in their own life. So leading up to my FREE Online Workshop next Thursday Ive put aside four 15 min slots where I will jump on a call and together we can create the EXACT plan to help you sculpt that six pack you always wanted ... plus if your up for it Ill help you on building some focus in other areas of your life too. Theres no charge, I just want to help. I only want to offer these limited spaces to people who: - Are sick of being miserable with their life and body - Are NOT going to let their bullshit self-talk persuade them that they should start this in Jan. This is ONLY for action-takers and a no-go offer for sufferers of JANUARY-ITUS - Have failed so many times that you are willing to give something different a go, something which may actually work. If you wanna grab 1 of the 4 slots PM right now so you dont miss out, and we can chat.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 19:12:23 +0000

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