WARNING: FULL RANT ENSUED All this ignorance is CRAZY! People - TopicsExpress


WARNING: FULL RANT ENSUED All this ignorance is CRAZY! People really have lost their minds. If it hasnt happened near you, it will soon. Its like an epidemic, a plague, a problem with no foreseeable solution. People rioting when the cops kill an unarmed boy...did people riot when my friend was on his way to school in seventh grade and got hit by a stray bullet from a drive-by on his front porch? Did they not see the danger and the problem there where a young man wasnt even able to leave his house and go to school to better himself? No. Although the kid I knew DID survive, all Im saying is were a little late to try and fix things. We all of a sudden care when the killing is out of the normal but let us slay ourselves and oh its just another day. Im not saying not to get involved and try and find a solution but do it in ALL cases. On another note, may the young man who did die rest in peace and may his family eventually find peace after this event. I do think that some members in law enforcement can be harder than they need to be, that is a situation that also needs to be addressed but this is of no surprise, its been going on just as long as people have been gang banging. Moving on, Im reading about a large amount of Mexicans crossing the border. The solution here? Shoot them they say! Men, women, AND CHILDREN. I read one lady saying, Were protecting whats rightfully ours. No you idiot, youre trying to protect what was STOLEN long ago. Now I wont say that I dont like the life I have now, I know some things have been done for our society to be at the point its at today and Im sorry that the previous generations had to endure certain situations for it to be like this but at the same time Im happy where Im at. The difference is, at least Im acknowledging our wrongs, not acting as if Im entitled to everything, because Im NOT. We as a people need to be more aware of our surroundings and our situations and act on them the moment they start to deviate from the norm. Not sit back until things are out of control. That gets us no where. All Im saying here people is use your head. Please.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:30:11 +0000

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