WARNING ! For what, in fact, shot Kennedy ! John F. Kennedy - - TopicsExpress


WARNING ! For what, in fact, shot Kennedy ! John F. Kennedy - U.S. President killed per dollar The assassination of President Kennedy was one of the major mysteries of the twentieth century . Meanwhile, if properly understood the real device the world economy and world politics , no mystery in the bloody drama played out 50 years ago in Dallas , will not. Kill organized owners of the Federal Reserve System (FRS ) - the U.S. central bank . Private shops, creating a monopoly ( emitting ) dollars . The fact that Kennedy decided to bring the American state function to issue money and issued a decree number 11110 , which authorized the U.S. Treasury to issue the national currency , bypassing the Fed. Answer bankers did not wait . KILLED FOR DOLLAR ? Who in their country could go the way John Fitzgerald Kennedy . 50 years ago, November 22, 1963 , the 35th U.S. President John F. Kennedy and his wife rode in an open limousine for Dallas , when it was fired . The sight was terrible : a piece of the victims skull shot thrown on the hood , a distraught Jacqueline Kennedy spontaneously rushed to collect what else seconds ago was head of a smiling man ... The wounded president died after 35 minutes , without regaining consciousness . And in the minds of humanity, this death is still one of the mysteries of the twentieth century. Neither bullets or brain Oddities in this case is really a lot . There was a distinct lack of interest in the investigation of the investigation , despite the fact that the country was Attorney General Robert Kennedy , brother of the slain ! Despite this , the investigation initially began to contradict common sense. Take the path of the bullet . There are amateur kinozapis cortege : on the film can be seen that the body president at the time of the shot knocked back . A library where allegedly shot a former Marine 24 -year-old Lee Harvey Oswald ( officially it is considered the killer of John F. Kennedy ) , was behind the convoy , and a bullet fired from there was to push forward the victims body . These are the laws of physics! Next: rifle , which was not self-loading ( ie, need to juggle gate) Oswald allegedly made about 5 seconds to 3 shots . Later repeat this result could not best snipers . And Oswald was considered useless shooter ... The bullet that hit Kennedy in the head , there is no reason in the case materials . Official message sounds amazing , bullet broke up in the body president. Like talking about a piece of sugar , got into hot tea ... Mysteriously disappeared , and the brain itself the victim taken for examination. And then there was an unprecedented number ( more than fifty !) Mysterious deaths of people associated with the Kennedy assassination . The surgeon who performed an autopsy on the President , was found shot dead in his house . Crashed in a car crash taxi driver , driving Oswald . The same fate befell one of the witnesses to the Kennedy assassination , which saw two men firing from behind the fence . Were shot dead by a police officer and journalist who visited the house Oswald ... Oswald himself was arrested , he did not admit guilt . Two days later during transport from the police department to jail him quietly approached by an unknown and almost point-blank shot . Is it conceivable - so easily afford to kill a suspect in the murder of the head of state ? However, the murderer killer Jack Ruby waiting sad end : after 3 years he suddenly ill deadly disease and die suddenly . And all the ends go in the water ... Playing for high stakes Who could provide such a strange behavior of the investigation, such a strange security suspects, not to mention the weak protection of the president ? Obviously, a plot against the president (by the way , the word conspiracy sounded in the investigation committee of the Congress in 1979 , but then at the request of the special services the results canceled ) originated not from some external forces - the Soviet Union , Cuban , etc. No one was like would not do. Conspiracy originated in the American state , and in some parts of its mighty . But who in the U.S. would be advantageous for the death of the president? My answer is this : a few months before his death, Kennedy signed a decree number 11110 , which authorized the U.S. Treasury to issue the national currency , bypassing the Federal Reserve System ( FRS) . Behind this was read the Feds desire to withdraw from the financial game in which bankers had already overworked . But instead of the game brought Kennedys own ... Look at what is written on U.S. banknotes : «Federal Reserve Note», the Fed bill . Despite the fact that earlier, before the creation of the Federal Reserve, on banknotes wrote : «United States Note», ie bill of the United States. See the difference? Monopoly Fed to issue dollars (and is the most lucrative monopoly of the world! ) Rests on a single piece of legislation signed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913 Just one of such an act to break the monopoly . John Kennedy did not succeed (his decree number 11110 was not canceled , but not actually executed ) , but that it could try to make his brother - the same Attorney General ... 5 years after the death of John Robert himself ran for president . And on that day , when he won his partys primaries , he was shot under suspicious circumstances likely own guard. Interestingly, the murder of Robert Kennedy happened exactly five years after the signing of the decree itself , that killed his brother. It seems that the most influential bankers behind the Fed , filed sign : one clan , whose members tried to betray the system , U.S. policy is no longer any role will not play. And so it happened . Vitali recorded catchy . P.S. Here is an illustration of my words. Dollars produced ( emitted ) Fed . Written on them : «Federal Reserve Note», Fed bill . Dollars issued Kennedy became terrible numismatic rarity. Written on them «United States Note», ie bill of the United States. Details extremely confusing scheme emissions dollars before and after Kennedy , you can read my other book, The nationalization of the ruble. Way to Freedom Russia . This issue there is a whole chapter devoted . ( For the seed : Total since 1861 in the United States were produced twelve major types of notes . Source: Banknotes and coins of the U.S. Federal Reserve . M. InterCrim Press , 2007).
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 09:26:45 +0000

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