WARNING: Have Pepto Bismol nearby. Notice it only took 4 - TopicsExpress


WARNING: Have Pepto Bismol nearby. Notice it only took 4 minutes into the interview to mention Maritza, so predictable. So if Hodge is re-elected he is going to pass an ordinance to have me thrown out of the chambers, he doesn’t like being called on his shit does he, “obscene remarks” yeah how come it’s not obscene when you are at Starbuck calling me a “cunt”, huh? You can try to word it in any way you want but “questioning” & firing the City Manger are two different things. Why is it that he calls the councilMEN, Moreno, Castro, Kim & the when he refers to Hurtado he calls her by her first name “Maritza”, he cannot show her any respect cuz Hodge does NOT know how to respect women & does not consider them his equal. NO Hodge, your “Mayorship” SUCKED! “If I care enough about the people I want the best Police Department” so by “best” you mean supporting the dirty cops & the incompetent Puppet Tabarez you so much defend then please stop “caring” for us the citizens. “As a swing voter” you are pathetic. You defend Castro’s regarding his mayorship removal & yet you couldn’t wait to “heal the city” by removing Maritza from her mayorship, looks like retaliation to me, oh wait no you were doing what CPOA was telling you to do cuz “you support them”. “There’s nothing wrong with 3 being the majority” there is something definitely wrong when the 3 Amigos are the majority putting our city in jeopardy of losing our insurance with their meddling in personnel issues. LOL even the dog doesn’t believe the bullshit & barks when he says “I am professional”. I do agree with you Hodge when you say “we have the potential to be the best city in the Imperial Valley” but we need to get rid of you, Castro & Kim to achieve that. “Puppet Tabarez was going to create the proper chain of command” really Hodge & you are saying you understand, how is that? The chain of command is the Chief, Lieutenants, & then Sergeants & yet your Puppet had the Lieutenants on patrol & out of the building so the corrupt Sergeants could run the department, & you say the previous Chief had too many Chiefs & not enough Indians, & yet Tabarez had the biggest Indio running the show, what a crock of shit that comes out of your mouth. “Sometimes this Union is aggressive” you think Hodge? “They’re not an interest group” well I beg to differ cuz all they are “interested” in is their corrupt ways & not the welfare of the officers they are supposed to be representing. CPOA President Alarcon & Vice-President Casillas are a disgrace to that association & should be voted out by the good officers belonging to that association to get back on the right track. People we don’t need another 4 years of Hodge’s shit do NOT vote for him!
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 18:01:03 +0000

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