(WARNING LONG POST) After some deep thought and reflection Ive - TopicsExpress


(WARNING LONG POST) After some deep thought and reflection Ive realized something. I dont like being labeled as a Christian. I used to be very proud of the title. I felt it gave me a sence of identity. I dont feel like a Christian tho. I dont hate anyone, I feel insanely guilty when I know Ive passed judgment on someone. I try my best not to assume things about people. Yes I have my own opinions and morals but their mine because I chose them for me. If they inspire someone along the way, great! Im a bad christian because im pro-choice and pro-life. Im a bad Christian because I believe gays are born that way and God loves them as much as anyone else. Im a bad Christian because I dont attend church every sunday. Im a bad Christian because I use fouel language. Im a bad Christian because I like to flirt. Im a bad Christian because I like potty humor. Im a bad Christian because I could always be a better friend. Im a bad Christian because I do not tyth like I should. Im a bad Christian because I Lie sometimes.... so on and so forth All in all im just a sorry excuse for a Christian but what I do know about myself is WHAT I AM. Shawn Weldin is who I am. My name is just a way to identify me. But what I am is much more important. I am a son, a brother, an uncle, a Godfather, a cousin, a nephew and in some cases a friend. I am compassionate, I am forgiving, I am child - like, I am funny, I am a singer, I am an artist, I am an actor, I am both introverted and extroverted. I am open minded, I am symptomatic, I am impulsive, I am a spontaneous planner. I am simply a walking contradiction. Exodus 3-13 14 13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” 14 God said to Moses, “I AM THAT, I AM This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” This jumped out at me SO LOUDLY my head hurt. God says his name is... I AM. Does anyone realize what spectrum that covers?! God made man in his image, correct? I dont feel like thats just a physical reflection but a total reflection. Now I am not in anyway saying I am God. I am saying that God and We have the same emotions. God admits He is a Jealous God he wants us to put no other god before him... in the past when we have pissed him off what did he do? He punished us and flooded half the planet. He whiped out Sodom and Gamora for all the fouel and nasty crap they did. (There is a reason its called sodomy, its foul and disgusting acts). He gave Samson the strength to destroy a palace with his bare hands! But it was not through his hair... it was through his faith! I guess what I interpreted is that We are as God is we just dont have nearly as good of a grip on our emotions and impulses as He does. We have ruined ourselves. We could be greater then we imagine but we constantly ruin it buy only thinking of ourselves. God gives... even to those who dont believe in him... he gives. He expects nothing when He gives because if he did... no one would be blessed with ANYTHING. But he gives to receive. Praise and worship to God arnt for his ego. They are simply different words for LOVE. and when you truly love you give... you give all of yourself and then some with NO expectations of reciving anything. To serve is give. To give is to love. Even if you have nothing. Giving can be the time you give to pray for someone. Giving can be showing compassion. Giving can be listening to someone without saying a word. Giving can be... wait for it... Loving the sinner dispite their sin! I dont agree with A LOT of peoples opinions or actions. But I loveem... you could piss me off to the breaking point... but Id still help you if you needed it! Just like God... people turn their backs on him... they damn him... they reject him... they insult him... and yet he STILL GIVES. So to sum it up... I dont want to be called a Christian. I want to be called a Giver because God GAVE us his son, his son GAVE us his life... And I feel not one person deserved those things... but God and Jesus didnt care what we deserved... They GAVE anyway.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:38:53 +0000

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