WARNING MORE RANTING AND OPINIONS FOLLOW KEEP SCROLLING: I dont talk politics very much and for many issues I try to stay out of it because of uncertainty. However, one thing Im certain of is that the future is now and we should have hover-boards/cars(electric ones), portal guns and most importantly abundant clean energy. GUESS WHAT! we pretty much have all of those things in the works except for the portal gun.. damnit. Living the future means more than what we do as individuals on a day to day basis. We need to adjust our system. Im not calling for a full on revolution(although others are), but when corporations own our government and policies WTF are we to do?! I have conservative friends and I mean not to offend, but the fact is the majority of this party is bought and greatly influenced, if not controlled, by big corporations, namely oil, coal and tar sands(coughKXLcough). Im not pointing fingers at republicans in general and Im sure there is corruption on all sides. But its very hard to argue against this when theyre pushing for KeystoneXL(thank goodness that hasnt passed) and passing bills like this one here. Yes the article is biased, but really what do industry experts have to do with environmental science besides protecting their companies interests? The current structure is problematic because it excludes industry experts, but not officials for environmental advocacy groups.- Doesnt exclude scientist for environmental advocacy? Maybe because every freaking scientist out there knows the uncensored scaled and implications of this ongoing catastrophe! We would have no scientists... Industries have their $billions$ that include them in our government plenty already. But what do you think? Do my conservative friends mainly support their party members for their standings on other issues(lets keep this ambiguous for the sake of staying on topic)? Do people not know or acknowledge the level of corruption? Or maybe nobody really cares about these issues when they probably should. At least a little. Friends what do you think give me something? Get money out of politics? Yes? No? P.S. I would consider myself a part of the green party if I really had to pick.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 20:22:05 +0000

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