WARNING: RANT AHEAD…This is MY page, this is MY post, this is MY - TopicsExpress


WARNING: RANT AHEAD…This is MY page, this is MY post, this is MY opinion…IF you agree with what I’m about to say, great. If you don’t agree, that is perfectly fine too. Just be respectful please. With that said… One thing I’ve come to love about DSM is the local music community. There is so much amazing talent here; really it’s a blessing. I love going to shows and discovering new bands. What I don’t like is the attitudes of some when they think that they are better than someone else, that they’re entitled etc. Whether local OR national, there seems to be a lack of understanding of the word SUPPORT. You go to a show, you show up for everyone. Whether you are there to see the headliner or the opener or the band in between. You buy your ticket, you make a night of it, and you don’t ask “What time does your band play?” Don’t leave right after. Stick around and SUPPORT ALL THE BANDS. So you say well, I don’t know that band, I’m not familiar, I came to see this band only. Bullshit. You just might discover that those other bands, are pretty freakin amazing and the next thing you know, you’re a fan. Isn’t that how the “one” band you came to see became that band? I guarantee you didn’t always know who they were or what they sounded like or if you would like them. You go, you SUPPORT and you discover something new and probably awesome. Along with that, when a show is booked, it is determined at that time who the headliner is and which order the openers go in and for how long each band plays, set change, etc. Sometimes things happen and minor changes have to be made. Okay, fine. Here’s where that “Support” thing comes in again…When you have to flip flop the order you play in, you have to do your best to roll with the punches and adapt, but you don’t play your set and LEAVE. It’s one thing when the ‘one band fan’ leaves the gig without seeing the other bands play. It’s another when that band also bails out without supporting your fellow artists. Yes, things come up and you can’t always stay. Not talking about that, I’m speaking of those that are there for themselves and the hell with anyone else. It’s also not cool when you are the headliner…the star of the show, the band that is probably 90% of the reason the venue is jumpin, that you are all the sudden no longer the headliner and you flip spots with your opener. Especially when you are a NATIONAL act and you insist on playing before your local opener. What do you think is going to happen here? You’re the band everyone came to see, when you’re done, people will leave, and then YOU leave. A full house suddenly becomes a half house. Another stellar example of not supporting the art. You were new once too…just saying. But you play, everyone is up front, having a great time, and then you play longer than you’re supposed to, which then screws that last band even more. Because now, the change-over is rushed so that hopefully, their set doesn’t have to be cut short, and most of the crowd is gone except for that band’s true fans. Just a dick move. I go to a lot of shows, I’ve discovered a lot of new bands and a lot that I become a fan of because musically they sound great, they put on a great show and they turn out to be super cool people off stage too. But when I see shit like this, I lose all respect for you, I don’t care how good you sound.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:15:56 +0000

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