WARNING! RANT FOLLOWS: There is a video circulating locally of a - TopicsExpress


WARNING! RANT FOLLOWS: There is a video circulating locally of a guy recording himself driving through a safety checkpoint in Dekalb. This guy appears to think his rights are being violated. It turns out, this guy is an idiot and was demonstrating the very type of behavior that would make a police officer suspicious of someone. Furthermore, he was clearly baiting the officer in an attempt to cause a scene of some sort. Police officers have a very difficult and, at times, thankless job. They have an incredibly dangerous job as demonstrated by the hundreds of officers that are killed in the line of duty each year by bad people with no respect for humanity or the law. To actively try to show police in a bad light is to do police, the law, and society a huge disservice!! Groups like cop block or any other asinine group that perpetuates the thought that police are out to get you are simply that, ASININE! Im not so naive to think that there arent bad cops. They are human beings, inherently there will be some that are bad. That statement can be said for anything that has a human element. So to conclude this rant, please stop sharing this jackasss video. He doesnt deserve the notoriety.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 16:53:55 +0000

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