******WARNING RANT STARTING IN 3...2...1.....Some people really - TopicsExpress


******WARNING RANT STARTING IN 3...2...1.....Some people really just do not understand or comprehend what it means to be a single parent....Im not asking for pity or sympathy just understanding..understanding that when my son is sick with the flu I need to be home with him I cant pawn him off on someone else bcuz he is MY son and my responsibility I dont have a husband or boyfriend who stays at home and takes care of things so I can focus on work..U may have a significant other who can stay at home takingn care of the sick child while u go to work to earn the money but I dont have that options...its just me its all up to me....all the bills all the expenses the housework the cooking everything....u might be able to come home enjoy time with ur kids while ur significant other cooks dinner and cleans then enjoy some peace and quiet while they get the kids ready for bed well I come home and immediately start dinner while dinner is cooking I clean/play/read/fix broken toys:kiss boo boos/do dishes then after we eat its bath and bed...u go to bed at 8 maybe 9 o clock while I am lucky to get to bed at 10 or 11 only to wake up a few hours later go do it all over again.....like I said I dont want pity or sympathy...just some understanding that not only am I a full time kick ass worker I am also and most importantly a full time kick ass mom...being a single parent is a juggling act...its learning how to balance work, home, family, friends, and if you are very lucky some semblance of a love life all at the same time while forever feeling like one of these things isnt getting the attention it deserves. So please do not give me that disappointing misunderstood pitiful look because I choose to put my son above all else. *****RANT OVER*******
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 02:22:13 +0000

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