WARNING: VERY GRAPHIC. Seriously. Do not watch if you have a weak - TopicsExpress


WARNING: VERY GRAPHIC. Seriously. Do not watch if you have a weak stomach. I dont share this to glorify violence, but to show you what the effects of shot placement are. This is video of a police sniper in South America taking out a hostage taker. Its only 0:15, but it is a very visceral lesson. One shot, one kill, no luck, all skill. Lessons: 1. Shot placement is key. This guy needed to be dead NOW. The way to do that is to shut down the computer. Great marksmanship by the police officer to do just that. 2. This is also a great lesson in the effect of a rifle round. A handgun can be this effective if it penetrates the skull, but a rifle round is devastating. This is why I recommend a rifle for home defense and for TEOTWAWKI. Even a .223 is far superior in terminal ballistics than any handgun round. 3. I do appreciate the Marine Corps motto that every Marine is a rifleman. Likewise, every self-defender should be a passable shot with a rifle. Best way to build this skill? Hunting. If you can hit a squirrel under time pressure at 25 yards in a tree with a 10/22, you can make this kind of shot. If you can hit a cotton tail rabbit at 50 yards, you can make this shot. If you can put a shot in the correct spot on a white tail deer at 125 yards, you can make this shot easy. I hope to high heaven you never have to, but you never know! 4. You prepare for the emotional toll of a gunfight by knowing in advance what to expect, by mentally preparing for the need to take a human life to protect your loved ones, and by knowing what emotions youll have ahead of time. Watching and processing videos like this are part of that preparation. Attitude. Skills. Plan.
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 01:00:00 +0000

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