WARNING huge post due to people asking for updates. It’s a - TopicsExpress


WARNING huge post due to people asking for updates. It’s a “weird” time warp that is happening at “Mt Morris” Station. Sometimes it is almost surreal – the events over the past few months do take their toll on family. All families who are in similar or worse situations than us go through the same “roller coaster” of emotions and the inevitable deaths that happen during these stressful times forced upon families. Individual families must do what is right for them. For those families who are on this site, stay strong; do not be influenced by those who are “self appointed experts” on your individual situations. Do not give into undue pressure by bullies. Those “experts” in my own personal experience are usually the ones who have something to hide, or are bitter shallow people themselves who view life in general in a negative light. Cut those people out of your lives, or dismiss those who make ill informed comments and gossip. They are truly ignorant and arrogant people who have no compassion for any other human being and would rather make up lies than admit and acknowledge the truth. The only people, who matter, are indeed your family members. The only people, who know how sequences of events happened, are indeed yourselves. Stay true to yourselves; make decisions now in your best interests. The horror stories that are emerging are almost beyond comprehension. People speaking to their financier’s representatives “Relationship managers” in what the customer believed in good faith were two way conversations only to find that nothing could be further from the truth. Clients mislead is a nice way of putting it. Clients manipulated is also what we are seeing and hearing about. Verbal undertakings and advices from their “Relationship Manager/s” would be honoured or acknowledged – only to find that their “Relationship Managers” apparently “have no memory of those conversations” are disgusting to say the very least. It has become only too frequent by so many people on the land that all financial institutions are guilty of this behaviour in one form or another. The repercussions of those omissions from “Relationship Managers” have had catastrophic consequences for businesses on the land. But more horrifically, families of the land. The articles below on this site, highlight those who are in Receiverships – again, too many too be “getting it wrong” yet, there is no respite, no mercy, no help, banks are machines designed to have a “fee fest” and then obtain a “tax concession” for their “write offs” of debt. Debt, it really is an interesting word isn’t it. Is debt what you willingly incur? Most people would say yes, and rightly so. However, what about debt that is not willingly incurred? Receivership fees – they are exhorbandent . Then the Legal fees that Banks add to your debt – outrageous – just like Receivers. Then there are added costs, for example valuations of your property (rural or urban) these costs are added to your account, however, you are never permitted to see the instructions for the valuations, nor are you permitted to actually see the valuation...clients are treated once again with contempt. So are all these extra charges “willingly incurred”? Or are they forced to cripple people? “Mt Morris” most certainly has had its fair share of tough times and good times since settlement in 1866. Now, in 2014 “International Year of the Family Farmer” is no different. Lately here at “Mt Morris” there has been much activity with re sealing of earthen tanks, more cameraing of bore infrastructure to help increase flow rate – with outstanding results. We are very pleased with our achievements here as well. Much fencing maintenance as well. Kangaroo explosion into the area is huge, so this is a job that has had us with a team of 6 out in the paddocks maintaining the fencing. It is a never ending job that has due to circumstances beyond our control been unable to be addressed until lately, now it is being addressed at a rapid pace. As are the Kangaroos! We are being kept very busy here as well. Great news that the Carbon Tax has been repealed. We have always been against that tax for a number of reasons. However, as many are aware about the Carbon Credits that was featured on the front page of “The Australian” by Sue Neales (a member here on the site) reporter, this is still going ahead for “Mt Morris”. As explained much further down this site front page, the CFI (Carbon Farming Initiative) is not, never was it dependant on the Carbon Tax. Needless to say there has also been a lot of paperwork going ahead there as well. Much work with the Tourism side of the station, hoping to be able to reopen soon as well. Then, a little surprise out of left field. I have been in discussions with touring throughout Australia and doing speaking functions..a bit like “A conversation with Cate”...so that could be interesting too – there is much more happening, but one day at a time I guess. More to give much consideration too. There has been the never ending paperwork being sent back and forth as we prepare to refinance – ticking all the boxes. This is no easy process in normal circumstances, but with the situation we are forced into, it is very hard (understatement of the year). Third parties applying pressure when there is so much being done that they are unaware of to secure refinancing is nothing short of a “hindrance” and could even jeopardise a successful outcome. If that happens, there will be some breaking news on this site With the drought still going strong, and the next 12 months it appears to be set to continue, the fencing, water supplies and the feed reserves on the station must be managed to the highest possible standard, and they are. The outlook for Widebay Burnett region, Darling Downs, Warrego and Maranoa areas are shocking to be frank. “Mt Morris” is located on the border really of Maranoa / Central areas. While these areas will still be impacted on by the drought, the station itself is in a prime position with feed and water to be able to whether the dry period that is set to continue and be able to produce sound livestock with ongoing active animal husbandry practices. The River flats at the moment are a mixture of condition. Some parts are bare. Other parts are covered with a variety of grasses, with dominant species Mitchell and Flinders grasses. These grasses are known as “fattening” grasses. Other varieties on the station include “Buffel” of course, with “Warrego”, “Kangaroo” and “Mulga Oats”, and many other species. Then the timber types, of course with a bountiful supply of low edible Mulga – our “haystacks in the sky” and thousands of acres of tall Mulga reserves to be rolled if and when necessary. Many guests to the station have often remarked they are surprised by the country type here on the station. They incorrectly assume it is all red country, hard and nothing grows here but Spinifex. Nothing could be further from the truth. Brigalow country, Gidgyea, Coolibah, Currajong, even a Bottle tree – with so many more species of trees. Soft undulating country traverses the station, in every paddock – even those with harder ridges (which are vital for watershed areas). All people of the land know, that a balanced property is one that has soft country, and harder ridges for watershed – this is vital for seasonal water and makes properties able to be utilized efficiently. Equally the balance of cracking clay soils reds, browns, grey and black soils – it is always getting those nutrients out of the soil ;) Management, management, and management is the key to development in strategic. “Mt Morris” has indeed been managed in key areas by all past owners – there is no doubt about this. It appears that all past owners of this wonderful station have indeed had the same thought patterns, and taken the time to develop the station in the correct areas. No one owner has ever been able to finish development of the station, nor could one expect this to happen – it must be developed slowly and in key areas to keep it sustainable and viable into the future. There is one sand hill on “Mt Morris” and it is tiny – I still have not found Spinifex on it yet either! Its covered in Buffel and other grasses. Not far from one of the river anabranches, and near the only recorded “Canoe Tree” on the Langlo River system. This was verified by an Aboriginal Elder we invited to the station to do an inventory of all of the station. It was a terrific experience to be part of over a week or more. Finally, we are trying to share as much as we can on this living history aspect of the station, our family, while at the same time give people strength to carry on and show how we as a family are coping. I will not ever go into too many details of course. After all, this is the World Wide Web. Our children are wonderful support – their words echo to us their parents “Fight to the last, do not give up ever, fight for us!” While some will make judgement on their comments, as parents we do not care what others think – and that is the beauty of our little “Stuart family” no matter what we will always turn and face things head on, and be there to support each other. So we encourage others, stand strong, no matter the outcome, support each other, argue/ disagreements behind closed doors, but never in public – it is always family first, as it should be, and you will make it through these tough times one way or the other. Believe in justice and we know it is hard at times to believe in it... However, I think this next clip I have made speaks volumes, not just for our family, but for many people – you go on for your family, your children and grandchildren..after all, they are “A piece of my heart” as your families are a piece of your heart. youtube/watch?v=2aoU3zeN_8U
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 09:19:41 +0000

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