WAS LIFE ACCIDENT OR INTELLIGENCE Charles Darwin and Stephen - TopicsExpress


WAS LIFE ACCIDENT OR INTELLIGENCE Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawkings discovered everything we know about life and all there is to know - The Big Bang and Evolution. We are an accident of Nature and we are all descended from this accident. With the infinite celestial bodies in an infinite sky, does that mean we are the only species, because the chances of us being an accident are astronomical, so therefore, surely this planet must only be the only planet supporting life according to their theories. According to Charles Darwin, we all share a Common Descent. We all have a Common Ancestor. He proposed the survival of the fittest. He proposed Natural Selection and intended it to be compared to Artificial Selection (Selective Breeding). Can you see a pattern emerging here? Adolph Hitler proposed Selective Breeding with his ideas for a Master Race. Is it any surprise, therefore, that Charles Darwin’s sons, Leonard Darwin and Charles Galton Darwin, were member of the British Eugenics Society. A society that championed the idea of selective breeding amongst humans. They wanted a Master Race. This is why you are taught Darwinism within the education system, so that you will get used to the survival of the fittest and a Master Race that will be imposed during The New World Order that the Illuminati are trying to bring in. If you don’t believe in The New World Order, just google it and see how many times the USA Presidents mention it. Look at the dollar note, The New World Order is there in front of your eyes. Stop being indoctrinated by these Eugenicists. Start thinking for yourselves. Do you really believe that we are an accident? Do you really believe that we can be the only species in this infinite Universe?
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 17:30:59 +0000

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