WATER CRISIS EDITORIAL: I keep hearing the word responsible - TopicsExpress


WATER CRISIS EDITORIAL: I keep hearing the word responsible thrown around by a lot of people when talking about fixing Lake Eries algae situation. Made me wonder what ‘responsible’ really means. We have real soul searching to do here. We cant simply throw money at this problem. That wont do it here. That’s just passing the buck to future generations. Thats the easy way out. Those of us that live in the cities in northwest Ohio, need to take ownership of this issue. The water that comes off our roofs, driveways and streets goes straight into a strained waste water system. Adding enormous amounts of untreated human waste and phosphorous into our waterways. We boat, swim and drink in those rivers and lakes. Think about that. Existing neighborhoods need to work together to do their part, building rain gardens, putting rain barrels under gutters and stop pollution from reaching storm drains. New neighborhoods being build everyday need to seriously consider these measures as well. Yes, of course farmers will have to work to find ways to cut back ever more on runoff. They have done A LOT of work over the past 20-40 years but more must likely be done. This is not just a ‘farmers issue’ here. Teachers will have to continue to teach new generations just how fragile our ecosystem right HERE truly is. As a society have lost perspective and taken advantage of our resources. A few weekends ago we paid the price for a short while. How long could we lose our water for next time? I’m as guilty as the next person here. I’m not talking down to anyone. As a community and as neighbors to each other it is something we simply can’t ignore any longer. We need to start taking steps forward. I hope many of you agree. Please share this post if you do.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 01:18:24 +0000

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