WATER IS NOT FOR SALE: IT IS HUMAN RIGHT NEED OF POLITICAL EDUCATION BEYOND AWARENESS Blue gold mines spread two third of our earth.Nature has gifted us abundantly indifferent forms in lakes,rivers,sea and great oceans,icy mountains and a great Antarctica. We celebrate DAYS of national and international importance. To day It is World Water Day.Both officially and in different forms in public spheres days carrying socio-cultural importance is observed such as international women day or human rights day or world literacy day or days of birth or death anniversary great men and women.What concerns me most of the observing forms confines to simple awareness or campaign or publicity without catering political and ideological education to masses. Fear of hiding colour is the main reason to keep distance from debate and discourse in political education. I want to put my point in brief . How we view water and other inevitable essentials of life that is product of nature. I put some questions for public to debate. 1. Water is a human need or a human right. 2, Is water for sale as commodities? 3. Is water is common heritage of human community or be left as negotiable element in market. 4.Is right to fresh water is to treated as fundamental to life and be placed under right to life. 5. When billions of people world over are deprived of fresh water why we allow business on cold drinks and liquor. 6 . Is trade on drinking water be banned? One liter of packed water costs equally one liter of loose milk. 7. Water is natural resource like mining and forests. Is there a need of comprehensive policy to protect water to arrest the kind of growing loot and plunder as taking place in mining? Are mining mafia less dangerous than water traders. PLEASE VISIT MY PAGE AND COMMENT Like · · Promote
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 18:36:27 +0000

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