WE ARE IRELAND, WE ARE SCOTLAND WE ARE AMERICA...................!!!!!!!!!!!!! (WE ARE THE WESTERN CELTS) WE ARE THE VERY PEOPLE THAT, SAINT PATRICK, and JULIUS CAESAR HATED.................!!!!!!!!! I Hereby Reclaim My Rightful Throne of Ireland which belongs to Me and My Family from those who illegally Rule Over It namely the English Establishment Under the Direct Authority of the Holy Roman Empire...................!!!!!!!!!!!! (THIS IS THE 1ST COUNCIL OF NICAEA UNDER THE DIRECTION AND LEADERSHIP AND CONTROL of THE LATE, ROMAN EMPEROR CONSTANTINE, FOUNDED BY THE LATE ROMAN EMPEROR OF THE LATE ROMAN EMPIRE)...........!!!!!!! This Is The 1ST Council of Nicaea The Creation of An Illegal Institution Known As The Christian Church and The Spreading of The Myth and Lies of Jesus Christ (THE DIRECT FABRICATION OF A LIE) THE JESUS CHRIST MYTHOLOGY. Who all here is Familiar with the Illegal Non-Legal Established Secret Ancient Organization called the Council of Nicaea and its Leader known as King or Emperor Constantine the Leader of the Early Roman Church....???? Not many people know that it was Emperor Constantine who was directly In-Charge of the illegal Council of Nicaea and Created An Illegal Institution out of their clandestine Agendas in order for them to build the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. I want this Illegal Organization EXPOSED ALL 900+ YEARS of It All..............!!!!!!!!!!! (I AM DAMN PROUD TO BE CELTIC AND A BARBARIAN) I AM STANDING UP HERE AND NOW I AM TAKING A STAND......................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I STAND UP TO ANY ROMAN I AM NOT AFRAID TO STAND MY GROUND AGAINST ANY TYRANNICAL ROMAN OPPRESSOR I WILL NOT BE RULED BY ANY ROMAN NOR WILL I SUBJUGATE MYSELF TO ANY. I WILL CONTINUE AS A CELT AND AS A BARBARIAN I WHOM I COME FROM A VERY LONG ANCIENT LINE OF CELTIC BARBARIAN PEOPLES OF NORTHWESTERN EUROPE WILL NEVER EVER BE RULED OR CONTROLLED BY NO ROMAN. Julius Caesar Is A Liar and An Enemy of The Druids. -- Julius Caesar he created a Lie and Fabricated a False Story the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar he lied about the Druids and Pagans in order to gain support for his Military Campaign against the British Isles just like how Our Leaders Today lie about Groups of People in order to gain support in order for them to go to WAR. Julius Caesar is a Complete Idiot A Real Moron...........!!!!!!!!!!!! Screw You Julius Caesar your nothing but Dung and Shit underneath my Feet.............!!!!!!!! (I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE) It is time to REWRITE THE HISTORY and the Story Line of Julius Caesar once and for all and start a TRUTH CAMPAIGN in order to help Educate others of the True Essence and Historical Accuracy of Real Truthful History once and for all. I come from a very long Ancient Ancestral Line of HIS ENEMIES and I do not THINK KINDLY of that HORRID MAN I am not Impressed by him at all and I am a Proud Irish and Scots/Irish and I also come from the line of the Pre-Celts and Celts. I am far from being Impressed by Julius Caesar I do not think kindly of that man and I can say with a Straight Face that I am Proud to be Irish, Scots/Irish and I am proud to come from the line of Pre-Celts and Celts. He was a WAR MONGER he attacked BOTH OUR PEOPLES there is not doubts what so ever that he Attacked Our Ancestors he Hated Our Very Peoples. I cannot Forgive that nor will I ever Forget that either I will hold on to my Anger and my Distaste for Julius Caesar that man is Guilty of the Deaths of Our Peoples and has THEIR BLOOD upon his Hands. Some of those men may be Evil and Tyrants in all but they will never pale in comparison to the most EVIL MAN in ENTIRE WORLD HISTORY and that is and shall ever will be Julius Caesar the True Enemy of the Entire Celtic Western World Society. Evil and very Bad People in fact these EVIL MEN would gladly Serve as Evil Minions to Julius Caesar if they could they would gladly serve him because they See themselves in him. All of these Evil and Tyrannical People have what is known as a Julius Caesar Complex where they try to Rule and Conquer in a certain Way just like how Julius Caesar did. I do not Have Greco-Roman Ancestry I come from a very long Ancient Line of Irish and Scots/Irish Ancestors the name Keys comes from the Irish and Scots/Irish name of MacKay ie MacKai which is Gaelic and Originates from the Celtic Tribes and even Pre-Celtic Peoples. I am a Full Blooded Irish and Scots/Irish I come from a very long Ancient Line of Celts and Pre-Celtic Peoples of Northwestern Europe since the time of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Stone Age Post-Ice Age period. Variations and Septs of the NAME (MacKay & Keys) -- Mac Aoidh, Mac Aodha, McKay, MacKey, MacKay, Kay, Key, Keys, Keyes generally is the Same Family just different Branches of the Family Tree that dates all the way to Scotland from Originally Ireland Originally of GAELIC ORIGIN. This here (MacKay & Keys) -- Mac Aoidh, Mac Aodha, McKay, MacKey, MacKay, Kay, Key, Keys, Keyes Meaning that I come from a very long Ancient Ancestral Line of Ancient Irish and Scots/Irish people I come from a very long line of Celts and Pre-Celtic Peoples. That dates all the way back to Paleolithic and Neolithic Stone Age Ireland I come from a Early Stone Age People of Hunter Gatherers known as the Tuatha De Danann. They are the ones who Built the Stone Megaliths of Ireland and Scotland they were also known as the Stone Builders because they had Built Large Standing Stone Circles and Erected Large Stone Pillars. They are also known and called the MEGALITHIC IRISH they Invented the MEGALITHIC YARD a Measurement System of Construction and Land Layout. This is the Exact Ancient System and Practice just Like Pan-Celtic Paganism and Druidism ie Pre-Celtic Druidry and Celtic Paganism and Stone Building and Construction that Julius Caesar and the Entire Roman Empire tried to squash and to Destroy. Julius Caesar and his Entire Roman Military Army went after every Celtic Tribal Kingdom and chased after every Celtic Chieftain and King and even went as far as to go after. Every Celtic Pagan ie Celtic and Pre-Celtic Druid, Arch Druid and Pagan Priests and High Priests of this. Most Beautiful and Ancient Order of Europe in order to USURP his own Authority over the Entire Celtic Pagan European World one thing on his mind was the TOTAL CONTROL of the CELTS and PRE CELTS and to total Destruction of the DRUIDS. AMERICAS DRUIDIC PAGAN PAST..........!!!!!!!!! (WHAT REALLY MAKES UP THE ANCESTRY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) The People of The United States of America is Mostly Made Up of Irish and Scots-Irish EXILES Those Were Chased Out and Kicked Out of Ireland and Scotland mostly because they were. Druids and Pagans those who did not live by the Doctrine of The Church or who gave up their Druidic and Pagan Traditions they were Persecuted by the Church since the Arrival of Saint Patrick to Ireland as he once said I HAVE CHASED THE SNAKES OUT OF IRELAND. The Name AMERICA roughly Translates as the LAND OF THE SERPENTS the SNAKE represents Spiritual Wisdom and Earth Based Spirituality with Nature living One with the Earth and being One with Divine Nature. Our Irish and Scots-Irish Ancestors were Ruthlessly kicked out and chased out of Ireland and Scotland they were oppressed and they lived in under Violent Ruthless Regimes and Tyrannical Governments of Rulerships. Mostly every Irish and Scots-Irish Descendant living in the UNITED STATES TODAY are Descendants of Irish and Scots-Irish EXILES those who were Kicked Off of Their Own Lands and were kicked out and barred from ever returning to their OWN HOMES and their OWN Farms or own Castles. Our Irish and Scots-Irish Ancestors were Striped of their PRIDE and their DIGNITY and were constantly under Brutal Attack from those of the ILLEGAL ESTABLISHMENTS of RELIGIOUS, POLITICAL and ECONOMIC Systems of control they came under a constant barrage of Attacks against them. You would have had Priest Kings otherwise known as High Kings or Druid Kings who ruled under the Guidance of a Druidic High Priest and High Priestess the King would have gotten his Wisdom and Guidance of the Spiritual and Druidic Leaders but not no more. Remember what they did in Mainland Europe in the DARK AGES they Burned anybody who was a Practicing Druid and Pagan were Burnt alive at the Stake or they were Hanged or were sent to the Guillotines it was a WHOLE SALE SLAUGHTER and PERSECUTION OF DRUIDS and PAGANS under CHRISTIANIZED EUROPE. The United States of America was founded by the Very Snakes that Saint Patrick Kicked and chased out of Ireland he said in his own words that I HAVE CHASED THE SNAKES OUT OF IRELAND what is AMERICA mean in Etymology within the Etymological Meaning behind the name of AMERICA it means Serpents or the Land of The Serpents. In the very Early Flag of the American Revolution was the Yellow Backdrop Background with a Coiling Snake on it that said DONT TREAD ON ME we ARE THE PAGAN SNAKES that was KICKED OUT OF IRELAND in fact Serpent Mounds are found all over the United States of America. Saint Patrick did indeed KICKED OUT THE DRUIDIC PAGAN SNAKES out of Ireland and where did those go they came here to the NEW WORLD and became the EARLY AMERICANS of the COLONIES. The United States Constitution is a PAGAN DOCUMENT and was created by PAGANs we are a Nation Created and Founded Upon Paganism thats a fact and it is Historical Fact we are indeed Descendants of the Very Snakes That Saint Patrick Kicked and Chased Out of Ireland. Let me say this again the very Early Flag of the American Revolution was the Yellow Backdrop Background with a Coiling Snake on it that said DONT TREAD ON ME we ARE THE PAGAN SNAKES that was KICKED OUT OF IRELAND. At some point down through History they were Originally Druids and Pagans long before they were Ever Christians, Jews or Muslims there is a BIG CHANCE that they became Christians, Jews or Muslims when OUR PEOPLE became Invaded and when OUR KINGDOMS was taken over by. History does not lie the Original Spiritual Traditions of Our People the Scots-Irish People were Druids and Pagan they practiced the Traditions of the Irish and Scottish Gods. Look up the Druidic and Pagan Origins of the Scots-Irish People they had Druidic Pagan Spiritual Practices and even had Temples. I am one of the Most outspoken Anti-Roman, Pro-Celtic, Pro-Greek, Pro-Druid Paganism, Pro-Hellenistic Greek, person and Individual I fully Support a Paganistic Celtic Europe under the Guidance of the Druids and. I also fully support a Classical Greek Hellenistic Pagan Greece under the Direct Guidance of the Hellenists, Greek Pagan Leaders, I believe in the Restoration of the ORIGINAL OLD EUROPE both WEST and EAST EUROPE and to go back to Ancient Paganism. Western Europe would fall under and be controlled by the Gallic Empire of Gaul under the Direction of the Druids and Eastern Europe would fall under and be Controlled by the Greek Empire of Greece under the direction of the Hellenists of Greece. I have been mostly have been all my Life an Outspoken Anti-Roman thinker and Believer I am and have fully been against the ROMAN ESTABLISHMENT and anything that is and happens to be ROMAN period I believe in the OLD WAYS. I would lead the Charge and the Wave of Change in order to bring Europe Back Under The Pagan Fold I would gladly do it and be in charge of leading the Charge for the Restoration of OLD ORIGINAL PAGAN EUROPE. I would bring back both Druidism and Hellenism as the Two Main Faiths and Traditions of Europe. (THE DANGERS OF PALESTINE, ISRAEL, & ROME to that of ISLAMIST PALESTINIANS TO THAT OF EXTREME ZIONISTS ISRAELIS and the THREATS POSED UPON EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PEOPLES of ANCIENT CELTIC ie ARYAN ANCESTRY) Nothing is more Dangerous and more Vile then Islamic Extremists and British Israelitists we must be very aware of the Problem pertaining to Extreme Islamic Groups and British Israelite Groups nothing is more Dangerous to that of Celtic Civilization and European Aryan Celtic Identity and Our Pagan Druidic Roots then. Extreme Religious Institutional Agendas created by non other then the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH of the Roman Empire we must be alert to Anti-Celtic and Anti-Barbarian Ideals and Philosophic Views of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and that is Extremely Anti-Pagan and Anti-Druidic CREATED BY THE ROMAN ESTABLISHMENT. The Christian Views of A Messiah and a Savior to that of Jewish Selectivism Chosen People and Supremacy to that of Extreme Islamic Hate of Whites and of European and American People those of the White Community also to. Replace Celtic Aryan Identity with that of either Islamic Views or Christian Views On History and Theology to that of Jewish Manipulation of Historical and Religious Facts pertaining to Ancient Celtic European History and Heritage. There is no Such thing as Yahweh, Allah, Muslims, Jews or the Authenticity of Christian Identity and History for that Matter they were all Fabricated and Created by the Roman Establishment under the Direct Authority by the Roman Empire in order to gain Full and Total Control over the Masses of European People in order to Destroy Their Ancient Celtic Aryan European Identity and Ancient Pagan Druidic Roots. My mission is to stand Up and Defend every Pagan and Druid those who have been Persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church and the Illegal Council of Nicaea created by Emperor Constantine and Pope Zachary. I will fight hard to Undue the Nicene Creed those of the Early Church in order to bring about the Liberation and Restoration of OLD PAGAN DRUIDIC EUROPE I will not rest until I have undone the Council of Nicaea and the Nicene Creed created by those of the Later Roman Leaders of the Late Great Roman Empire. ` Not to Mention the Destruction of the Pagans and Druids of Europe ie Old Northwestern Celtic Europe after the Gallic Wars when the Gauls fought against the Invading Roman Military that is when they were after every Pagan and Druid Priest in. Old Celtic Europe of the Iron Age in order to USURP their Rule and Authority on the Rest of Europe under the direct Grips of Control under the Authority of ROME. It was a Conspiracy to destroy and to Kill the Pagans and Druids of Old Celtic Barbarian Europe they really wanted Ireland and the British Isles the Most their man goal was the Capturing of the Britanny including the Stone of the Kings of Ireland. They were after the Capturing of the Ancient Pagan Drudic Celtic Irish Kings and those who Ruled all of Albion the Isle of Briton itself and to Usurp the Ancient Druidic Order for their own Control over everything and everybody else. Britain was their Ultimate Prize including the Destruction of The Bronze Age and Iron Age Kingdoms. The Entire Bible both the Old Testament and the New Testament are really Roman and Egyptian Myths and Creations and was finally minted in an Invented in the 400s by the Late Great Roman Empire. (THERE WAS NO ANCIENT ABRAHAM NOR A MONOTHEISTIC TRIBE OF FOLLOWERS EITHER - THERE WERE NO 12 TRIBES OF PEOPLE) Next up I will show you the Pagan Origins and Non Monotheistic Origins of the area of the Fertile Crescent known today as Mesopotamia and its Ancient Pantheistic Polytheistic Origins under Forgotten Pagan Kingdoms that Believed in Pagan Pantheism in The Form of Polytheism yes Mesopotamia and its Pagan Origins and its MANY DIVERSE DEITIES AND GODS and GODDESSES. The Ancient Fertile Crescent was a Pagan Landscape under the branch of Pantheistic Polytheism this is the True Heritage and Culture of the Modern Day People of Mesopotamia they have completely. Forgotten their Own Ancestors and who and what they followed and Worshiped the TRUE MIDDLE EAST Was once a Pagan Kingdom and was NOT MONOTHEISTIC as well the Ancient Middle East region was indeed a Pagan Polytheistic Non Monotheistic Landscape under the Branches of Ancient Pagan Pantheism...................!!!!!!!!!! Dont be fooled Abraham never ever Existed he too is also a Lie created and Fabricated by the Same Exact People. The name Israel and Palestine are both ROMAN CREATIONS do not be fooled between Israel and Palestine they are of the Same Branches of Roman Fabrication and Roman Creation Israel and Palestine were both Created to cause Chaos and War between Two Fictitious and Fabricated Peoples. This is a Call for the 1ST Council of Pagan Druid Priests and the Creation of the First European Pagan Druidic Apologetics I hereby Create The Council of Pagan Druidism and the Office of Pagan Drudic Apologetics...........!!!!!!!!!! I have the Blood of the Ancient Kings running through my Veins...........!!!!!!! The Same Exact Blood that Flowed Through The Ancient Celtic Barbarian Pagan Druid Kings runs down deep within me and flows all throughout my whole Being through my Veins their Blood is also My Blood............!!!!!!! I know who the Hyperborean Barbarian ie Celtic European Holy Grail Blood Line is I found out who is of the Ancient Paleolithic, Neolithic Stone Age- Hyperborean Barbarian ie Celtic European Holy Grail Blood Line it is members of Tribal Clans, Tribal Kingdoms and Members of Tribal Septs of Paleolithic Neolithic Stone Age Northwestern Europe. This Sacred Grail Line or Blood Line is not of the Jesus type nor is it related to that of any Member of any Ancestral Family that comes out and or from the Middle East. But originates from the Great Far North, of Northwestern Europe and happens to be of the Ancient Traditions and Lineages of. the Ancient Irish High Kings of Ireland ie the High King Cormac Mac Airt of the Royal Court of Tara Hill, Meath Ireland. I come from a very long ancient Line and Lineage of High Kings of Ireland who would later on become the Founding Fathers and Members of the Scots-Irish Kingdom of Dalriada, Albion ie Alba my Ancestors became the First Kings of Scotland in the 400s AD. Hyperborean Barbarian ie Celtic European Holy Grail Blood Line is where I come a very long Ancient Ancestral Line and Lineages of Celtic ie Barbarian Warrior Tribes and Tribal Kingdoms of Northwestern Europe also a very long Ancient Line of Ancient Pagan ie Druids and Celtic Priests and Barbarian Spiritual Leaders. I have connections to Ancient Barbarian Ireland and to Early Celtic Scotland before the time of the Arrival of the Anglo-Saxons and Norman Invaders as well and long before the Invading Roman Armies of the Roman Empire as well. Most of my Ancestry and most of my Ancestors back then were Pagans and Druids they fallowed the Old Nature Based Astrological Based Spiritual Systems of the Earth and of the Stars. The Ancient Kingdom of Gaul, Ireland and Scotland are intertwined and interwoven within the Fabric of my Familys Ancestors and we have a very long held History in the Ancient British Isles and the Ancient Kingdom of Gaul. I am a Descendant of High King, Cormac Mac Airt, the High King of Tara, Hill I have the Blood of the Ancient Irish High Kings and the Early Irish Kings of Early Scotland flowing and Running through my Blood and Veins as well. I come from the Line of Cnel Lorne and King Niall of Ireland and the Linage of Cormac Mac Airt I know that I have the Blood and DNA of the Ancient Kings running right through me and I know that I have their Spirit and Soul as well and I have always wanted to finish what My Ancient Ancestors first Started.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 00:46:12 +0000

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