WE DESIRE TO REFLECT JEHOVAH’S GLORY As Jehovah’s servants, - TopicsExpress


WE DESIRE TO REFLECT JEHOVAH’S GLORY As Jehovah’s servants, we certainly want to honor and glorify our Creator in everything we do. All too often, however, what we desire to do is not what we do. Paul had to contend with that problem personally. (Read Romans 7:21-25.)Explaining why we have such a struggle, Paul wrote: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:23) Yes, through inheritance from sinful Adam, mankind became subject to the harsh mastery of ‘King Sin.’—Rom. 5:12; 6:12. What is sin? It is anything contrary to Jehovah’s personality, ways, standards, and will.Sin mars a person’s relationship with God. Sincauses us to miss the mark, even as an archer can shoot an arrow but miss his target. We cansin intentionally or by mistake. (Num. 15:27-31)Sin is deeply ingrained in humans and creates a barrier between them and their Creator. (Ps. 51:5; Isa. 59:2; Col. 1:21) Thus, mankind in general is completely out of harmony with Jehovah and misses the priceless opportunity to reflect God’s glory. Unquestionably, sin is the worst disability afflicting humankind. Despite our sinful condition, Jehovah has proved to be “the God who gives hope.” (Rom. 15:13) He has provided the means for abolishing sin—the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. By exercising faith in that sacrifice, we are no longer “slaves to sin,” but we are in a position to reflect Jehovah’s glory. (Rom. 5:19; 6:6; John 3:16) Maintaining this approved relationship with God guarantees us Jehovah’s blessing now as well as the future benefits of perfection and everlasting life. Although we are still sinful humans, what a blessing it is to be viewed by God as individuals who can reflect his glory!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 17:02:10 +0000

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