WE R SO MUCH USED TO NIGERIAN STORIES WHICH WE R NOT SURE OF! READ MY LITTLE LOVE LIFE MEHEM! A long story but Worthy I just remembered one lady used to say n call me a Witch just because the guy who at that time she expected to date chose me over her and after few months of us dating and almost finalising our Friendship to a Relationship this lady hard from me all the progressive plans and because she was a very good friend of mine (thinking) I used to tell her every Detail! Brethren be Warned because she n another pastor friend of her whom we used to minister together that time planned something Evil that worked for them! The pastor advised this lady on how to separate us,that she may have the guy. I know many are how is that gonna happen what if the guy is not interested in her? Now the Best part is that this lady used to call the guy and they used to meet in the morning but their meeting was not Genuine since they were doing it hiding from everyone since Our Dating was Legal and theirs was Stealing! Hahahah Im loving this! Now this pastor hated me personally because God was using me powerfully in Praise and WORSHIP and she felt threatened by the outcome and the comments after the service! Sasa this two people were Lead by the evil spirit of Jealous which lead them into planning on how to End My happiness and so the plan was the lady to take the guy to church office and make him sign Engagement Book which must be signed and because him and I no one knew about that book,the guy was taken to the office one Sunday, remember Queen Essy is on the Altar ministering to God and (HAMAN) in the form of a pastor or a friend is Betraying me in the office! Woiiiiiuii men sometimes u need to wake up because, when the lady was dating or seeing this guy in secrets she was asking him,WHY CANT U JUST TELL ESSY U DONT WANT HER? and the Guy Answers NO I CANT TELL HER BECAUSE I DO LOVE HER AND AGAIN I RESPECT HER AND THE ANOINTING OF GOD ON HER!And this lady would all the time go home frustrated because after that she could call another lady whom they walked together about her frustrations and how she cried all that time. But now after the guy was asked do u love this lady here? He answered YES! The pastor cared less about the feelings about me so Immediately she pooled the Engagement Book and He was told to sign it and He had no Option but to do it! Guys theres something I want us to know, I DONT REGRET LETTING HIM GO I JUST LOVE MY GOD WHO SAW GREATNESS IN ME AND HAD BETTER PLANS FOR ME BECAUSE I SAW KENYA BUT GOD SAW AMERICA! Sometimes we hold on very cheap things While God on the other side Holds our Greatest Gifts! Let me continue with the story. ....After they forced the guy to sign the book seeing that was not Enough they dint stop from there No! Queen Essy continued Serving God powerfully and that killed them! Now one Friday we were having a Kesha after I finished leading my part because we used to lead in patterns I saw they guy calling and since I knew he knew very well Tuko na Kesha or overnight Vigil, it was Awkward for him to call me at that time of ministry! I run out and called him back and as usual I called him hi Swirly! LOL Mmmmmmh Answers Hi how are you? Said Im Blessed. Asked him dint u know we are having A Vigil tonight? He said I did just dint want to come. Said Ooooh ok! So whatsup? He said Essy this is Difficult for me but please understand me,its a long story will find time n tell you but meanwhile the meeting We was to have on Sunday Im calling to say I dont want to have it please understand me! I was like WOW! OK .....Felt like going straight to the Loo but I felt PEACE IN MY STOMACH! I DISCERNED GODS HAND AT WORK! . At first I was shocked but I felt calmliness in me. We finished talking then I hurriedly went back! I guess the gal was somewhere watching because we used to serve in the same church. That time our Bishop was in south Africa for a mission together with first lady and they were coming back that weekend. So on Monday he was told everything and He called me for a meeting since I am the Praise and WORSHIP Leader to tell and ask me about the whole issue and we had a very Successful meeting Laughing out Loudly like nothing happened! But I recall BISHOP mentioning that, that week he dreamed with me and told his wife the first lady that they need to pray for me! No wonder I felt PEACE WITHIN! People of God its good to have Parents praying for their children because their PRAYERS made me Strong! Now I want to cut this story! After I let go this guy I meet another now (thinking)Love of my life of which was another man cooked by Satan to kill me personally because this one almost took my breath away! We started Dating and things went on well but this two ladies again dint feel good! They Now after 6months FASTED 3DAYS DRY FASTING SO THAT I MAY BE TERMINATED OUT OF CHURCH AND MINISTRY Which they succeeded because after their fasting the same lady I left the guy for happened to see us together at 8pm together with now my current guy at the bust stage waiting and talking and she Immediately called the other pastor and I dont know what they talked about because I saw her holding her fone talking, and the next Morning at 7AM I was given a Termination Letter and my two weeks Salary! I felt so Shocked! I almost Fainted! I went back to church cried came out Devastated! Lots of Questions without Answers! But God DID ALL THIS BECAUSE NOW I AM A WALKING TESTIMONY! I went through Hell with this other guy because he started cheating on me with my Closest friends it was a Battle that I will Never Forget! Having looking at myself NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY GOD REFUSED THIS TWO MEN TO BE PART OF MY LIFE! Its my Prayer that this X will finally get his wife and stop playing with peoples feeling because what you plant is what you SAW! Guys Let Go what u think is yours because God is not a Confused God! The lady who called me a Witch gave birth to a child with Disability even now she still thinks Im a Witch! But IF I AM THEN ITS GOD MY CREATOR MY WITCHDOCTOR! BE CAREFUL WHOM U MESS WITH BECAUSE LIKE MODECAI GOD FIGHTS FOR HIS SERVANTS! Stop playing games because being a friend to a servant does not give u a mandate to Insult them! Now having Read this dear ones where are you Now?
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:51:10 +0000

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