WE SERVE AN AWESOME GOD! The God we serve parted the Red Sea for - TopicsExpress


WE SERVE AN AWESOME GOD! The God we serve parted the Red Sea for Moses and the children of Israel, and they walked across the seabed on dry ground. He rained manna from the heavens for forty years for their provision. He caused sufficient water to gush from a rock in the barren wilderness to refresh the children of Israel and all of their livestock. He held the sun still for Joshua as Israel fought to achieve a military victory in the valley. He muzzled the mouths of lions for Daniel. He walked in the fiery furnace with the three Hebrew children who would not bend, now or burn to the idols of their world. His Son, Jesus Christ of Nazereth, was born in the womb of a virgin, defying medical science and agnostics. It was a miracle for the ages. That Son became the healing Jesus, the miracle-working Son of the living God. He healed the lame, the deaf, and the blind. He healed blood diseases and leprosy. He healed paralytics with nerve disorders. He healed one on one, and He one on one, and He healed the masses. He healed long distance when He healed the Centurions son, because THERE IS NO DISTANCE IN PRAYER. The Bible says: Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. What He did on the shores of the Sea of Galilee in Israel, he can do for YOU today at this very moment. He CAN do it, He WANTS to do it for YOU right NOW! AMEN (Life challenges, your opportunities - Pst Hagee)
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 09:36:35 +0000

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