[WE-THE-PEOPLE… HAD SOME KIDS] By W. Calvin Anderson - TopicsExpress


[WE-THE-PEOPLE… HAD SOME KIDS] By W. Calvin Anderson Dec. 4, 2014 1619 to 2014 tell the Arawak Native American and the rest of Red People Nation that all white men are pious and justified in their aggressive indiscretions and how indictable the choirs are singing… the means justify our ends (?). The spirit and letter of law is balanced and flexible as long as the scenarios show up for hereditary principle and the right zip codes. History says, some American kids do read the Bill of Rights, Constitution, Federalist Paper No. #51 creedal ideas. Some kids jumped off their beds and flew for seconds as Superman, Lois Lane, Spiderman and __________. Some viewed annual memories of hangings, fire hoses, murders and King-sized dreams, literary giants telling dreams-deferred and looking-up at personal and scholar/practitioner practices of sushi-sized contempt like h’orderves. But the history of the nation also said There were Abolitionists, Quakers, a John Brown, the 50’s-70’s civil rights movement Goodman, Chaney, Swerner… There were 1980’s kids on campus’s at Ivy league schools said divest from Apartheid in South Africa and Mandela was president in ‘88. Today In 2014… and the power of Fannie Lou Hamer was evoked and young people who write, read and think digitally say, “enuf” and they be “tired of being sick and tired” of listening to the rhetoric and the disengenuine. Tired of seeing fangs and contempt that they can only show a mirror for. Tired of the biblical stick in our social eye, and the patriotic hymns that don’t include the kids of the folks that fought every war. America has joined the world since 2008 in reform and has joined the world in practical democratic turmoil. The power of silence… The power to “die-in”, in the third century crossing the color-line a live and well in America ‘our beautiful’ making Kennedy’s, Johnson’s and King proud. Stopping rhetoric about racism and confronting the word that needs to make the dictionary “disingenuine” a double-standard foster-child of the truth and trends that wrecks our souls and global purpose. Young organized marches confronting obvious contempt for everything black from president to people. We brush our teeth with it each morning on radio and tv. We shoot at ourselves in games and play. The kids of America More Beautiful show resistance in peaceful and powerful thought-out demonstration. They close the arteries of cities and show contempt for an ugliness that has become macabre smelling decay as every atrocity is negate able, fashionably legal more ‘status quo’ Eclectically academic cynically cool.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 08:44:52 +0000

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