WEEKEND=WEAKEND Respite is here... there is no radiation on the - TopicsExpress


WEEKEND=WEAKEND Respite is here... there is no radiation on the weekends :) My glowing cabasa may cool down for a few days, LOL. My four-year-old was my coach for treatment one... got on the intercom A LOT! KJ: Mommy... I LOVE YOU! Mommy... you are doing great! POOP BUTT! What a charmer! LESIONS ELEVEN The Battle Plan is to do these ten radiation treatments, then tackle the lesions with the Gamma Knife Procedure. I have a secret wish that the Gamma Rays officially turn me HULK. Most of them are small, but there is one on my brain stem, and a large one on my cerebral cortex... the section of the brain that helps with balance. Speaking of which: B-A-L-A-N-C-E: BALANCE!!! My submissions as of late have touched on my ideologies and thoughts about overindulgence, bordering upon that of hedonism and excess... or maybe I just ruminate on the topic in my swiss cheese brain so much that I think they have. Seriously... I have the distinct sensation that I have awoken in the Quantum Leap Accelerator, and am facing mirror images not my own. But, I digress... Again, not dealing in absolutes: I would express that my confirmation bias for this next statement is unique to that of my perspective alone. However, it may be a fair assumption based upon my discussions with others is that many of us quest for the secrets to long life. To chose the salubrious and pious life, void of vice and spice... should it extend our existence to that of Methuselah, would we be weighed, measured, and found wanting? Should that ever occur, would there be a stagnancy and loss of spontaneity due to the even greater increase in the misconception that we are creatures who possess an abundance of time. The long and the short of it all... is that we know not the hour of the day, (and to regurgitate further words of wisdom), and we should not go gently into that dark night. Though it should hold no fear for us... the subversive truth may be to take all things in balance. Eat well, but enjoy a small treat once in awhile. When someone commits a small transaction, balance it with a smile and a kind word. Defend you and yours when required, by all means... but, then release the negativity so that it does not possess power over you. BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE For ten years in my service to the citizens, I was invited into the homes of many a desperate parent; at their wits end, and begging for a complete stranger to help them. They would see the suffering of their children, and quest for an empathetic voice to reiterate the lessons they were attempting to impart upon their offspring. I would stand in their living rooms, kitchens, kids rooms, etc... and give 45 minute diatribes on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Often, I would ask them: Why does someone chose to live a good life? Sometimes I would illicit a response... often just a trite, Because it is the right thing to do? The point I would articulate was that bad things happen to good people... it is the nature of life. The difference... good people often have other good people behind them. Those that chose to do wrong only have others that will stab them in the back and leave them in the mud to wallow alone. As of late, I have also seen that the inherent good of many people extends beyond that of who this jaded cop felt as worthy. I have never been so happy to be wrong. Through refinement and retrospection... I have seen that what someone deserves is a crap-shoot. All everyone truly deserves is the right to pursue their happiness as they see fit. STRUGGLE IS A FOUR-LETTER WORD Connotation and perception are so intertwined and correlated in my brain that they are two lovers huddled close in a dark theater, locked in an embrace so tight that one cannot tell where one starts and the other ends. The power and meaning a word has becomes generally accepted by the public to the point of alteration in many cases of the actual etymology of the word itself. History is rife with said examples, particularly in light of the recent resurgence in the written word in the form of chat, blogging, and, ahem... status updates. I think, and I may be incorrect, when I hold the belief that the word, Struggle, has a very negative connotation. Struggle can be the catalyst for growth... the cattle prod for cataclysmic reform. As I have stated before... we all fall. We all struggle. The challenge is to harness the immense power and get busy living, or get busy dying. DESTROY THAT WHICH IS EVIL... SO THAT WHICH IS GOOD MAY FLOURISH Not to suggest that we should take up a sword of vigilantism... donning capes and speaking in hushed grumbled tones behind face-obscuring masks. The real evil exists in the indifference of good Men. I tell my children every morning before releasing them into the world, Make good decisions! Today is a new day! Be a leader from the front! My seven-year-old related a story of how these words helped him in a confrontation at school in which I was proud of his actions and conduct. From his perspective, there was a young boy who got frustrated with him while waiting in line. After being pushed, my son simply walked to the back of the other line and allowed the teacher to handle the incident appropriately. He did not subject himself to abuse, nor remain in the situation and escalate. He chose well. Sometimes the fight is within. My army has the fight within them. Take my musings for what they are worth to you, and stay fierce!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 05:46:08 +0000

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