WEIRDNESS AGAIN. I suffer from weirdness--psychic happenings that - TopicsExpress


WEIRDNESS AGAIN. I suffer from weirdness--psychic happenings that have no reason or explanation. I wish whatever it is would ever tell me exactly what it wants. Or is it just my subconscious channel surfing? Yesterday I suddenly decided to change the password at some websites. I was trying to think up something when ....popped into my mind. I liked it and changed it and autoreply e-mails confirmed it (I do have proof of that). That same evening I watched for the first time more episodes in the Covert Affairs Season 3 I had been following on Amazon Prime. The first episode ordinary. The next featured the password I had chosen in huge black letters above a restaurant and on a check on the table at the restaurant with the password and amount $11.99 (read 911 in reverse), It was printed in gigantic black letters in two places so that no one could miss it. The scene took place while Annie Walker was in a coma after being shot by her boss Lena, a double agent. A couple more episodes and final episode opened with a gigantic red neon sign over the front of the restaurant--the password I had chosen/featured name in the show--and now Annie is recovered and meeting with the father of the man who was killed in the explosion outside that restaurant in the previous episode a few weeks back. The episodes were broadcast 11/2012 so are not relevant now--or are they? All I know is this often happens to me--I see the scenes of the episodes in a series before they are broadcast. But here is the philosophical/scientific weirdness--I am seeing my future (the episode I havent seen before), but I am not actually seeing the future because it has already happened--the video, TV show, movie has already been shot, months or even years in advance. It is not seeing the future but the past in my future, so it is actually what in the mystical realm is termed clairvoyance. To see clearly from afar from the French. So I do not know until something happens and the pieces fall together, whether my subconscious mind was just channel surfing the Universe, or whether there is some clue to an event. I just wish whatever is doing all this would clue me in. I had noticed that the third season of the series added a new name for the production--Hypnotic. I was wondering why whoever produced the series would change the name, and Hypnotic combined with the emphasized name that I unwittingly chose for a password (before I saw the episode) made me suspicious that there was some conspiracy to embed some key word into suggestible subjects for some ulterior purpose. Or some intelligence agency is experimenting with identifying and selecting suggestible people for some purpose. Im immune because I saw through it. Now I have to go back and undo the password at the websites.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 22:07:03 +0000

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