WERE GOING TO MAKE IT WITH DAD UPDATE: 10/1/14 - 1st Dr. Appt - TopicsExpress


WERE GOING TO MAKE IT WITH DAD UPDATE: 10/1/14 - 1st Dr. Appt Day (Chronicling The Faith The Size of A Mustard Seed) Dads Were Going To Make It Tour has done a lot of traveling with the mind, body, and spirit. Today we met Dr. Drappatz, Neuro-Oncologist, (Brain Cancer Dr.) I like to keep things simple :) Dr. Brain and his colleague did a very detailed test which didnt require any technology, just their hands, ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. After 10 radiation treatments that all took place in Albany, Dr. Brain of Pittsburgh decided that Dads 5 senses are all using brain strength! Yes, the messages between his senses and the brain are running much clearer! Praise God!!! Thankful God created technology for radiation treatments. The radiation will continue to work for the next 6 - 8 weeks kind of like those Z PAC antibiotics. Dad will return to see Dr. Brain in for another MRI and check up in 6 weeks. Dr. Brain said, I am very optimistic! We all did a happy dance with Dad while he sat in his chair :D Tomorrow, Dad will see a Lung Oncologist. We will call her Dr. Lung, but I have to share her real name because it has God meaning to Dad of a special memory. Her real name is Dr. Villaruz. One of my Dads favorite memories of a few years ago was taking a trip over to The Republic of Belarus which is bordered by Russia, Ukraine, and Poland. He met some wonderful people and came home completely humbled by the love of God seeing people who live without almost anything still praising the Lord for what they do have. Dr. Lungs last name is pronounced very similar to a favorite God memory. Dr. Lung will meet with Dad tomorrow at Noon. Will fill you in tomorrow on when they plan to start treatment and what it will be. Your prayers are working! Dad is feeling the effects of the radiation a little more today. His hair is tends to fall out a little more each day, and although he would like to shave it, his head is sore from the radiation treatment. So our dog, Guisseppie will be happy to know that he is not the only one to blame for shedding around here ;) My mom and I made it to Pittsburgh safely yesterday. We left NY at 2:30pm because taking a trip is like making a grocery list; one always seems to have one more thing to add before they leave. We pick up a little red basket really knowing we should have just gone ahead and got the cart. hahaha... Anyway, we arrived around 10:15pm last night, exhausted. My mom lost her cell phone before she ever left, but of course, we didnt know she lost it until after we left. We will be picking her up a new phone; however, until then, she is out of commission with a phone. Who said, just because we made it to Pittsburgh, there would be physical rest! :) I also have to share that along the way, Mom and I got sleepy. Very sleepy. The night before my mother told me a true scary story, which I wont share now, but it kept me awake the whole night. So off we drove God completely guiding our way, literally. We stopped for a break jumping out of vehicles with slurred speech and both said, I can hardly stay awake! and then we laughed, filled up on coffee, and just like they do on games shows, I phoned a friend for prayer to keep us awake. Getting back in the car, I immediately was awake with Mom and their kitty, Missy, following behind me. As the light of the day darkened, I noticed with every passing mile, Mom was still having a difficult time in staying awake. On our last stretch, after eating, she still followed. God gave me the thought, Use her senses, Laura! Well, when Gods speaks, I obey. For a few miles, I sped up to a good rate of speed and then I would slow down. When traffic thinned, I changed lanes often. Then God added to both of our senses with some beautiful lightning strikes, and rain that poured faster than the wipers forcing us to be completely awake to our surroundings. The only thing we could see were the brake lights of the cars in front of us guiding each of us from one red light to another. Just as we arrived a few blocks from home, the rain let up to a sprinkle and then the love came pouring out of our home from our family who had been so impatiently waiting for our arrival. Yes, it was good to be home! Funny thing is 14 years ago on October 1st, was my anniversary of moving myself and our three older children to Pittsburgh for a New Beginning. And now almost to the day, my Mom and Dad have moved to start their New Beginning here in the Burgh as well. Funny how God knew that 14 years ago, they too would follow. :) Life requires us to use our senses. It is so important to know how to use them so we are not led off in the wrong direction. Today, we learned that God is healing Dad because his senses were using messages from his brain. Mom senses of exhaustion could have led her off the road into an accident, but God helped her to use her senses with messages from her brain. God continues to teach me to not listen to others negativity of darkness, but to follow His Light! May each of us connect our senses to The Light Of Jesus!!! If it keeps us here on earth for a little longer, then yes, be thankful, if His light brings us home to Heaven, then be even more thankful! To be with Jesus is everything no matter where you are!!! Connect your senses to God! He will always lead you no matter what path youve ended up on whether it was by choice or not. Remember, two thieves, hung on a cross because they were guilty. One denied the spiritual sense to follow Jesus while the other used amazing spiritual sense, and he followed Jesus right into Heaven! To the robber on His right, Jesus said, Today, I will see you in Paradise! :D I know it was a long post today, but when God speaks wisdom to my heart, I listen because I still have so much learning to do! Jesus is listening to your prayers!!! Thank you to all of our friends and family whether we have personally met or not!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 01:42:04 +0000

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