WHAT A LESSON The TRANSCENDENCE TO THE LAND OF THE BEYOND of this great Amazon,who even in death received and was showered with such an unquantifiable amount of encomium(s),has really portrayed that we as living beings,must always have at the back of our minds & be conscious of the way,we;in course of our day to day activities,interract with our fellow men.How will the society & our generation in general,react after we must have serve them in any capacity we were been called to render our services. Are you called to be a Preacher,always preach,so that men will constantly return all praises to their Creator(GOD ALMIGHTY),because you were the much needed catalyst that helped in reforming and moulding them to becoming a responsible and prolific characters. Are you called to teach,teach with the undiluted passion to impart, transform & affect lives.Do reprove your students with love,knowing fully well,that what goes around comes around. Are you called to be a doctor or even a nurse,please do make sure you (constantly)abide by the codes of conduct or Laws Hippocratic Oath of your practice,in keeping to the ethics guid(e)ing the Medical Profession,putting the health of your Clients foremostly,not demanding or insisting on the deposition of Peanuts from a dying Patient.Who knows,that same person,when saved,might in the future treat your Children or any of your family member(s).As a businessman or woman,what report will your customers give about you,if they are to be interviewed on how you handled them today?Do you always lie to them with so much flagrancy or do treat them with uttermost scornfulness or disdain. In fact,the list is endless... The Late Professor Dora Nkem Akunyili of the blessed memory,of a truth,paid her dues,during her sojourn here on earth,and in the same vein saved the lives of countless and innocent Nigerians of all ages.This and other enormous + gargantua acheivements of hers will forever endear her to the hearts and subconscious being(s) of many. SLEEP WELL,the former first Lady of NAFDAC. Peace...
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 07:16:52 +0000

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